Sanchez or Tebow, what's the difference?

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by DarrelleRevis.Human?, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. joeblamath

    joeblamath New Member

    Feb 15, 2011
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    Biggest difference is intangibles. Tebow has all the little things Sanchez doesn't. The minute this defense went from elite to just good, Sanchez was expoded. He simply isn't the player he was drafted to be. Tebow isn't, either, but we all know he never should have been that high of a pick.

    At his worst, Tebow will ignite a fire in a team and provide leadership and inspiration. And unlike Sanchez, Tebow has the 4th quarter. Even if he sucks all game, as long as its close, history tells us you still have a chance if Tebow is in there.

    The thing the Jets need to do is just let him be himself. Run HIS offense and let him fly free, unlike the Broncos ever did. He is not nearly as bad as people say he is. He can throw a gem of a deep ball and he's mobile and a strong runner. If they get him going with some nice dump offs and runs and take their shots, he can lead this offense to about 20 ppg. Does that mean the Super Bowl? With no Revis and no stud WR or RB, probably not. But he could get them to a wild card. Sanchez won't.

    And on another note, why isn't this team looking to trade for a RB upgrade or looking to sign a veteran WR? Terrell Owens would not make this offense worse - that's for sure.

    I can't post links yet, but if you go to they have a funny article on what the Jets should do to turn things around. It's a good/funny read.
  2. Remarker

    Remarker Banned

    Mar 31, 2012
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    Is this the article?
    Why Tebow Time Needs to Start Now For Jets:
    You thought Tebowmania was crazy when Tim Tebow was taking the nation by storm as a member of the Denver Broncos. Just wait to see how much the earth shakes when Tebow Time takes over the Big Apple.

    It isn’t going to happen in week five when the Jets taken on the undefeated Houston Texans. It should, but due to Mark Sanchez’s seniority and Rex Ryan’s stubbornness, Tebow Time will have to wait at least another week. Not that a Tebow sighting under center for more than a handful of plays would mean the Jets upset the Texans. Not that it’d mean a dramatic playoff run, either.

    I won’t guarantee a division crown. No, not with the Patriots and Bills looking pretty tough. Not even with the Dolphins looking competitive and giving New York a serious run for their money in week three. Nope, no guarantees this time around.

    After all, just like in Denver, I’m not convinced Tebow is going to have a fair shake, anyways. Santonio Holmes just hurt his foot and could be out a while. And even if he’s 100%, I’m not buying that he’s all-in for this team. Then there’s rookie receiver Stephen Hill, banged-up tight end Dustin Keller, and the most pathetic group of running backs I’ve ever laid eyes on. Translation: unlike last year, Tebow would not be blessed with above average talent to help raise his game to “heavenly” heights.

    But as much as things are or would be stacked against Tebow and his unconventional style, I still think the switch needs to be made. The reality is, Mark Sanchez got his team to two straight AFC title games while being backed by an elite defense and using a very solid ground game. The defense isn’t elite anymore. They’re okay, but sans Darrelle Revis, they won’t stifle elite offenses.

    And that reliable ground attack is gone, too. The passing weapons are sparse, and the Jets just can’t get anything going on offense. They did for one week, as they trounced the Bills with a 48-point drubbing in week one. But in hind sight, that was just a “see, we can score” game to get critics off their backs. It’s almost like Sanchez and co. used all of their might to prove their doubters wrong, and now they’ve run out of gas.

    Since that sensational season opener, the Jets have been stagnant. The ground game hasn’t worked. Tebow’s wildcat packages have been ill-timed and ineffective. Sanchez has been erratic, inaccurate and indecisive. And the defense has been okay, but hasn’t been that elite unit Ryan hyped them up to be before 2012 kicked off.

    It sounds pretty dire; the situation the Jets are currently in. The funny part, though, is that they’re actually 2-2, tied for the first place in the AFC East with a tie-breaker against the Bills, and two dates remaining with the New England Patriots. They’ve beaten the Dolphins, too, and their only losses have come against two tough defenses in the 49ers and Steelers.

