Sanchez's Career vs Top QB's 1st Two Seasons

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by LoyalJetsFan, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. boxorox

    boxorox Banned

    Aug 19, 2011
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    My assumption is that they're going to carve through most teams pretty good this year with Sanchez doing a lot of the slicing...but you can't underestimate the possibility that Schotty isn't going to fuck things up and make him look worse than he is or get worse results than he should. I think the FO has seen enough that if Schotty doesn't step it up quick he's not going to be renewed.

    Let's say with this amazing offense Sanchez is good enough to be say the 15th best qb in the league for the year by whatever fair statistical measures (i.e. melding TDs/INTs with Comp %, considerations for playoff runs, etc). Do you want to try to look elsewhere then? If a truly average nfl qb had that offense you'd have to say they'd end up being no worse than the 10th best qb or something by the same measures. Are you trying to cut the guy if he looks like the 22nd best overall starting qb in the league in his 3rd season? I'm not.

    If we're only talking about reevaluating on Sanchez if we go like 8-8 or 9-7 and missing playoffs...I wouldn't be holding my breath. Barring some crazy injuries we're not losing that many games. Just not happening.
  2. jb1095

    jb1095 Banned

    Dec 7, 2010
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    I think the Pats "Explosive" style offense has been picked apart by aggressive pass rushing teams(Jets in Playoffs, Detroit a week ago).

    Additionally, teams that run the hurry up offense against NE cause them to look lackluster at best. Even Brady looked like a rookie QB against the Lions last game. It really has me scared, but not to a point where the sky is falling or anything.

    I absolutely love the rivalry between the Pats & Jets, IMO, it has surpassed the Red Sox & Yankees rivalry. This is why I come to these forums, and look at and analyze the Jets as a whole. Sanchez simply has to pick it up this year, and that starts week 1 and needs to continue ALL season. 1 or 2 bad games is acceptable, but he definitely needs to improve greatly if you guys want to win a SB.

    Just imagine what the Jets record would be with Brady(or someone like him) as your QB? Holy crap, it would be unstoppable & scary. Hopefully Sanchez improves a lot this year and proves to be your Staple QB of the future, but like I have said since day 1 here, I just do not see that happening. Something like an 0-4 start will probably get many of you saying the same thing.
  3. boxorox

    boxorox Banned

    Aug 19, 2011
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    You give a bad name to homosexuals at the gloryhole the world over.
  4. jb1095

    jb1095 Banned

    Dec 7, 2010
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    This coming from the guy that is in love with Mark Sanchez. Take the blinders off man, he isn't all that period.
  5. boxorox

    boxorox Banned

    Aug 19, 2011
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    yes jacksonville and oakland should definitely send us into an 0-4 spiral at the start of the year. die? thanks.
  6. jb1095

    jb1095 Banned

    Dec 7, 2010
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    Go ahead man, underestimate your opponents. Have a nice day!
  7. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    It's funny how one preseason game that was played like shit on both sides has fans crying into their pillows about the future of the season. It happened with Detroit and New England too.

    Week 2-preseason the Jets, Giants, and Patriots all obliterated their opposition. Week 3 they all played like complete dogshit and now the sky is falling.

    Sanchez and the offense will be fine. If not, run the ball.. that always works.
  8. jb1095

    jb1095 Banned

    Dec 7, 2010
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    Rockefella, I am not worried about NE at all, I know its just preseason, and I am not basing any of my opinions of Sanchez off any preseason games. If you read through my posts, you will see I have been pretty consistent on the fact that I just do not think he is all that good. It could be that he is young and needs more experience, he may very well step it up this year and have a stellar year, if that happens, the NFL better watch out. We already know your defense is is rock solid, I just want to see more out of Sanchez. I want to see the Pats and Jets battle it out for the division title and be neck and neck all season long. It will just add to the rivalry and make the season more fun for all of us.
  9. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I don't think those here like Coach K who are expressing some concern are saying the sky is falling because of one game. That is not a fair characterization for two reasons. One, expressing concern does not equate with a Chicken Little attitude. Second it is hardly a concern born out of the performance in one game.

