You have got to be kidding me. Maybe this was a joke post or something and it went over my head, but.. Santonio Holmes is a "cunt receiver who never gets open?" He's one of the best 10-15 receivers in the NFL. He's had a lot of success in his career and KNOWS what it takes to have a good offense. He does have a Super Bowl ring afterall, and managed to get open in that Super Bowl plenty. I'm beyond trying to figure out why people defend this guy and his bullshit offense, game after game, year after year..
We have been complaining about Shotty for years and its about time the players started doing the same its one thing for us to see his faults but when the players start to call him out we have a problem I would have let him go after Sanchez's first year
I find it interesting that the players that have come from successful offenses are the ones saying that he isn't getting the job done.
This is how predictable Schotty is, watch from the 5:40 mark. Everyone knows that Sanchez is looking for Keller when he takes the snap from under center.
Oh please stop it this is the first time anyone has complained about Shottys game planning or play callng? we have done it the media has done it Hell even Rex has ripped into him during a game or 2 Plax Mason and Holmes are 3 very talented and accomplished VETERAN recievers who have all worked with lots of OC's and have been on far worse teams than what the jets are right now Same story different writers
I like the fact that the players are pissed off. When we get rid of Shotty we can evaluate the players that are pissed off for a reason from the players that just suck outright and are complaining.
Its interesting to see how Jet fans are reacting to this breach of player decorum. However its exactly what Jet fans SHOULD expect from guys like Holmes and Burress. Its always going to be about THEM. Rex made Holmes a captain, and unlike in NE, he lets them all have their say. You reap what you sow. You have to give Rex credit for being true to his nature. Its a great part of his success. And it will be the main reason for his failure VERY soon. His style works well when things are going well. If they win today and on into the season, this outburst by the WRs will mean nothing. Just the Jets being the Jets. HOWEVER, if they lose, and continue to lose down the road, then Rex's "good old boy" personna isn't going to keep control of that locker room. Don't make any mistakes the Jets are a talented but flawed team. They remind me a bit of the Pats teams of the late 90's Talented at the top of the roster, but weak at the bottom. The Jets are just a few injuries away from failing just as those Pats teams did, and if they do, it will be interesting to see how Rex''s shtick will play in an adverse situation. Especially in NY, were the rabid press just just LOVES to tear down the very icons that they themselves have created Unfortunately that's not today. Today the Jets are a dangerous, and desperate team, which is much healthier than the Pats. And if the Pats are the team Pats fans hope they are, they will take this opportunity to physically beat up the Jets and start the downward spiral and the media "darling" will soon become the media "target"
I remeber several Yankee teams beating up on the Redsox where the players were openly pissed off at management and other players all the time. Guys who openly hate the coaching and each other win all the time. By the way I like the way you went all in on your team today.
Schotty is done imo...we have tier 1 talent at wr/rb and a young qb/te tadem that should be lights out if developed properly and yet our playcalling and execution is fucking awful. Schemes, gameplans are poor and even the most imbecilic poster can spot 90% of our plays before we snap the ball
Receivers are questioning him. LT is questioning him. Sanchez is questioning him. Former players are questioning him. The media is questioning him. The fans are questioning him. Hell, even the coach at a point questioned him. Who else needs to question this crappy OC, who has never had this team's offense above rank 16 in his 6 years here, before they admit that he just SUCKS.
Took the words right out of my mouth after reading your post... only difference is I'm not referring to Tannenbaum.
I have to agree with them in that this offense has to grind everything out and it shouldn't. I know we are not the pats but look how easy they make it. Can we be even 1 5th that efficient. Last week schotty couldn't come up with one play. Not one that worked. Our defense and speciAl teams and the poor play by the ravens offense gave us plenty of chances to get back into that game and we couldn't figure out Anything that worked. With the talent on this team it's unacceptable. Kind of getting tired of games like this we have had too many. Last yr ravens, packers, patriots, and dolphins games to name a few. Now add the ravens this year to that mix. How many more of these games will we see this season if we don't change anything?
with the offensive line being just that "offensive" it's easy for everyone to blame the OC. fact is, you can't execute plays in the game like you do in practice if your oline isn't giving the offensive the time to execute the play. ad in no running game and there's little the OC can do to change things. because of poor pass protection the oc tried the quick passing game last week and the ravens sat on the short routes. without the oline playing better, this season is in the toilet! the GM has to take the heat for the lack of talent on the oline, thats his job to recognize the future problem and draft for it or FA. tanny did a poor job as far as the oline is concerned!