Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    I like Mark. I still root for him. Go back to the posts in this thread and see me defend him nonstop from 09 to half of 2012. But its clear he won't do anything as a Jet. This is Chad Pennington 07 all over can't go back to him. It does the team no good. Unlike Chad though, Mark doesn't have the accuracy Chad had to make Chad's 08 year happen for Mark. Also doesn't have a then unheard of gimmick offense most likely but you never know.

    I think Mark can find a role somewhere in the NFL. He could be a quality backup in say Seattle under his former coach who can put a lot of talent around him if Wilson ever got hurt. Maybe he can slide into a lucky spot like Minnesota and help.

    Point is, he's gotten a lot of chances. I too think he didn't get the best of help but he still could have overcame it. I defended Mark up until last year....I just think his confidence is gone and its shot and its tough to get that back. He lost the locker room sans a few of his close buds ala Mangold, DBrick and I don't think he can win it back, especially if Geno plays good to alright.

    I hope he finds success elsewhere and wish him well but you can't go back to him.
  2. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Speaks volumes to just how bad Schotty and Sparano were.

    I won't say Marty is god since we saw Sparano looked like a genius after game 1 last year but he actually has a clue of what he's doing on offense. He may not be the best offensive mind but he actually knows how to break in a young QB.
  3. RIPJimLeonhard

    RIPJimLeonhard Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    This thread is going to get really fun once Geno has his first horrendous outing of the season. I can't wait to read Hobbes posts.
  4. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    1st, can't have been too many passes since he completed 63.2% of his passes.
    2nd Saying that if Sanchez had performed like that we'd be crying for him to be benched...yes we would, Geno=Rookie who made some rookie mistakes. Sanchez=5 year veteran who still makes rookie mistakes. Very big difference.

    3rd. With the pass rush that Tampa Bay was running Mark would have likely thrown at least 2 picks and at least 2-3 more sacks...Face it, Marks' not the most pocket aware QB and he's definitely not the quickest getting the ball out of his hands.

    4th, Geno does need to cut down on the rookie mistakes, no doubt. rookie's first game in the NFL. Things went bad in the 2nd quarter he could have folded and panicked, he didn't. He gave a very solid second half of football.

    Want to knock Geno's first game? Compare it to your boy Sanchezs.

    Sanchez in his first NFL game was 18/31 58% completion 272 yards 1 pick, 1 TD, 1 sack and 6yards on 5 attempts.
    Smith 24/38 63.2% completion 256 yards 1 pick, 1 TD, 1 Fumble, 5 sacks. oh and was the teams leading rusher with 47 yards on 6 attempts.

    Now tell me which QB had the better O-line in his rookie year?
    Which QB had the better receivers his rookie year?
    Which QB had the better runningbacks his rookie year?
    I'll give you a hint, it's not Geno.
    the 09 and 10 jets had one of the best O-lines in the NFL, the 13 Jets one of the worst so far.
    the 09 and 10 Jets had a hell of a running game...
    In 09 opening game the jets ground offense 184 Yards rushing (excluding Sanchez's 5 attempts and yards) The running game averaged 4.97 yards per attempt supporting Sanchez

    thus far in 13 the other RB's averaged 1.87 yards a carry for the Jets for total output of 43 net yards for the rushers not named Geno Smith. Smith out gained his own team in rushing with 47 net yards rushing.

    So, Geno performed about the same level as Sanchez did in his rookie performance and had a hell of a lot less talent around him than Sanchez did, especially on the O-line and RB positions.

    To further drive this point home, Sanchez accounted for 60% of the teams total net yardage, Smith accounted for 86% of the teams total net yardage (and yes that's including lost yards in sacks)

    Think about that for just one minute, just a minute. 86% of the Jets offense was a direct effect of Geno Running or passing. Just short of 9 out of every 10 yards gained.

    Was Geno's game great? no, is that level of performance sustainable? No, not without better support from the team.

    It's one game, that's all. But all things considered it was one hell of a game for a rookie when you consider the performance of the O-line and RB's. would it have been acceptable play if he'd been a 5 year veteran, or even 4 year veteran? If it's only one game yes..

    And here's what little is left of your argument falls apart Geno's a rookie and all you can do is look in to your crystal ball and say Sanchez would have done better, despite the fact that when under pass rush pressure he's one of the worst QB's in the league. YOu know, the same thing that happened today is the same thing you blamed for Sanchez shitfests over the past 2 years, well actually over his whole career but we'll limit it to the last 2 years just to be fair...A O-line that couldn't keep people out of the backfield. I'll guarantee you in those same circumstances Sanchez has as many or more sacks and definitely more turnovers, we have 4 years of history to see how sanchez folds against a heavy pass rush.
    And I say this with 100% conviction because Geno did something a number of times today that Sanchez doesn't do, he threw the ball away when nothing was there rather than try to force the ball in to double or triple coverage.

    And thank god there were no double and triple pump fakes to open receivers or to triple covered receivers while staring down the receiver he was pump faking to and eventually threw to anyways.