    MS I think has the tools, but so far his performance has AT LEAST raised a question whether over the coming period (and how long that should be is another question) he will prove to be worth the fifth pick in the 09 draft. Were that not the case, I think even his biggest supporters would have to concede there would be no discussion similar to that going on in this thread.

    Blaming his receivers is just not persuasive. I think there is some, just some, merit to the argument he has had perhaps too much rotation at wideout. But he's had Keller the whole time, and roster changes at receiver are common from year to year in the NFL. More to the point the overall quality of his available receivers is and has been above average. Going forward and as long as Burress and Mason contribute and stay healthy, that will be even more the case this year.

    Blaming Schotty is also not persuasive. The OC hardly instructs his Qb to miss open receivers or throw interceptions. The playcalling is more subject to criticism as too tied to calling runs than to putting a young receiver in too risky a situation.

    The OL is one of the strongest in the league. The D is one of the best in the league, and routinely gives the O good field position on average. The D also gives the O more chances to win low scoring games by holding opponents to lower point totals.

    One of MS's big plusses is that he has shown nerve in playoff games. That cannot be denied. But I don't think he's ever looked what I would call great in them, either. He stepped up to a level that he did not hold the team back, and that is to his credit.

    And since football is a team sport, weighing team wins in his favor is not that persuasive. I don't think more really needs to be said about this argument.

    The main point is as we go forward, this year and next, MS should begin to play more consistently, and consistently good. If he cannot do that within the next two years, then I expect the FO will begin at some point to make plans for him not being the starter much longer than that. I hope that is not so. But if the MS we have seen the last two is the same one we see in the next two, well, I doubt even some of MS's most fervent supporters will be quite so fervent by then.
  10. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    That's all well and good, but no one cares for a fucking Patriots fan coming in and telling us how Sanchez sucks and the Jets risk starting the season 0-4. Go take your opinion to a Dolphins forum or something, they like bashing the Jets too.
  11. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    All good points I agree.

    I just want to steady the ship a little but I guess big mood swings are par for the course. You go by the most recent result so we do have cause for concern but bad games happen. There was no rhythm for the offense at all, and we've seen that in games/seasons past. It worries me that it was in week 3 since that seems to be the litmus test in the preseason but I'm not putting all my chips on the table banking on that result to be the precursor for the season.

    I suspect the lockout has had a lot to do with this, coupled with the receiver turnstyle and swapping of LT and Greene. A few of the checkdowns and throws to the flat were miscues early to SG. Sanchez also saw a lot of pressure early and didn't have time to find an open receiver. I couldn't tell by the tv feed (and lack of game volume at the bar) but either no one was open or they had long-developing routes that never came to fruition.

    If anything I'm more worried about the pass protection than the offense. Given time the passing game will start clicking and I imagine much of the league will have the same sloppiness involved the first third/half of the season. Hopefully they take the last 10 days or so and tighten the screws on the offense.
  12. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    THen we are in agreement. Good.

    I get where you are coming from as if you will a tactical matter of posting here, btw. We see posters on both sides, taking extreme positions, when the truth usually is either that we don't have enough info to know the truth, or it is somewhere in the middle, or both. Balancing the discussion is difficult in such an environment. It sure is.
  13. Trifco

    Trifco New Member

    Oct 1, 2009
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    Oh the wonderful world of whatif.

    Everybody has their own whatif world. In mine, this "Brady or any elite QB trades places with Sanchez last season" whatif scenario would happen:

    *Jets don't play any worse than they did with Sanchez
    *Jets don't lose more games than they did with Sanchez
    *Jets have some bigger plays in the games than they had with Sanchez
    *Sanchez struggles a lot more in other team
    *Sanchez looks worse in another team
    *Jets wins more comfortable the same games they won with Sanchez
    *Probably, probably they manage to win one or two games more, but not really more than that, and probably not even that.
    *In the playoffs, Jets are still out before reaching the SB, probably even before CG.

    In the end, I don't think MS is holding back the team, he's playing the role he's been asked to play and he has improved in the process.