    But the switch needs to come before things start unraveling. Come week five, Sanchez and co. will face their third elite defensive unit in their past four outings. If they’re not completely demoralized yet, they soon will be.

    I don’t mind if the Jets wait until after week five to see if Sanchez can respond. That’d be the hope, anyways. But he didn’t respond after the Steelers game. Or the Dolphins game. And come another pitiful “failed response” in week five, what then? More repeated backings from Ryan for Sanchez. And why? For what? Because Sanchez rode an elite defense and ground game to two near-Super Bowl appearances two years ago?

    The past is the past. Sanchez can put those two AFC title games in his hat, but last year his team finished 8-8 in horrific fashion, and right now he’s playing some of the worst football of his career. He’s so bad, actually, that he’s less accurate on the year than Tim Tebow was as a Bronco last season.

    So, why not hand the reigns to Tebow? Why not truly mold your offense into that “ground and pound”, let Tebow run his read-option offense, and just let him operate out of the spread like he did in college. Let him play his game, and see what happens. After all, for all of his short-comings, Tebow can’t actually be much worse than Sanchez is right now.

    And this Tebow wildcat garbage is just that – garbage. He’s not a gimmick. Well, he might be, but he doesn’t work as a clear-cut gimmick. He’s not a package guy. Tebow is only going to work if you let him do his thing. He brings energy and leadership that Sanchez can’t match. His arm is just as strong, if not stronger. He throws one of the best deep balls in the league (believe that), and he’s the toughest running quarterback we’ve ever seen.

    He’s not overly accurate. His pocket presence leaves a lot to be desired. He has sloppy and raced footwork. But right now, that might as well be Mark Sanchez, too. Except with Sanchez, you’re not getting all of the good stuff Tebow has to offer.

    Who knows why the Jets really got Tebow. Maybe it was all a media/marketing ploy. If so, it half-worked. Perhaps they really did just want to spice up the offense with the wildcat. If so, that didn’t work. Or maybe they did bring him in for all of that, but also to be their top backup plan if Sanchez imploded for the second year in a row.

    As I said, who knows? I don’t really care. What I do care about, however, is the Jets just going through the motions and not making any adjustments, while a fiery quarterback who just might give this team a shot at changing their course sits idly by.

    And that’s my main beef. Not that Sanchez is the worst quarterback in the world or that he can’t be fixed. But that he’s playing just awful football, and a guy with some real upside is ready and willing behind him.

    Tebow isn’t just being used incorrectly or being under-utilized. He’s being ignored. And it needs to stop before Sanchez digs them into too deep of a hole. Before Ryan looks like a complete fool for waiting too long. Before Tebow himself doesn’t believe he can make a difference anymore.
    #42 Remarker, Oct 3, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
  3. Remarker

    Remarker Banned

    Mar 31, 2012
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    Or this?
    10 Crazy Things Jets Should do to Save Their Season:
    The New York Jets are 2-2 and tied for the lead in the AFC East, yet somehow panic is setting in. I know it seems crazy, but with three straight horrible performances, this team feels like an 0-4 team right about now, and really should probably be 1-3.

    At the very least, their week one drubbing of the Bills is looking like a crazy fluke, and with an impending loss to the Texans in week five all but certain, this team is headed for a 2-3 record and a spiral trip out of control.

    With all the craziness, perhaps the Jets should push the envelope and add just a little more crazy to the chaos to try to get back on track. Short of Mark Sanchez tearing up the Texans and getting to 3-2 (which would be really crazy), the Jets may want to consider some of these ideas:

    1. Give Tim Tebow the Brady Quinn treatment and completely pass him over by going directly to third stringer Greg McElroy. A case can be made that McCoy is smarter and more accurate than both Sanchez and Tebow, and he’s a respected figure. He was one of the most vocal players against the Jets’ locker room issues last year, so perhaps he could do some good.

