it was 3rd and MORE than 1, we tried to run twice and got stuffed. w/ Sparano we'll run 3 times into the line and take a FG No matter who the OC is fans and media will blame them when things don't go right.
Not a bad we just have to make some changes on the field and hopefully that will give us a better chance next season.
Wow it finally happened a good day, now to remove the rest of the garbage. Yes Hunter and Mully i am talking to you
I was so happy, then i saw the thread about jets players bashing sanchez No way we're going anywhere next season, if the team is like that
great news!!! where will he be? nfl says Jags hire falkons oc...?
I know I'm a bit late here but : THANK YOU, LORD!! THE MORON IS GONE!!! And Frankly, I don't give a shit who the new OC is SO LONG AS IT'S NOT SCHOTTENHEIMER!!!! What a tremendous moment!!!