Fuck Connecticut for the age of consent being 18. I'm 18, and if the girl is 17....it's illegal. Made some shitty situations
Yeah it is, if I ever did/got caught (not saying anything) I might have been labeled as a sexual predator for the rest of my life? Complete bullshit rule that sucks at 18.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_North_America#Connecticut "The general age of consent in Connecticut is 16. This applies in most normal relationships"
TUB wishes. actually, i think his grunts of disgust every time i was trying to peer around others during the bengals game to get a glimpse of sanchez is really what set him over the edge.
Underage is all the rage it seems.... babies and a scantily clad woman. [YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6HSlZBNwUQ&NR=1&feature=fvwp[/YOUTUBE]
In the state of California, the age is 18, so if he took her there it's potentially a problem. It would be a misdemeanor in that case.
It's simple, With the facts as they are presented at this time, no crime, no complaint, no victim, no charges.... If any media outlet even hints at any wrong doing on Mark Sanchez's part, they should be dragged into court ASAP and show cause as to why they should not be sued for slander. It may take years but in the end with Woody's money and lawyers you could bleed a rag like Deadspin dry and make any other BS rag think twice about making money out of lies and half truths and send a warning to all media outlets that this kind of reporting has a price.....
I hear he disemboweled her. I for one, think that is wrong, and am seething with outage for the poor disemboweled child.
In most states, there is usually an 'allowable' age difference. For example, if the legal age is 16 and the girl is 15, you would have to be within 3 years of that persons age for it to be 'legal'. Otherwise, 90 percent of all high school students would be arrested for dating a minor. Can you imagine how many 17 year olds are dating 16 year olds ('technically underage') in NY alone? You'll notice they do not go to jail for it.
I've been flaming Bart Hubbach of the post over this one. He's pissing me off. You can read our back and forth on twitter, scottd1978 is my handle.