    2. Trade for Braylon Edwards. Santonio Holmes is hurt, Stephen Hill is a raw rookie and no one else in New York really deserves to have their name mentioned. Edwards isn’t really being used in Seattle and could be had for little via a trade. Maybe he wouldn’t solve all their problems, but at least Sanchez would have a familiar target and a hopefully legit down-field threat.

    3. Sign Terrell Owens, Chad Johnson, Joey Galloway and anyone else who is a veteran wide receiver looking for work. Toss in Javon Walker while you’re at it. Heck, maybe Marvin Harrison or Torry Holt wouldn’t mind giving it a go. New York is banged up and sapped of talent in their passing game. All of their quarterbacks leave a ton to be desired, but maybe if they had experienced, reliable options they’d look a little better. Oh, the above options aren’t reliable?

    4. Bring Curtis Martin or Thomas Jones back. At least these guys had talent, even when they were old and their knees were turning to mush. Shonn Greene has no talent and Bilal Powell and Joe McKnight are barely NFL running backs. In fact, McKnight got switched to corner.

    5. Sign Ty Law. Doesn’t he seem to pop up in someone’s secondary every year, anyway? He’s probably 40 by now, but he can still lock down the opponent’s top option, right? Right?

    6. Let Eric Crouch run the Wildcat and switch Tebow to tight end. It just makes sense, really. Crouch has been dreaming of a true shot to player quarterback in the NFL for years, while Tebow has the size, build and athleticism to be a pretty beastly tight end if he puts his mind to it. Jets tight ends keep getting hurt, so maybe he’d be an upgrade. Crouch wouldn’t, but he sure would be fun to watch.

    7. Trade Tim Tebow for Brad Smith. Not sure the Bills would totally go for it, but in a weird way I think they’d win the trade. Maybe it’s because I feel they’d actually know how to get something good out of Tebow on the field. On the flip-side, the Jets know and love Smith, and he’d spark their just about dead wildcat package, as well as their return game.

    8. Keep Tebow and play him as a true running back. This isn’t even that crazy. I know Tebow runs in the 4.7′s on a 40 time, but so does Shonn Greene. At least it certainly seems that way. Tebow would be the true definition of “ground and pound”. He’d probably only average about 3.5-4 yards per carry as a true RB, but he’d punish opponents and he’d be effective when it counted (short-yardage and goal-line situations). Best of all, him playing strictly running back would allow Sanchez to breathe easy and hopefully play better ball.

    9. Fire Rex Ryan and promote Tony Sparano. The wildcat doesn’t work in spurts, but the regular offense doesn’t work at all. Pull the old switcharoo and let Sparano run his offense all day. It’s fairly arguable that Ryan has lost his locker room at this point, anyways, so what have the Jets to lose but a string of games?

    10. Give Brett Favre a call…or text. And just when you thought you were done with him. Favre would return for his second deployment in New York and the ripe age of 43. Call me crazy, but I still think he’d have something left. Not much, but something.

    Like I said, this team is still 2-2 and nowhere near panic mode. But they didn’t just lose to the 49ers in week four. They got demolished in every way possible. If that happens again in week five versus the Texans, Ryan and co. may have to think outside the box (see above) to try to keep this team from completely falling apart.
    #43 Remarker, Oct 3, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
  4. JaxSuzy

    JaxSuzy Banned

    May 19, 2012
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    Hey Remarker - all your pwn are belong to us ;)
  5. Remarker

    Remarker Banned

    Mar 31, 2012
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    ;) Just tryin' to help keep the Tim antagonists from stinking up our forum. It used to be worse. I gave 'em fair warning.

    My reply to the above quote.
    #45 Remarker, Oct 3, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
  6. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Tim and I love this shit.
  7. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    the only thing you pwn is biscuits and gravy, world of warcraft and a big bottle of jergens. you havent stopped shit. it didnt used to be worse. its the same 10-12 anti-tebowers vs the tebow lovers.

    It never was anything but that.

