Sanchez's Career vs Top QB's 1st Two Seasons

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by LoyalJetsFan, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. All Gas No Shake

    All Gas No Shake Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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    yep, i actually agreed with most of your post ... just took exception with that one comment
  2. Andy_M

    Andy_M Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2008
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    If you think this stat is a legitimate one, then by the same logic all dropped passes should be counted as receptions.
  3. DemoIsland

    DemoIsland Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    klecko best point made so far. Sanchez came into the league young and early and started right away. Year 2 to Year 1 of the rest makes the most sense. Rodgers #s are a bit skewed, he sat a lot and learned a lot from it.
  4. Rawrk

    Rawrk New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    mark sanchez fans will argue intangibles and playoff success.

    mark sanchez detractors will argue regular season numbers.

    both are right because he is wildly inconsistent and insanely clutch.

    he just needs to put it together for an entire season. this team is built to win now. top o-line, top defense, top running game, very good wrs. there's nothing more that he can ask for and if he doesn't take a giant step to becoming great within 2 years, then he's probably not the answer.
  5. The Notorious J.E.T.S

    The Notorious J.E.T.S Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2003
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    I don't understand why you guys feel "dropped INT's" is not a useful statistic. It's one thing for a QB to throw incomplete passes, but when they are too often going to the hands of opposing players instead - that to me would signal an alarming trend and would acknowledge it as a coach.. I wouldn't base my total analysis of a QB around this stat - but let's not call it useless just because it's our QB that is one of the leaders in the category. I guarantee you if Brady led the league in dropped INT's we'd be hearing about it on this board.

    Actually, you would create a category called "dropped passes" which would inform the coaching staff that if their QB leads the league in it, it's time to get some new fucking receivers.
  6. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    Because it is subjective. Football Outsiders has volunteer 'analysts' who watch the tape and decide what qualifies as a dropped interception and what doesn't.

    Factors that differentiate a dropped interception from a ball that just happened to hit a defender include the following:

    Where did the ball make contact with the defender? Both hands, on the palms? Off of the fingertip of one hand? In the back of the helmet?

    How fast was that ball travelling, and was the defender focused on it? i.e. did the defender have time to react and have a realistic chance of catching it? or did he just barely get his hand up in time to avoid getting hit in the face?

    Then there are also other factors that probably should be considered:

    Whose fault was it? Did the reciever break off of his route? Was the ball thrown directly to an open defender with no one else in the area? Should the receiver have made a play on the throw?

    What caused the errant throw? Was it tipped at the line? Was the QB hit as he was throwing?

    What was the situation? 4th and 20 down by 7 with 15 seconds left? Tie game in the first quarter?

    I don't know that this 'statistic' is acutally meaningless, but it is far from perfect. I don't blame most of you for arguing it. It's not like a 'hit' in baseball, where you there is clear differentiation between what qualifies and what doesn't. It is more like an 'error' where you first have to decide whether an error was actually committed, and then must determine who deserves the most blame. And the fact that it is being measured by outside analysts, who likely have little qualification to make that judgement, makes the 'statistic' somewhat different from even a subjective statistic that is measured by officials.
  7. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    i wish the guys who said 'sanchez had 15 dropped interceptions' would show a video of it, so we could end the shit.
  8. The Zman

    The Zman New Member

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Sanchez needs to slow the game down, he tries to force the ball way too much. Plus he needs to look off his main receiver more, he's still staring one guy down most of the time. Both issues go hand-in-hand, fix them and he'll be money.
  9. I Come in peace

    I Come in peace New Member

    Oct 15, 2010
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    It should always be about wins and losses, simple as that and Sanchez has won more games than he has lost and has 4 playoff wins. The stats at the end of the day mean nothing.

    Couple things no one talks about(I will include ELI in this aguement as well as he is 60-43 in his career with a Super Bowl win). The Qb's of northeast teams tend to have a more difficult time putting up gaudy numbers playing where they do(particularly the Qbs who play in our stadium). Look at Rivers, plays 8 games in San Diego, plays 1 more in Oakland. Thats most likely 9 games a year in weather that would tend to lead to better stats. Same holds true for Ryan, 8 games at home in a dome, plus 1 more in New Orleans dome, Tampa and Carolina, thats 11 games minimum where most likely(aside from rain) the elements will lend towards a better passing attack. Contrast that to say 8 games at home for Sanchez(lets assume half are good weather non wind, cold days, 1 @ Buffalo, @ New England and thats 6 games before the rest of the schedule is played you can assume he will play is not so optimum conditions.

    When you are a quarterback of a team that plays where Sanchez does its about wins and losses, simple as that. This is not even taking into account the level of competition a QB in the AFC east plays or the NFC east for that matter vs say a QB of an NFC west or AFC west team.
  10. Trifco

    Trifco New Member

    Oct 1, 2009
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    Sanchez leads the league in totally made up interceptions with two (GB).
  11. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    I call them fumbled interceptions.

    I still don't know how a completed pass that is then ripped out of the hands of the WR is on the QB.
  12. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Its not as nearly as bad as your making it out to be.

    The game slows down due to experience.
  13. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    i forgot about that shit.

    that game was terrible. holmes with a td drop, cotchery a td drop, 2 balls ripped out of cotchery/kellers hands turned into a interception. brad smith fumble.

    all those folk fg misses. jets should of fucked the packers up.

    then after that game, fans are calling for sanchez's head? guy had an amazing game, but his receivers let him down.
    #133 JfaulkNYJ, Aug 27, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2011
  14. NJjets1981

    NJjets1981 New Member

    Jul 29, 2011
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    Couldnt agree more!
  15. atc526

    atc526 Banned

    Aug 11, 2010
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    cool stuff
  16. GreenMatt14

    GreenMatt14 Member

    Oct 21, 2009
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    Filler. Sanchez Blows.
  17. blackssmagic

    blackssmagic Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    That jerk off Tom Brady wouold disagree with your thouhghts....
  18. boxorox

    boxorox Banned

    Aug 19, 2011
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    Let's not forget where Sanchez plays talent wise. If he played on the Bengals or any shitty team he'd look like the biggest piece of shit going, let's just face it. He has immense talent all around and more help on defense than any competent person would know what to do with. We do not need him to be Tom Brady now or ever. We just need him to not suck so bad so often. It's really not too much to ask for his 3rd year, and I think he will show that he can do that much for us this year. He'll probably start to really come into his own years 4-5 given his age/experience etc but I don't want to say he's going to be a top 3 qb then or anything, just that he's a lot likelier to pan out to be a good qb than a bad one. You can say whatever you want, but he has thrown many many intensely awesome passes in the biggest situations time after time. Brady's recipe isn't the only recipe. Vick has a recipe now that he can throw the ball. He somehow managed to put up Bradyesque numbers with like the worst O-line possible last year. I also seem to remember Brett Favre making a pretty decent career making the most immaculate throw you can think of one second followed by the worst one the next. Favre and Sanchez aren't the same player but he can and probably will make the paradigm work. The question is when and to what extent.
  19. LoyalJetsFan

    LoyalJetsFan New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
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    a. WTF is this $hit?

    b. Have you ever met the Enter key?
  20. boxorox

    boxorox Banned

    Aug 19, 2011
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    a. random rant about Sanchez probably not sucking.

    b. not in this post, but die anyway.

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