Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    I'd be a lot better at it if I had a job so meaningless that it allows me to waste 8 hours a day sitting in a drab cubicle dicking around in sports chat rooms.

    Any openings where you "work"?
  2. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    We already have.
  3. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    You really need to stop, you are making a bigger fool of yourself for drawing attention to your gaff.

    Either that or stop trying to engage in conversations that involve logic with someone who appreciates intellectual arguments and not agenda driven drivel.

    You stated that Sanchez had only throw 8 to 10 really good passes--in his entire NFL life. That is agenda driven hyperbole.

    When I pointed out that Sanchez had over 1100 completions and over 75 TDs IN GAMES THAT COUNT--I correctly pegged you as an agenda driven hyperbolic hater.

    But YOU claimed that the NFL keeps different stats for the regular season and playoffs and therefore I couldn't count ALL of them in the number of passes he completed or TDs thrown.

    THEY ALL count when talking about good/great throws--regular season OR playoffs. Probably MORE important in playoffs. This isn't a "stat" discussion--it's a "play" discussion.

    So now you backtrack off of your initial hyperbole--which I correctly pointed out--because NOW you admit MAY have shortchanged Sanchez a little bit and you--let me get this straight--you went back and watched TAPE and came up with a few more good/great throws?!? LOL.

    So I'm to believe you watched 4 years of games, 16 games a year PLUS playoffs (well, he missed one game due to injury and one benching) and came up with 7 to 10 MORE good/great catches?

    You did that all this afternoon?

    Do you know how stupid that sounds? Serious question--did you just watch all of his 1000+ regular season completions or his 90+ playoff completions as well?

    Did you really?

    Or are you just making more stuff up? You know, what those accustomed to logic and reason call "hyperbole"?

    Do you not realize when talking about good or great plays--the conversation is not limited to a certain segment of stats that the NFL segregates out from other stats?

    That they all count?

    Give it up, Sanchez sucks, he's awful, he's done--we all know that--but to assert that in over 1100 completions and over 75 TDs in his professional career that only 15-20 of them were really good is just agenda driven hyperbole.

    Of the highest order.

  4. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Excuse me, but I didn't enter this thread to defend Sanchez, to claim he's good/great, to assert he should be the starter, to make all of the excuses made here ad nausem.

    This is Geno's team and he has shown in 3 games the ability to actually hit guys in the numbers on a consistent basis and to throw the ball away when there is nothing there. The ghuy looks like he may have the goods and clearly Sanchez is done here.

    I simply objected to the revisionist history that Sanchez had never thrown a pass like Geno did, or had only thrown 8-10 passes in his entire NFL life.

    It's hyperbole that's just stupid given all the other ammo the Sanchez haters have. Awful decisions, inaccurate, boneheaded plays, just an awful awful QB.

    I guess you can't like Geno without hating Sanchez.

    That's my problem--I don't hate ANY Jet, current or past, other than Tebow.

    The absolute trashing of Sanchez based upon his awfulness is okay I guess for a large number of fans here. It's a mob mentality.

    Just not my style, not how I think of current or ex-Jets.

  5. Penning10

    Penning10 Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    Why are we still talking about this guy? His time is over, he wasn't very good. Can we all move on??
  6. deathstar

    deathstar Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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  7. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Again, Because you don't read at all evidently. I said the great catches covered both regular and post season, that's different than stats.

    When you talk about a players career stats no organization reports career stats that include post season numbers bundled in to it without making the notation that it includes Post season stats. Period, end of story. Not arguable with any credibility.

    No I didn't watch 4 years worth of games, I watched several highlight clips ranging from 3-10 minutes on Sanchez, not that difficult if you understand the Concept of Youtube and other sources for clips. It's really possible to get a condensed version pretty damned quickly. But again, your just trying to divert from your error without admitting least my gaffe was having forgotten about a few passes, which I corrected when I realized there was more there.
    You on the other hand continue to argue a point you've been shown you were fallacious with despite being given the easy out that you just didn't add a disclaimer.

    maybe you don't like the way the NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA, assorted halls of fames, 99.9% of all reporting outlets use and track career stats, and maybe you don't like that they separate them, but hey guess what?!!? that's the way it is, and that's the way it's been for as long as I can recall and I've been a stat freak since I was 9.

    maybe you should start a letter writing campaign saying how every other service and sport is wrong and they should total stats the way you do. I mean surely you have to be right after all, right?

    I mean you easy way out is just to say you errored in not adding the disclaimer, even if that is a lie it's a way out. But evidently you are so incapable of admitting you made an error that you are the one only highlighting your error.

    you're sounding a lot like Hobbes right now. Wouldn't surprise me if you were one and the same as it's the same argument style.
  8. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Please do not insult Hobbes that way.

    He isn't here to defend himself...and while he may be a douche at times, he's a lovable douche.

    Big difference.
  9. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Fair enough :D
    did he get banned again? or just leave?
  10. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    I think the new younger TEAM is a breath of fresh air, not Geno. As Geno is putting up similar #s on a better team. Our defense on Genos turnovers have allowed mostly field goals, maybe 1 Td!

