I cannot wait for him to be gone,,what an ass clown,,,,,,is there anyone out there that still defends this guy ? What a tool he is
The instant this trade was made it was apparent there is something to Holmes as a person that the Steelers would happily give up a healthy, Super Bowl MVP approaching the prime of his career for next to nothing. Holmes could be a top 10 WR, maybe higher, but his toxic personality and his immaturity will never allow that to happen. And now his inability to stay healthy will certainly hasten his release after this season...
We will have a ton of cap space next year and retooling the WR corp needs to be the main focus .If Holmes dont stay healthy when he returns and if he doesnt have some decent numbers its time to move on
Never liked this guy's personality. Ever since giving up that awful fumble to grab his leg and giving up on the team in Miami...don't care how talented he may be, get him out of here.
Seriously. He's way past reasonable though if the guy is really gonna dump on Holmes for the injury/fumble.
Listen, as a Mets fan I absolutely hate to use this example, but when Jeter broke his ankle, what did he do? He actually threw the ball to first base and finished the play. I'm not expecting Holmes to get up and keep running, and I understand he was in a tremendous amount of pain, but the way he threw the ball away made me think that in his mind, he said "fuck it." I don't care what you say, that play DOES epitomize his personality. Watch the play over again.
Quote in the full context according to Jane McManus: "I can't throw it to myself and catch it, otherwise I would. I just have to do my part which is the position that I'm playing which is primary X receiver and a lot of times you get double covered [and] get taken out of the play. The progression and the reads from the quarterback have to go elsewhere." This is another example of why nobody in their right minds talks to the tabloid media.
^He still sounds like a giant douche even with the context. "Otherwise I would", meaning what exactly? That he could do a better job? If not then what does that even mean?
Probably means he creates a player in Madden named Santonio Holmes, makes him a QB, puts him on the Jets, then plays a game as the Jets and has Santonio Holmes throw to Santonio Holmes every play. The full quote definitely lightens the out of context of "I can't throw it to myself". You are right, he doesn't come off as perfectly clean, but the full quote is much more normal/relaxed than the partial quote.
The partial quote sounds like he is laying into Geno Smith. It's that simple. So of course the media douchebags took that and blew it up to be the whole story because their job is to sell hits and you can't do that by being an honest and ethical reporter any more. Ambulance chasing lawyers. That's the tabloid media community right now with a few exceptions.
Here's a novel idea, how about shutting up and playing the game? The press will ask "gotcha" questions, you give generic platitudes for answers.
I cannot wait for the Jets to be rid of Holmes. He's talented, but way too injury prone, and a malcontent on top of everything else.
he still said what they said he said. it doesnt make it any better that he said other stuff after it. santonio is a douche, he was always a douche and now continues to be a douche. its just what he is.
What's even worse is that more than half the Jets fans buy these silly media one liners as gospel as clearly demonstrated in this thread. Friggin sheep. It's NYDN, the same guys that hired Metha over a smear campaign. These guys aren't credible and being unbiased is not something they are known for. Did anyone care to listen to the entire interview? I doubt it.
It's not just Jets fans. All fans seem to buy into what the MSM is selling them without thinking twice about it.
The only thing more predictable than the NY media is you coming in to be a huge homer and contrarian and going to the opposite extreme. Holmes made a douchey comment and you are in denial and act like they fabricated his stupid ass comment.
I listened to his entire presser at the Jets website he didn't call out anybody except I guess in the limited mind of Womanish Manure of the Daily Gossip and Sh1tstirring News