It's not like Sanchez is like Hugh Hefner banging some girl 60 years! (yes 60) younger then him (although I have no problem with that either to be honest), it's just that a man like Sanchez in his 20's could be very busy sleeping with women his own age. I always thought myself that women in their 20's were at their hottest but that's me.
I see you're having trouble understanding the exception I took with his post. You are talking about things like how banging a 17 year old HS chick makes him a more well rounded person or more respected - none of which is what the guy I responded to was discussing. And if your 17 year old HS daughter is hanging out at 18+ bars with a fake ID, maybe you should be a better parent and she wouldn't be sucking Marks cock at 2 in the morning on a school night.
I gotta be honest. Besides the big tits, I find the girl in your avatar to be pretty manly looking. Everybody's got different taste, but I think the 17 y/o looks better. Sanchez probably agrees with me. :breakdance:
Once again, a Mark Sanchez love life thread devolves into posts of "he could do better." I forgot, that happened 3 pages ago:
in that one pic her face does look really fat but in the nudes found on the 4chan board before it was taken down her body looked stacked
Fox just did a story. They followed the girl around here house, she had on Spandex and a hood to cover her face. The reporter went on to say consent in NJ, where Mark resides is 16... So good, I don't feel so bad for staring at her thighs when she was walking down the street....
Nah man, it's TGG, everything you need to know about a woman can be determined from one picture, no matter the angle.
So no nude EK photos? Thats messed up. I though Sanchez was great doing the naked boots and legs thing?
not sayin its right but its legal and he just turned 24 so lets not get to crazy second of all if your a superstar athlete what the hell are you doin with an at best average looking girl step your game up and age up sanchez
and everyone on this site has model good looks and can score better than anything in the Hot Chick thread. No girl is good enough for the members of TGG.