seeing eli gets his 2nd buoys my confidence in Mark

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jets4lyfah, Feb 5, 2012.

  1. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Ok Eli is better, but Elis team has kept him in the game. Eli doesnt get throwin into a 24-0 hole in the championship game. Eli doesnt put up an 11 point lead to only see it all melt away.

    Eli actually gets a game to work with that are low scoring. Sanchez has to deal with these explosions of points from the other team. Eli never has to deal with it, it seems.
  2. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    well that was after year 4, a season in which he completed 56% of his passes and had 20 INTs.
  3. TheGreenCantona

    Dec 14, 2010
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    I keep hearing that he works hard, studies, first in first out, gymrat etc, but i just don't see it. All i have to go on is his answers in interviews and his approach to games on the sideline.

    he just doesn't give me anything that would indicate that he is committed beyond what any starting QB in NFL is, rather the opposite.
  4. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    sure - and all the more reason the team around the QB matters - even if ur peyton manning.
  5. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Really? How many points has Sanchez put up against a comparable D to the 40ers? The only team I can think of that put Mark under that kind of pressure is the Ravens. Guess what unlike Eli Mark turned the ball over and cost his team points.

    How many points did we put up against the Pats in games we weren't competitive in where the pressure on their D to hang in wasn't in play?

    What Eli did in the SF game that Mark can't even comprehend yet is he took care of the ball under pressure. Eli got the TD's against the 49ers throwing into very tight windows. The throws he made yesterday many of them were into very tight windows. I can't see Sanchez doing that. Now he may be able to develop and get it done another way but not like that. Eli made great throws into tight windows and protected the ball.
    #85 Biggs, Feb 6, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2012
  6. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Other than in terms of the thinnest and most superficial veneer, one of the most simple minded sorts, there is nothing of substance to the notion that MS has had a first three years comparable to Eli's and that from that argument alone it also follows that MS will have a similar career.

    Among other things Elie played less than half his first season, yet with the loss of his RT and #2 wr in his third year he achieved the 18th ranking in QB rating, while MS has gone no higher than 23rd, and that in a year when many clearly better Qb's did not for one reason or anohter get counted in the QB ratings. So the stat line argument Sanchez Fans make it lacking.

    More important is that Eli has the right skills, while Sanchez cannot read defenses.
  7. jets4lyfah

    jets4lyfah Banned

    Jan 6, 2011
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    I said this before and I stand by it. The hate for Mark doesn't come from football, it's deeper than that. It comes from the heart...

    I won't say more but if Mark was white and Eli was a chicano we wouldn't even be having this discussion
  8. Rawrk

    Rawrk New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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  9. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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  10. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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  11. The_Darksider

    The_Darksider Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2011
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    Drew Brees takes offense to this.
  12. 94Abraham

    94Abraham Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    Sanchez ATTRIBUTED to that hole by his poor play in the first half and gave them 7 points on a fumble. Maybe if Sanchez plays better, the leads dont melt away. Part of the reason for the explosion in the points is the ineptitude of the Sanchez lead offense.
  13. 94Abraham

    94Abraham Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    I guess im just as retarded as you then considering that most people in the thread are comparing the two QBs. Regardless, its pretty much the same thing as both things go hand in hand. What two WR gave up on the SEASON? You can make a point with Holmes and the last game but there is nothing to show anyone gave up on the season. If youre referring to Plax, he just flat out is old and washed up. The Oline had 3 pro bowlers and another G who is average. Hunter was awful but you cant solely blame them for Sanchez poor play. Its always someone elses fault but Sanchez, right? Fans like you who are homers make the fan base look pathetic actually....

    You still never answered what elite skill set he has by the way.
  14. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    While occasionally a QB who sucks his first few seasons does blossom later in his career, the odds are far greater that he won't. There have been a lot of QB's come into the NFL with a lot of ability, but never adjusted to the pro level. In Mark's case we're talking about a guy who had very little real experience even in college by which to gauge his real ability on the field.
    Maybe he matures and becomes a good NFL QB, but odds are what we see is pretty much what we'll get in the future. But hey, maybe we win the lottery, but I hate seeing all our eggs in one basked.

