I don't understand this at all. I have been a huge critic of Sanchez, but this is making no sense considering Rex also said he would never consider removing Sanchez from the starting role. So you let Brunell take snaps with the first team anyway as an empty threat? Does this mean Rex sees the problem in Sanchez and not with Schotty? Considering the sentiment of most on this board Rex should have kept Sanchez in and let Callahan call the plays as a message to Schotty. But no, he benched Sanchez for Brunell. I am getting worried about this whole situation, when Mark's contract is up do we actually give him a pay raise by extending him? He hasn't even lived up to his initial contract. And then we would presumably have to pay him MORE money? Who is going to be on the cutting room floor? I don't see how we can maintain a championship caliber team when most of our money is going to be spent on 2 players. Revis and Sanchez. I'm going to have nightmares of this FO considering letting Revis go to the highest bidder when his contract is up and sticking with the "face of the franchise" in Mark as the top dollar guy on the roster.
One big problem with Sanchez is no competition. I can't beleive that we entered the season without a legit back-up QB. What the hell is managment thinking? Stop trading up in the draft...lets get more players out of the draft.
This ^ I think that is what they want honestly. Not to not have a good plan B, but for Mark to have no serious competition. He gets coddled so much its unbelievable. If he were playing for any other team in any other city his hide would be in jeopardy of being benched and letting the Ortons, the Carrs, and the Moores of the league get a shot. But since we have Brunell and no viable back up it keeps that type of controversy at bay and lets Mark feel like there is no added pressure to succeed. If there was a serious threat at back up QB, and this sort of controversy was brewing, I think Mark would have spent the bye in the film room rather than go camping with Brunell and O'Connell.
Exactly. I have been saying this for months now as well. What the hell is the point of Brunell? Schotty has been around the game for a long time too, and if Sanchez has football questions, he should be able to ask Schotty (yes, I realize that I just typed that, and almost did it with a straight face). But Brunell literally adds nothing to this team, and it was blatant negligence to go into this season with him as the back-up.
Listening to Mike and Mike this morning with Skip and Stephen A Smith stepping in as hosts, and they were talking about our backup quarterback situation and Stephen A was saying what I have heard others say, that we don't have a viable back up QB because the organization wants to protect Mark Sanchez's ego. It really is inexcusable that we did not make a play for Vince Young, which is what Stephen A was criticizing. We had plenty of cap room to sign him for a year as a back up, but no, we decided getting a backup QB was not necessary. And In all honesty, I agree with Stephen A Smith when he says Vince Young is a better QB than Mark Sanchez, and we would be a better team with him.
Are you honestly going to say you disagree that we should have gone out and acquired a back up like Vince Young rather than stick with Brunell?
I believed Smith 100%! He was speaking really loudly. He and Mike Irvin have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the louder you make your argument, the more credence it holds.
stephen a smith is a dumbass, and annoying as fuck. vince young is bad but does have the ability to get wins as he proved last week. beyond that, the fact we dont have a backup qb is complete and total bullshit, if and probably when poor sanchez takes one of these massive hits somewhere that isnt protected we are really going to put brunell in there? thats worse than having ray lucas as your backup. dont shit on the guys post simply because the guy who he is using as his backup is a douche. the guys an ass but he had a point in that one.
Don't know if this is directed at me, but there is nothing in my post related to Vince Young. It was a shot at Steven A! As far as Young goes, I think he's more naturally talented and has a much higher upside than Sanchez. However, he lacks the drive and determination Mark possesses IMO. Sanchez seems to want it more. I think Young could be a top 5 QB if he ever got his head on straight, and I don't think Sanchez has a ceiling that high.
Utterly ridiculous Sanchez needs protection from the subterrior foot work process "he doesn't buy enough time in the pocket for these inclusive routes"