Oregon State x2 NBA Dallas Atlanta / Boston x2 Lakers x3 / Houston x2 over / under Charlotte / Miami over Orlando x2 / Cleveland under San Antonio x3 / Indiana under OKC under x2 Phoenix x2 / Sacramento x2 over / under Minnesota NHL Minnesota Atlanta/Florida UNDER
Sacramento x2 Cleveland x5 / San Antonio x2 under x3 Houston x3 / Portland x4 under x2 Knicks x2 / Toronto x2 Denver x2 over OKC x4 / Indiana over Philadelphia Phoenix over New Orleans x4 / Utah x3 under Charlotte Clippers MLB Phillies x3 under Dodgers NHL Vancouver Blackhawks/Blue Jackets UNDER Sharks/Ducks UNDER NCAAW UConn
Sacramento x2 Cleveland x5 / San Antonio x2 under x3 Houston x3 / Portland x4 under x2 Knicks x2 / Toronto x2 Denver x2 over OKC x4 / Indiana x2 over Philadelphia / New Jersey Phoenix x2 over New Orleans x4 / Utah x3 under Charlotte Clippers MLB Phillies x3 under Dodgers NHL Vancouver Blackhawks/Blue Jackets UNDER Sharks/Ducks UNDER NCAAW UConn
North Carolina x3 / Michigan State under x4 MLB San Diego x2 / LA x2 over x2 Houston under St. Louis / Pittsburgh under Angels x3 under Seattle x2 / Minnesota over Baltimore over Cleveland over Florida x2 / Washington Detroit Arizona
MLB LA Dodgers under Cubs x2 / Houston x2 White Sox x2 / Kansas City x2 over Angels / Oakland under Philadelphia x2 under / over Boston x3 / Tampa Bay x2 under x2 Milwaukee over Florida over Seattle x3 / Minnesota Detroit x2 over Arizona/Colorado UNDER x2 Pittsburgh / St. Louis over NBA Portland x4 Knicks x3 Philadelphia x2 / Charlotte Atlanta/Toronto UNDER Miami x2 / New Orleans under x2 Orlando x3 / Houston x2 under x2 San Antonio / OKC under / over x2 min/clippers UNDER NHL Phoenix Washington/Atlanta UNDER Grand Salami OVER total goals
Antoni -Toronto -Philly +4.5 ML under -New Orleans +4.5 ML -Spurs -5 -Portland -7 -New York +7.5 and the over ML -Wolves+2
MLB Florida x2 / Washington Cincinnati x3 under Tampa Bay / Boston under Oakland x2 over Atlanta x2 / Philadelphia x2 over Cleveland x2 / Texas over cubhou under x2 Pittsburgh over x2 Milwaukee Minnesota x2 Kansas City over Yankees / Baltimore under Arizona / Colorado over Detroit Dodgers over NBA Dallas x2 / Utah x2 over x2 Memphis / Orlando under Detroit x2 under New Orleans San Antonio over Denver / OKC minnesota/golden state UNDER NHL Columbus
I miss this. I like to look at it. Texas x2 over x3 Angels x4 over SF x2 (one is RL) Cubs TB x3 / Baltimore x2 Atlanta x2 (one is RL) under Colorado x2 (1 is RL) Dodgers over x2 Mets Kansas City x2 Houston White Sox over Cleveland over x2 Cubs over Reds -1.5 Pirates/Reds UNDER Lakers / Portland Phoenix x2 San Antonio x3 / Utah x2 over New Orleans under x2 / over gs nj Cleveland x2 Charlotte x2 Sacramento under Toronto x2 Calgary Predators/Wild UNDER Stars/Ducks UNDER Columbus
NBA Chicago okc x2 under detroit / indiana Orlando x5 utah x2 minnesota MLB dodgers angels x2 / boston x2 yankees Houston x2 / stl x2 under x3 toronto x2 under cubs x4 philly x2 over seattle x2 kc x2 / yankees sf washington under mets van/col under Senators/Leafs UNDER Lightning/Thrashers UNDER
White Sox x2 Tampa Bay Kansas City under Cincinnati over x2 Oakland x2 / Seattle under Angels x2 under / over Cubs x2 / Milwaukee x2 over San Francisco x4 Texas x4 under x2 / over Toronto x2 / Cleveland over Mets / Florida under Atlanta x2 Arizona Houston under Philadelphia NBA Philadelphia x2 / Toronto over x2 Miami x2 New Orleans x5 / Dallas x2 under Cleveland x4 / Boston x2 under x2 / over San Antonio x2 Memphis x2 NHL Chicago Islanders
Yankees x4 over Kansas City x6 / Cleveland Cincinnati over x2 St. Louis x3 Florida / Atlanta Arizona x2 bal/tex OVER Boston x2 Toronto / Minnesota under NBA Lakers x3 / Utah over x2 mia/atl over
^ handicapping term. picks from touts (sell picks) Orlando x2 under x2 / over Denver x3 / New Orleans x2 under Miami x3 under x3 / over Lakers x5 / Utah over x4 / under MLB Yankees x4 (three are RL) / Cleveland ML over x4 Cubs x6 over x2 / under White Sox x2 over Kansas City x2 / Texas x2 over Seattle x2 over Cincinnati x2 / Houston over Mets / Milwaukee Florida Colorado over Toronto x2 under / over bosbal over x3 Philadelphia over Pittsburgh x3 / Atlanta Arizona over x2 / under Colorado over angels/minnesota over NHL Pittsburgh St. Louis / Vancouver New Jersey
Washington x4 / Atlanta x2 under Colorado x5 / Arizona over Florida x3 over Houston x4 NBA San Antonio x4 / Dallas x3 over / under Boston x4 / Chicago x3 over x3 / under* x2 NHL Montreal x2 / Boston over x2 / under Washington x2 Calgary x3 / Chicago x2
Florida x5 / Pittsburgh Atlanta / Washington Houston / Dodgers x2 over St. Louis x5 / Mets over x2 Colorado x2 / Arizona Boston / Minnesota over San Diego x2 under x2 Angels x2 / Detroit x2 over Kansas City under Oakland Seattle x2 under x2 Cincinnati Philadelphia NBA Portland x5 / Houston x3 Cleveland x3 / Detroit x2 under x3 Lakers x2 / Utah over x2 NHL Penguins/Flyers over / under San Jose Detroit/Columbus OVER nj/car under
because he wants them. Soccer Barcelona/Sevilla over 2.5 (Spain La Liga) Werder Bremen/Hamburg over 2.5 (German Cup) MLB Florida / Pittsburgh St. Louis x2 / Mets over Texas / Toronto over x3 Angels x3 over / under Colorado / Arizona under Atlanta x3 / Washington under x2 Cubs x3 / Cincinnati over yanoak over San Diego x4 under Baltimore under Houston over Philadelphia over Kansas City RL over Minnesota game 1. If they lose, Minnesota game 2 (Ferringo) tbsea over NBA Atlanta x4 / Miami x2 under x4 Denver x3 / New Orleans x3 under Orlando x2 / Philadelphia over / under x2 NHL Montreal x2 over (moose) / under Chi/Cal UNDER Rangers Antoni LAL 103.3 UTA 104.4 POR 87.5 HOU 92.6 SAS 96.1 DAL 96.3 DEN 94.6 NOH 96.7