    Maybe it wouldn't be such a big issue if he weren't sucking up somewhere around 14.2 million in cap space this season, and maybe it would be more tempting to ride him if it weren't for the 9 million in cap savings if he was cut.

    He wont' be cut, he'll eat up our cap space this year, But there is no way on Earth you can tell me he's worth that kind of cap space.

    Cap space aside though, He's been a not very good QB who's benefited from having a great Defense in his first 3 seasons.
  15. lakersmetsjets49ers

    Feb 12, 2011
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    all i'll say is next season is make or break for mark sanchez. he needs to show significant improvement while cutting back on the turnovers. if he can't make noteworthy improvement in 2012 then it's time for both sides to move on. i reserve judgement until about midway through next season on how he's playing though.

    on that note. eli had a very inconsistent 4th season in 2007, there were games where he looked like shit but they put it together late and went on a nice run.

    i really don't want to compare sanchez to late bloomers like brees and eli because each players team situation is different. i hope he can get it together though.

    with all that said i think the jets are going to fly under the radar heavily this season, which is hard to believe knowing the personality of rex, but with the giants just winning the super bowl the city belongs to them and deservedly so, but this allows the jets to have a much more quiet preseason and training camp and the chance to fly under the radar and suprise alot of people.
  16. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Not only do Sanchez Fans such as yourself throw the whole rest of the team under the bus, but now Jet fans who criticize him are accused by you of discrimination.

  17. Louis

    Louis New Member

    Feb 6, 2012
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    It's really hard to take people claiming Eli Manning is luckier than Mark Sanchez seriously. Mark had 14 dropped interceptions last season and something like 10 more this season, all while having significantly above average tipped ball luck.

    I'm not giving up on him and still have hope he could turn into a QB like Matt Ryan (regular season version, not post), but if Sanchez had just average luck and not luckiest-QB-in-the-NFL luck, he likely wouldn't even be considered for a starting QB job in the NFL right now by any team and would be re-earning his stripes via back-up work some place, whether it be the Jets or another team.
  18. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    This is one thing I don't understand, why do these comparison get made of MS and QB's in a time period of 5plus year ago without making any attempt to adjust for the nfl averages for their position.

    IN 2006 only 5 players threw for 4,000 yards, Eli's 3rd year. This year 10 players threw for 4,000 yards and three players threw for 5,000 yards.

    IN 2006 only 8 players who attempted 300 or more passes Avg 7yards or more per attempt. This year there were 16 players who averaged 7yards or more per pass of players with 300 or more attempts.

    In a vacuum you can make this dumb ass claims that MS is doing better than Eli at the same point.

    But if weighing even the best stat MS had this season, 26 tds thrown, you can be an idiot and say Eli's 24 is less or you can see that only three other QB's threw more than 24 Tds in 2006 with 31 from Peyton toping the season.

    Eight other QB's threw for more Tds than MS 26 with Brees 46 toping the season............ I never liked this guy, and until he actually learns how to read a defense and complete 60 percent his passes, I hope the FO sees MS as he is. He isn't good compared to the rest of the league and we shouldn't depend on him for much. Run pass 60/40 and bring back the color coded system please!!!!
    #98 ANJI, Feb 6, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2012
  19. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I agree these stat line only comparisons of Eli and Mark's third years leave out WAY too much context.

    Imo it's even worse than comparing 18 to 23 when you consider how many Qb's better than Sanchez were not counted in that list, but 23 is as high as he has gotten, after 28 and 27. At this rate he will crack the top ten when he's 38, I guess.
  20. MDBigDog

    MDBigDog Active Member

    Mar 16, 2003
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    I was watching Mike & Mike and Tim Hasselbeck was on talking about when he was backing up Eli, Eli was in the same position Sanchez is in now. He said people were doubting Eli could be an elite QB and that they didn't like his demeanor when things weren't going his way. He said the key was Eli never gave in to the critics and just kept working, much like we're seeing from Sanchez.

    As others have pointed out Sanchez started few games in college yet stepped in and led us to two AFC Championship Games. Does he have a ways to go, of course, but Eli in his first three years after being a top pick had zero playoff wins. It was 2007 that the Giants had their run.

    Sanchez is not the problem. The entire team needs to play to it's ability and be consistent.

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