Sanchez vs Orton

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by kinggofg, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. Jim-Jet

    Jim-Jet Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Maybe the Jets can get P. Manning in five year when his contract runs out in Denver. He wouldn't be but 41 then and should have a few more years left.
  2. RevisOfNazareth

    RevisOfNazareth New Member

    Sep 12, 2008
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    You two just described what we SEC fans especially call a dual QB system (nothing new in the nfl either). The last dual QB system with any legitimate ranking was Georgia a few years back. They started the season ranked 3 and failed to beat traditional football heavy LSU for the SEC title 90 miles away from home in Atl.

    Dual systems are shit, even Florida didnt use Tebow in such a way. Why? Neither QB really gets a chance to become a leader. The difference here is we already have a leader in Sanchez who has 3 seasons, all relatively good if you average the 3, under his belt. When else was there a Jets QB to take us to back to back title games? (we all know the answer and its a long time ago)

    If you dedicate an entire third of all snaps to Tebow, you inevitably will erode locker room confidence in Sanchez. That also will translate to fans being upset that we're not running the Tebow package on 3rd and 2 when its been a Sanchez drive, for example. Then its a repeat of Orton.

    It's a cluster fuck waiting to happen. That said, gotta support the team.

    Edit - and as an SEC fan, of course I like seeing an SEC QB in the Jets locker room. But every follower of college from his era will tell you: we all hated Tebow because he is a walking contradiction of what works in the game.
    #42 RevisOfNazareth, Mar 24, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2012
  3. red 19

    red 19 New Member

    Mar 23, 2012
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    Easy Joe- I dont think I called any of these three guys a "great" or "franchise" QB, I simply said Sanchez is a better all around QB than either Orton or Tebow.
    "Better" doesnt equate to Franchise, HOF, All-time great, or folk hero..... it just simply means hes better IMO.

    I see the Jets in the same situation as the Broncos were in during Plummers final season and 1/2. We had a good D we had a good O and we had a legit shot again. We had a good team and a good QB but we didnt have enough weapons. Unfortunately and desperatelty we tried throwing in a Rookie Cutler at the first chance we could justify it- and it failed. I wish we would have tried to add players to exploit match-ups and rolled with Plummer for a couple more years. Unfortunately we didnt and we havent recovered since.

    I dont see the Jets taking that same desperation shot Denver took with Cutler. I dont get the sense they are waiting for a chance to yank Sanchez. I see the Jets rolling with Sanchez and using Tebow as a weapon to overcome the hump. The bleuprint for Tebows success is to use him sparingly and as a weapon or even perhaps a decoy, not as a staple. The Jets seem to grasp this idea and personally I envy you guys.
  4. kubernetes

    kubernetes New Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    The Orton vs. Sanchez vs. Tebow numbers show that the stats don't always tell the complete picture. Orton's numbers are good, but he lost a lot games because he couldn't perform at the critical moments. Tebow won games that Orton never could, because despite being terrible for 80% of every game, he made the plays that needed to be made when they needed to be made.

    I think of Philip Rivers as a prime example: a good QB with great numbers, but a ton of his stats are padding in blowout games. In close games he's just not that clutch. Sanchez's numbers look terrible in comparison to Rivers, but Sanchez has shown that he can be clutch in close playoff games.

    An ideal franchise QB has both monster stats and clutch performances, but if I had to choose, I would take a clutch winner over a losing stat-monster.
  5. Skagerrak

    Skagerrak New Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Orton started the season 1-4, Tebow finished the season 1-4. Hell, Orton even started his Bronco career 6-0. Anybody who says "Tebow just wins" overlooks that.

    Neither Orton or Tebow have shown anything that makes reasonable NFL people think they can be franchise guys. Our brass obviously thinks different about Sanchez so it's shit or get off the pot time for him. Either he progresses or becomes an Orton and winds up as a backup somewhere else.
  6. SkipBayless

    SkipBayless New Member

    Mar 24, 2012
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    Orton had half as many turnovers but had less touchdowns. The Jets defense last year was better than Orton's in 2010. The touchdowns and defense lead to Sanchez having more wins in 2011.
  7. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    So far, it's a flip of the coin as to whether or not Sanchez is headed down the Kyle Orton career path.
  8. 2insane

    2insane Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    Question. Did Orton ever had to question if his right tackle was collecting a paycheck from the other team?
  9. TebowTrollCoach

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Orton was an epic failure, and will never be a NFL franchise QB..

    He can't do what it takes to put that bitch in the endzone, and our boy does it with a quickness, just because.

    Tim is a freak. He doesn't like fast cars. He doesn't like fast women. or maybe he does, but his belief system makes him hide that shit for when he is supposed to reveal his *special purpose* on some poor gal and GOOD God a mighty y'all better get your tabloids out and start wiping it off, if you catch my drift...

    Meanwhile, speaking of catching things.. Ask Reilly Cooper and Percy HArvin and Arron Hernandez and David Nelson what they think it's fun to catch Tim's passes, they have caught more of his than anyone that.

    I noticed Sanchez can drill it in the endzone, but Orton can't get that done..even the weakest defense can keep Kyle Orton out of the end zone.

