Tell me where I have said any of those things. Please, go ahead, and continue being a douche. I mean would you care to shed any of your brilliant incite as to what motivation the Jets would have as placing Sanchez on the field aside from suffering an injury to the current QB? Id love to hear...
This was not directed at you per se, I just find it funny the guarantees that have been thrown out the past 4 months on this board. If you can't figure out this move I don't care to dissuade you from your opinion. Sorry you think I'm being a douche (that's a bit harsh), but the hate for a current/former Jet player to me is disgusting. There is not a Jet player the past 42 years I would be happy went onto IR or hoped would be finished as a Jet because of injury. Not Penny, not Bart, not Wilson, not Gholston, not Kyle Brady, not Ron Faurot, not Roger Vick, not Vlad, not any of them. Well, other than Tebow. I've liked Penny, Vinnie, Clemens, Favre, Foley, Reich, Boomer, O'Brien, Nagle, Ryan, Todd--all of them-- hell I even liked Troy Taylor. And I like Geno. Sorry I'm not part of he cool crowd that hates current or former Jet players, seems to be pretty chic here. _
Once again, you are assuming, and trying to make an argument that has no foundation. I do not hate Sanchez, and I never wished injury upon him. I posted this in the Sanchez appreciation thread a few days ago: I have never hated him as a person. The last two years, I hated his poor play and I dont think there's anything wrong with that. Im not sure why I feel like I have to defend myself. From the majority of your posts, you come off like a pompous ass. But once again, aside from Geno being injured, why would he see the field? If we are playing well, you obviously roll with Geno. If we are pretty much out of playoff contention, its probably best to stick with Geno to be able to evaluate him better. -
Maybe because I'm a pompous ass :grin: Chill, it's the Internet. I love the "I don't hate him as a person" which is so disingenuous. You don't know him as a person, you just hate what you know about him. I have never hated any Jet player other than Tebow. Again, I care not to dissuade you from your opinion, but there are scenarios that Sanchez sees the field again that don't fit your scenario. Date night, I'm out, have fun trashing me _
The Jets look promising enough to destroy any QBs career. They decided to call Sanchez back for more..
I think the Jets are upset about the comment that Sanchez made that he won the QB competition. I take back what I said about Sanchez being a class act. His comment was unnecessary and not classy.
Pretty sure Wesley as The Dread Pirate Roberts said that too Montoya when he said he must know who he is. Just sayin'
I had the highest hopes for him, never hated on him because he didn't pan out. Hey, I thought Nagle was going to be a Hall of Famer after that game in the Georgia Dome, what do I know? _