    That's impressive... Let's not after 3 mediocre games claim Geno is anything. To think we could've been 3-0...

    The best cure for anything is... WINNING!

    If we were losing and you seen Geno's many would've been chanting Simms name on this board like last week.

    Time to tone down the Mark hate, bcuz it's the JETS we appreciate...

    I'm a part time rapper as u can tell...
  11. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Nobody was talking about "career stats"' we were talking about "plays".

    I said it was agenda driven hyperbole to assert he didn't have more than "8-10 really good throws" in over 1100 completions. In his NFL life.

    He completed them, didn't matter that it was regular or post season. For a stat freak you should really either (i) do a better job checking or (ii) get better at addition.

    You sound foolish. Get over it, everyone makes mistakes on the internet.

    Again, plays-- not stats. LOL.

  12. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Depends on if your comparing Geno this year to Sanchez last year or Geno to Sanchez in his rookie year. Rookie year don't forget that Sanchez had 20 interceptions on around 370 pass attempts, he also fumbled 10 or 11 times but luckily, very luckily, only lost I think 1.

    Sanchez had basically an all pro offensive line, a solid tight end, a very good running game, a good receiving corp headed by Cotch, who was just entering the tail end of his prime but was still in it. Oh, and the leagues #1 defense in both total yards allowed and fewest points allowed.

    So, at least thus far, Geno is having a very similar season to Sanchez's rookie year. There was a lot of excitement about the good Sanchez showed his rookie year, but there was also the cloud of the turnovers and the inaccuracy hanging over his head, but he was a rookie and those are, and were, expected.

    The thing that bugs me is people who think Sanchez was worse last year than he'd been in his other years, in reality he was almost exactly at his career average last year in almost every measurable. in other words last season was just an average Sanchez season....and that's the problem.
  13. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    No, only the best of the best can work here. Sorry you don't qualify.
  14. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Actually when you brought in TD's and Completions and listed the numbers you did at THAT point at least ONE person was talking about career stats. I'll give you a hint as to who that person was. It's a three letter word that starts with Y and ends with a U and has a vowel in the middle.

    And your right we were talking about Plays, which makes the "career stats" you posted completely irrelevant to the discussion.

    And yes, everyone makes mistakes on the internet, and you still aren't admitting you made one. And for someone who went on the attack because I changed my mind on how many "Great" catches there were, and I still think under my definition of great I only saw around 10, but I give him credit for maybe 5-10 more that I didn't see in clips or remember, you know the benefit of a doubt, but back to the point, for someone who rode my ass for changing my mind on something that was subjective, and admitting I changed my mind, (after which you attacked yet again). You get no sympathy from me on calling you out.

    But that's okay, I know some folks ego's are too frail to admit they made an error.

    Again, all you have to do is admit A) you stated stats out of accepted context. or B) made an error by note noting they included post season stats. Judging by your sarcastic rant in other threads on the NFL not including post seasons stats as career stats I'm really beginning to think you had no clue there's is a difference. And so I'll give you an option C, even though I shouldn't considering the jackass you've been. so C) You had no idea that post season stats weren't included in career stats. so there, I even gave you the option to admit ignorance.
  15. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    So how did you get the job?

    (sorry man, had to take was hanging fruit.)
  16. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    :grin: I know.
  17. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Let it go, you're sounding more and more foolish. Admit it, you made a mistake, nothing to be ashamed about. That you tried to change the context of the conversation is obvious yet irrelavant.

    More importantly, you gotta let the hate go. You sound like an old bitter hatefilled man--like you're constipated or something. It's not healthy. Eat your ruffage. And I'm 3 years older than you.

    The hate filled agenda really needs to go.

  18. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Bottom line, like him or hate him, Sanchez completed over 1100 passes in NFL games that count, and over 75 TD passes in NFL games that count.

    Yet, according to you, he only threw 8-10 "really good" passes.


    That is hyperbole of the highest order.

    Fueled by a hate-filled agenda.

    Let it go.

  19. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I would accept that I made a mistake, if I was the one who made it. I would have let it go a number of posts ago but you went on an attack bordering on personal and have repeatedly attempted to bully it...Not gonna happen, especially when in this case I'm right and you know it.

    Yes it is a silly point to be arguing over, however you've turned it in to a matter of principal for me now, never back down from some jackass who tries to intimidate through bullshit. And that's all that' you've spewed over the last two days is bullshit and vague or exaggerated references....

    Nothing bitter about it, like I said...all you need to do to end this is man up and admit you either misled or errored in the presenting of the data. That's it, no ha ha ha got you, no "I'm the man's". No end zone booty dances in celebration, admit that you were out of context, intentionally or not, and I'll let it all go.

    But the second you turned it more personal and went on the assault the chances of me letting it go became zero.
  20. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Hahahahaa, yeah you did, then you changed the context of the discussion.

    Sanchez completed over 1100 passes in NFL games that count, and over 75 TD passes in NFL games that count.

    Yet, according to you, he only threw 8-10 "really good" passes.

    Get over it. Hate is unhealthy.

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