    Tim can drill it, if he has someone to catch it.
  10. blackssmagic

    blackssmagic Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Answer did Orton ever have a top 5 D two years in a row?
  11. youngj00

    youngj00 New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I was hoping we'd go after Orton but we signed Stanton and traded for Tebow.
  12. NJJ_Jersey_Jets

    NJJ_Jersey_Jets Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2011
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    Kyle Orton first three (techically four) years:
    2005: 15 games, 51.6%, 1,896 yards, 9 TDs, 13 INTs, 59.7 Rating, Bears #2 seed but lose in Divisional Round
    2006: Backup behind Rex fucking Grossman, Bears lose Super Bowl
    2007: 3 games, 53.8%, 478 yards, 3 TDs, 2 INTs, 73.9 Rating, Bears miss playoffs
    2008: 15 games, 58.5%, 2,972, 18 TDs, 12 INTs, 79.6 Rating, Bears miss playoffs, trade him for Cutler

    Mark Sanchez first three years:
    2009: 15 games, 53.8%, 2,444 yards, 12 TDs, 20 INTs, 63.0 Rating, Jets lose AFC Championship
    2010: 16 games, 54.8%, 3,291 yards, 17 TDs, 13 INTs, 75.3 Rating, Jets lose AFC Championship
    2011: 16 games, 56.7%, 3,474 yards, 26 TDs, 18 INTs, 78.2 Rating, Jets miss playoffs
    #52 NJJ_Jersey_Jets, Mar 24, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2012
  13. NJJ_Jersey_Jets

    NJJ_Jersey_Jets Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2011
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  14. Slap

    Slap New Member

    Mar 23, 2012
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    I'll tell you this much, Mark Sanchez doesn't have the slightest idea of the tsunami of hatred that is coming his way. This new influx of "Jet fans" you're experiencing are going to be rooting for him to fail. Period. They want to see him lose the job in training camp, but the next best scenario in their eyes would be for Sanchez to play poorly and the Jets to begin the season 0-3.

    There were so-called Bronco fans calling John Elway, the best player in franchise history, vile names because he dared to sign Peyton Manning, a guy who is on any football fan's short list of the greatest quarterbacks who ever played. Do you honestly believe someone with that mentality is going to give Sanchez a fair shake?

    I understand why dedicated Jet fans want to take a wait and see approach, but anybody who believes you're not headed for a nasty quarterback controversy is whistling past the graveyard. All I can say is you won't understand what it's like to deal with the Tebow fans until you experience it first hand.
  15. Ryan76

    Ryan76 New Member

    Mar 21, 2012
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    RevisOfNazareth, erroding locker room confidence in Sanchez is impossible. It was completely gone, worst locker room in football bar none. They have nothing to lose, and how hell do we even still have Holmes. It's a nightmare, I say forget it, run it. Throw nothing. F it, dont even play football, just start a fist fight, anything is better than the whining and the butt hurt worries. To hell with it.
  16. Rawrk

    Rawrk New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    i can see right through you. O_O
  17. blackssmagic

    blackssmagic Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    I am still looking for an exact stat line ranking for the Broncos D....but here is a quote from an article on

    "In 2010, Denver was ranked last in nearly every statistical defensive category and it was a major reason why the Broncos went 4-12 and earned the No. 2 pick in the draft. Since he took over as Denver’s football leader, Broncos’ legendary quarterback John Elway immediately focused on the other side of the ball to begin his reclamation project."

    So please show me the rankings for Denvers top 5 D.

    In Orton's best year he played one less game than Mark did and still had better overall numbers.
  18. blackssmagic

    blackssmagic Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    You can show me any numbers you want too, in Marks best statistical year he still did not have better numbers than Orton had in his best season.
  19. red 19

    red 19 New Member

    Mar 23, 2012
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    Kyle Orton is now moving on to his 4th team in 4 years. He is back-up material at its finest. Who knows, perhaps back-up QB is the same route Sanchez and Tebow will take. But one thing is for sure, Kyle Orton played his way out of a starting position long before he was actually yanked. His decent numbers justified his playing, his poor decisions and terrible timing justified him being yanked. Now here we sit and hes onto his 4th team in 4 years. Thats pretty uncommon for a QB.

    As a Bronco fan I will admit, I dont have as good a feel for the play of Sanchez as I did for Tebow or Orton, but I just dont see Orton and Sanchez in the same mold. Its the nonchalant uncaring attitude that I feel leads teams to cutting ties with Orton. I dont get the same feeling of careless-ness from Sanchez. I think the Jets have something special in the makings and I think Tebow and Sanchez can handle this situation just fine. In all honesty I get the feeling the Jets will rally around this "circus" and have each others backs like never before. I guess its just a hunch, but I see that Tebows new competition and new coach are far more open to dialogue than Tebows former competition and coach.
    #59 red 19, Mar 25, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2012
  20. Slap

    Slap New Member

    Mar 23, 2012
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    The Broncos have moved past Orton and Tebow. Now the entire city and fan base is gripped by Caleb Hanie-Manie-a.

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