Season Ticket Bill Arrived

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by CT. Jets Fan, Mar 7, 2006.

  1. St.Kilda Man

    St.Kilda Man New Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    From Down Under let me tell you that you guys are doing it tough!

    For us Aussie Rules fans.....

    It will cost me around $150 Aus dollars for entry into all my home games for the entire Season (11 of them) - although that doesn't give a specific seat about 50% of the stadium is sit where you like. If you wanted a special reserved seat then that could add from $60 to $190 for the entire Season.

    There's no waiting list for getting the $150 season ticket (we sell around 35,000 a year) and the stadiums we play in seat between 50,000 to 100,000 people so there's usually plenty of room. I can also buy Family (2 Adults x 2 Kids) for $325 for the whole Season.

    If I don't buy a season ticket - I can still get into each game for around $18 a game.

    We pay more for our 'Play-off' games as you would call it from $50 up to $150 for our Grand Final ('Superbowl') which are harder tickets to get - Anybody with a Season Ticket has a chance to buy one (and if you pay an extra $100 at the start of the year - you can buy one guaranteed)

    Oh - and it's also the greatest game in the world!

    ps. Go Ben G. for next year - hope to have more Aussies over there soon...
  2. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    My Story
    + Your Story
    Jets FO Stupidity Runs Deep!!! :mad:
  3. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    This is precisely the type of shabbiness I'm talking about. :mad:

    Back when we were all getting heavily solicited to “Support the WSS Stadium!”, it occurred to me that lost in all that PSL morass was no mention of season ticket holder tenure and seating. I made a call to the Jets because something dawned on me along with a suspected and well founded major gripe. My Dad died in 1996, and he transferred ticket ownership over to me a couple of years before that. Our tickets didn’t go back into the pool, they were transferred to me, signed over. I found out some horrific things. Yes, I was indeed considered a “new” owner. Well, I wanted it backdated to original tenure for starters, but it gets worse. In 2002, I added my husband on the account just in case I got hit by a truck or something. With that in mind, I realized the most recent invoice only had my husband’s name on it. I threw a fit. What happened was that they not only considered ME a new owner with tenure going back only as far as 1994, but they also threw me off the account when I added my husband; considered HIM a “new" owner as of 2002 when I ADDED him. I signed the tickets OVER to him when?! HOLY. It got rectified, but I was not amused.

    I wrote letters to L. Jay Cross and Woody Johnson over the tenure issue before, during, and in between the above. No response. I made another call down there and was told, “Someone has been trying to call you.” Er, OK (I’ll get to the ensuing phone conversation in a moment). Here’s the scoop…The Jets front office migrated from paper records to computer records in 1977. My Dad bought Titan tickets yearly, then became a Jets season tickets holder in 1963. However, tenure only goes back as far as 1977 - for everyone. First thing accomplished was that I got my status “reinstated” in writing back to 1977, because that's as far back as their “record keeping” goes. So that’s that part.

    The phone call. Bob Parenti, who works for Cross, got in touch with me. He’s pitching the Stadium between my questions. I finally said, “None of this is about the Stadium itself. I’m supposed to care how many bells and whistles the new WS Stadium is going to have but you guys can’t even give me a shadow of an idea how long term folks will be handled in all this. Leon Hess, in deference to our loyalty and support, gave us the option of REQUESTING where we’d like to comparably sit when the move from Shea was imminent. And he extended that to the lifers, accommodated us based on tenure. What I’m hearing from you is that this segment of the fan base doesn't account for anything. Some guy who has had tickets since 1977 can get better seats than me when I’ve had them since 1963. What the hell is that.” “That’s never come up before.” “I…what? Tenure with seating has never come up?” “We still haven't ironed out the PSL scenario and you care about this?” “See, this is what I mean. Of course I care about it. What I smell here is let’s kick the regular folks off the building ledge, because you’re ‘going condo’. Business is business, but there are fans who don’t get tickets just for business purposes, that don’t have fistfuls of cash to throw around, who go to the games because they love the team. I don’t think Leon Hess would look to treat us as shamefully on the tenure and seating issue, or at least not insofar as our concerns.” “Leon Hess, Leon Hess, that’s all I ever hear from you people.” “Us people? Granted the guy made some major mistakes, but treating long time fans like second class citizens to our faces wasn’t one of them. You need to bring this to the attention of your boss and Mr. Johnson, because I’m not supporting the Stadium based on this alone.” “I’ll be sure to do that.” So I was GLAD when it fell through. And they can kiss my foot.

    Moral of the story: Lucky for me I have a suspicious mind. Get your tenure to 1977 in writing. Request a copy of your status. All that being said, I’ll take out a home equity loan or whatever is necessary when the time comes, but that whole thing was supposed make me feel all warm and fuzzy over new digs? Not.

    So here's the patch that is now complimenting the dump truck on my Jets jacket. No, vice-versa. Hehehe.
    #63 jetophile, Mar 10, 2006
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2006
  4. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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  5. JETSFAN5180

    JETSFAN5180 Banned

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Are we allowed to advertise and sell tickets here?
  6. Diabolical_Jet_Fan

    Diabolical_Jet_Fan Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2004
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    I only pay about $200 for season tickets, including away games. It's called the NFL ticket and it's the best seat in the house........:breakdance:
  7. JETSFAN5180

    JETSFAN5180 Banned

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Its really not the same as being there.I do fully agree in a sense no lines to the bathroom no lines for beer controlled climate.Im keeping my tickets for my children sort of like a family heirloom. The rising prices do take its toll.I have 4 tickets and my wife said for that kind of money you could buy a new big screen tv with high def and all the works and have parties every game with all your buddies.

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