    If he keeps playing like he's played so far (meaning he stagnates) in the next couple of seasons, then yes, by all means start thinking about some replacement.
    But if he keeps playing like he's played so far (meaning he keeps showing the same improvement trend that he's shown so far), I think we're good at that position.

    He hasn't shown so far that he won't improve any more or that he has reached his ceiling, that's why it seems unnecessary those "either he improves or he'd be out" warnings.
  14. jb1095

    jb1095 Banned

    Dec 7, 2010
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    The 0-4 comment was hypothetical in that Jets fans themselves would be saying the same thing about MS. Don't go getting your panties in a bunch because i am critiquing your QB. You are not the spokesperson for all Jets Fans and i have every right to be here.
  15. skeleton_frames

    Feb 28, 2010
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    Good post. Exactly what I was thinking. Sanchez basically got a head start on being a pro. And the nice part about this team is that he doesn't have to be great for the Jets to win a SB, just good. And he's been great in the playoffs, it's not his fault that the D took the first half off against the Steelers.
  16. The Notorious J.E.T.S

    The Notorious J.E.T.S Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2003
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  17. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    You have every right to be here and I have every right to call you a troll. What is the point of coming here just to critique Sanchez? There are opposing fans who come in here and talk football and that's cool. Then there are dipshits like you who's sole purpose is to come in here and explain why the Jets aren't as good as we think or why the Patriots are better at A, B, and C.

    Go to your shithole forum and reason with the fucks that think Hoyer is better than Sanchez instead of coming on here and fellating the Patriots or saying Sanchez sucks. We're perfectly capable of determining and discussing Jets talent, we don't need a Pats' frontrunner viewpoint. I don't live vicariously through my quarterback or get offended by people saying negative things about the QB but it is annoying as hell to have some know-it-all come in with a holier than thou attitude and preach about his shitty opinion.
  18. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    MS passing stats, regular season v. post-season

    Att Comp Yds Comp % Yds/Att TD TD % INT INT % Long Sck Sack/Lost Rating

    2010 Regular season

    Mark Sanchez 507 278 3291 54.8 6.5 17 3.4 13 2.6 74 27 171 75.3


    Mark Sanchez 89 54 616 60.7 6.9 5 5.6 1 1.1 58 3 19 95.5

    2009 Regular season

    Mark Sanchez 364 196 2444 53.8 6.7 12 3.3 20 5.5 65 26 195 63.0


    Mark Sanchez 68 41 539 60.3 7.9 4 5.9 2 2.9 80 1 7 92.7

    It really is amazing, isn’t it?
  19. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    While as we all know there's no doubt Sanchez stepped it up in the playoffs two years in a row, drilling down a bit reveals some interesting things.

    YPA regressed in 2010, for both regular season and the playoffs. Not good.

    On the other hand int's were down and overall rating was up.
  20. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    ok i understand your view a little better.

    where we disagree is that we ride the wagon until the wheels fall off with sanchez.

    and i only say that cause its rex and tannys job to continue building a good team beyond the qb position. so 5 years from now their should be a few new core players similar to when revis/brick/mangold were brought in.

    your assuming we dont accumulate any of those types of talent within the next 5 years so we let sanchez do what he can till our window closes.

    at least thats what im getting when you say "for better or worse were tied to him the next 5 and built to win".

    I guess most of my sentiment comes from "tough love" cause I believe he can succeed, he says all the right things, his work ethic is tremendous, and hes already shown the hardest part of being an elite qb. which is showing up when it matters most.

    most sanchez detractors are negative fools, I dont consider myself either, like you I realize this team is poised for a Lombardi, yet all it takes to seize that is a more consistent Sanchez.

    I want to see him silence the haters, I'm just hoping it happens within the next 2 yrs.

    Sanchez aside, its Rex and Tanny's job to build this team to be fail proof beyond QB until either Sanchez steps up, or they decide to move on.

    that being said I think Sanchez embracing his new leadership role will do alot for his confidence as he realizes these chances are few and far between.

    one thing thats not in his favor and i will say is I absolutely HATE the musical chairs hes had to deal with at WR since he got here.

    we need to find a young WR talent to pair with Holmes and call it a day. easier said than done but definitely necessary if he is to continue to develop.

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