    To be the long term solution Geno will have to play better than he did today, but all things considered for a first NFL game it was damned good.
  5. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Oh and Hobbes, forgot to mention. Regarding the Fumble that turned in to 6 on the next play...your right Sanchez would never have done that. He would have cut out the middle man and thrown a pick 6 in panic. But hey that would have saved time on the clock for a comeback, guess that makes Sanchez more efficient in his turnovers right?
  6. AK-JETS4Life

    AK-JETS4Life Active Member

    Oct 20, 2011
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    Geno actually used his check downs in the right way.
  7. Frenbar

    Frenbar Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Hahahaha! If I didn't know your posting history I'd say you were trying to be funny. Open a window bro, its over.
  8. frank whittle

    frank whittle New Member

    Dec 23, 2009
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    There's one word that I would use to describe Geno's performance yesterday. Composure. When was the last time Sanchez looked composed?
  9. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    I think you tore Hobbe's labrum...
  10. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    this thread isnt about geno.. but if we have to go there:

    - geno threw the ball away several times when it wasnt there. sanchez would have throw a couple picks instead forcing it

    -geno completed 3 or 4 screen passes. im not sure mark completed 3 or 4 all of last season. huge new dimension for our offense

    - geno outrushed our horrific runningbacks, posting 47 yards. picked up a ton of first downs with his legs. with sanchez, those turn into punts instead of extended drives.

    no way we win this game with sanchez. he'd had like 4 or 5 turnovers and pout after being sacked 11 times
  11. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    The sacks the line the rushing are a symptom of starting a rookie Qb. As was stated in other threads Geno missed a a lot of open receivers because he was told first read run.

    The question is not could have Sanchez done better the question is can this offense rebound and put points on the board. No two ways to put it our offense sucked yesterday can they get better open up the playbook and score some points. 15 points and a gift three at the end does not win you a lot of games.

    Brady does not score less than 21
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    This thread still exists because it's about the future of Mark Sanchez... about all the things that are positive about him to better prepare him for his next position. I submit the following:

    1) He knows enough to put the cold stuff with the cold and the hot with the hot.

    2) Eggs get bagged separately and he knows you have to protect them.

    3) Heavy items get double-bagged.

    4) If a customer has a problem like, "What aisle is the peanut butter on?"... he answers immediately, "That would be aisle 12, Sir!"

    5) If the customer doesn't have a ShopRite card, he scans the house card.

    6) He knows enough to not eat hot dogs behind the register or wipe snot on other employees.

    These are all positives that he brings to the table and he should be able to convince his next employer that he has what it takes.
  13. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    A couple of things.

    I was happy w/ geno's first performance. he had ups and downs but we need to expect that. He made some nice plays through the air and w/ his legs and most importantly showed some poise. Nice debut, he needs to get a lot better but it was a nice start especially considering he barely played in preseason.

    2nd: as of the 1st qtr of NYG-Dal last night mark Sanchez no longer leads the NFL in TOs since entering the league in 2009.
  14. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Yeah, Eli's performance was horrendous if you're a Giants fan. But should we be comparing MS to that performance? We should feel good that someone finally exceeds him in turning the ball over?
  15. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Just pointing out a fact that the "great" Eli has more TOs than "lowly" Mark.
  16. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    holy shit the stupidity of this post if tremendous.

    If Sanchez took sacks of -11,-19, coughed it up near the goal line for the bucs to score 7, and floated one down the his very first NFL game nobody, would have said a thing.

    that was never the criticism against Sanchez. it is that he made those types of mistakes 4 years into the league.
  17. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    As I said, its apples and oranges, because of the offense hes playing in.

    Look, Geno, is a rookie and if you read my posts, I said he gets cut some slack for that.

    But the Sanchez haters, making it out to be the second coming is retarded. The Jets managed 13 points. Gave up an easy 7. And needed a shitload of help to win yesterday, in terms of sustained drives amd scores via penalty.

    And got two receivers decapitated because they were making predictable throws.

    Geno played well enough, almost for us to beat Josh Freeman? With massive help at the end.

    Yes, Geno completed 63% yesterday. Great.

    Its not taking anything away from Smith to say a healthy Sanchez, still gives us a better chance to win.

    I think, with the 10 day layoff after thursday, Smith can get us to 3-1, with a little defensive help, maybe we can steal thursday.

    The simple fact os, Geno did nothing yesterday, that you wouldnt have gotten out of Sanchez, and from the looks of preseason, probably a little lesss.
  18. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Winning a game will allow the press to gloss over the negative and look at the last 2 plays - 25 yard pass, 10 yard run + 15 yard penalty.

    Overall Geno needs to play a lot better, can't give away points, and can't take those big sacks. He has more potential than I thought he would. Hopefully he is a fast study and improves week to week.
  19. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Thats the point

    But its easier to hate.

    Sustem matters.
  20. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    my 6 year old has this down pat. bread gets packed separately too. hopefully the sancho man can figure it out in under 5 years.

    and hobbes stop trolling, your an idiot. junc at least you gave geno some credit and i think we can all appreciate that. however ive told you a million times comparing him to eli manning is pointless. it doesnt make any difference what eli manning does. either positive or negative. oh and yeah he has 2 superbowl wins. awww schucks
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