Def true... I just expect someone to have accomplished something besides doing 27 reps at the combine before they start throwing their team under the bus and such...
And also why he is picked for the Jets at four. Terry Bradway always overates athletes with 'potential'.... Bryan Thomas, Jon McGraw, BJ Askew, DeWayne Robertson, Doug Jolley.... Bradway and the same scouts who gave the Jets the last five drafts are writing up the grades and will be putting up their graded draft boards before the draft.
cutler is overrated.........................he had an ok seinor bowl but he completly sucked at the combine......he underthrew and overthrew many passes:lol:
It dont matter Cause when New Orleans signs Drew Brees its gonna go.. 1)Hou-Reggie Bush 2)NO-DaBrick or trade 3)Tenn-Vince Young because he is Steve's boy 4)Jets-Matt Leinart will fall right into our laps Then with the Abraham pick from Denver or Atlanta we will take the best OL on the board because Shaffer is now a Brown. Only way that doesnt happen is if they are comfortable with Ashworth as our starting T next year then we might go and get a LB or DT from Michigan big Gabe!
were definetly getting a qb if New orleans sign brees to this 5 yr deal 40 mill deal im hearing about
The guy played well against the best Defensive Competition in College FB. (SEC) Vince young is the one who is overrated-- he played great in a College Style offense, where he could get a shotgun every play, and run 50% of the time. Cutler has at least gone through the combine, and shown that he can make NFL throws-- Young has not-- he is just relying on his Chamipionship game (which was stellar) to keep him in the top 3. bottom line- cutler has better mechanics, better arm, better attitude apparently, and is obviously smarter after Vince youngs Wonderlick of 6-16. i took a practice wonderlick and got a 50 with time to spare. It was so easy, if you get a 6-16 on a multiple choice test like that, you are without a doubt an idiot. Just picking "B" for every answer would probably get you a 12.
WOW. I think that Leinhart would go because he's Norm Chow's boy, but could you imagine???? Who knows, maybe one of those teams has a hard on for Mario Williams or AJ Hawk too. That would be amazing if we were looking at Leinhart with 4.
Dude, did you watch it? i did- he looked great. not to mention, he is playing with anyone from Chad jackson, to some bum from idaho southern community college for agriculture and mining. Of course he will not hit everyone in stride- thats why leinhart and young are only doing a private workout-- because they know who they are throwing to.
He did face an OK conference schedule but take a look at who vandy played out of conference: Wake Forest Richmond (I don't think they're even D1) And then, to cap it off, Vandy faced the storied football program from Murfressburough Tennesse- Middle Tennesse St University... and to show what a great player he is, Cutler's offense put up a whopping 15 points as Vandy LOST to MTSU 17-15. And yet, somehow, Cutler and his admittedly inept teammates shouldn't have been expected to win 6 games despite those 3 should be gimmies. I couldn't agree more with whoever said that Cutler owes Mike Mayock half his signing bonus.
Just to clear something up, my above post wasn't meant to support Young; I think Young's even more overrated then Cutler.