    Christ. I would love to visit the world you live in one day. must be fucking amazing place full of pwn's and errs and shirtless pictures of tebow.

    now go full rome-tard you troglodytic half-wit.
  8. Remarker

    Remarker Banned

    Mar 31, 2012
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    Jetsetter34, your personality is showing.
  9. Remarker

    Remarker Banned

    Mar 31, 2012
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    Just so you know, I originally said that refering to the challenges inherent in dealing with Gator haters. Tim and we Gators embrace the challenge and love it.

    The Gator hater dynamic seems to have transferred to the Jets fans that are Tim haters and Tim fan haters. Gators, including Tim continue to love a challenge, regardless of the source.

    Go Gators (LSU this weekend) and Go Jets.
  10. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Does everyone forget about Sanchez late in games? You know making comebacks before Tebow started a game. Sanchez has shown that too.

    Averaging 20 ppg will not get the Jets a WC unless the defense drastically improves or we get to play the Bills for the next 12 games
  11. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    Fixed your life.
  12. Remarker

    Remarker Banned

    Mar 31, 2012
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    Dierking's original post setting me up.
    My actual reply before Dierking changed it.

    My reply AFTER Dierking changed it. Key the link arrow in Dierking's post quoting me for proof.
    Dierking's reply admitting his attempted deception.
    Observe another example of Dierking's immaturity.
  13. soh_vet

    soh_vet Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    I normally don't chime in over here, but i lurk from time to time. It's seem a lot of you (not all) vistors know much more than coaches and general managers. Why isn't TiT a starting QB? He stats should land him a starting spot on half the teams in the league. Do these evalulators have zero vision? Why isn't he starting over the worst QB in the league? Is it a conspiracy against Timbo?! Satanism?! It must be the devils work! Seriously, why isn't Tebow in high demand? Why was the young miracle-working Denver Savior traded for an aging HOF'r, a year removed from the game, with potential career ending neck surgeries. Why would any team do that? Why do these GM's etc, know less than you? Please explain?
  14. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Peyton Manning is better than Tebow. All but about 6 teams would chuck their starter for him. So, if you don't think so, disagree.

    As for starting, quarterback is a tough issue -- you can't just switch starters in and out. You go with the the one you think is your franchise for stablity, and you make a change when you have to. There are plenty of good quarterbacks out there who "miss their window" and don't have a starting gig.

    Tebow is developing, and at any given time there are only so many openings. It's timing. There are other decent quarterbacks out there -- Skelton, Flynn, Matt Moore, David Guerard, TJ Yates, etc. -- who aren't starting, and may never get their shot, or they may.

    Tebow is a question mark right now -- not just anybody is ready to give it a a shot for his playing style.
  15. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    5 teams showing interest in a project qb with only 16 starts under his belt is not too bad really
  16. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    It's a good sign. The kid can throw it hard -- the true pros know he's got a cannon. The kid throws it accurately down the field -- the true pros know his main issues are mechanics in the short to intermediate game. He's got the size, he's got the athleticism.
  17. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    Denver put itself in a bad place as far as Tebow trade value, it wasn't hard to see that they were going to get rid of him no matter what as soon as Manning came to Denver. As soon as Manning signed on the dotted line Tebow lost basically any trade value. Same as if the Jets try to trade for a WR now they are gunna get taken for a ride because everyone knows they need one
  18. Barcs

    Barcs Banned

    Nov 15, 2011
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    I don't think Tebow could pull off a performance like Sanchez did in game 1. At least not at this point in his career. Sanchez is just soft, and once he gets hit, he turns into a different guy. Maybe we should play Sanchez until he gets sacked and then swap Tebow in when the line's getting weak.
    #58 Barcs, Oct 3, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2012
  19. JaxSuzy

    JaxSuzy Banned

    May 19, 2012
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    Wow, I think the dudes are emerging
    and I'm a lead farmer
  20. Bannon

    Bannon New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Yeah, most people with a quarterback to trade don't fire sale him. They wait until a team's plans do awry, there's a key injury, something like that.

    But Tebow is a force of nature, a larger than life figure who would have remained in the conversation and stressed people out. So they made it obvious it was "best offer and he's gone," not "time has to be right."

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