Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    This is it in a nutshell.
  2. Ben Had

    Ben Had Active Member

    Nov 19, 2011
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    It's also very hard to have a superb supporting cast on both sides of the ball...Seahawks and 9ers come to mind.
  3. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    You can get a superb cast on both sides of the ball for a short period of time if you draft VERY VERY well and get lucky in the middle of the draft. But it's almost impossible to sustain good play on both sides of the ball for more than a season or two due to salary caps. Players who play well expect to get paid well. It's why teams focus so much on Offense these days. If you can get a franchise QB you'll be a playoff team more often than not and any time you get to the playoffs anything can happen.
    But you have to be careful not to get one dimensional. One of the problems Peyton has had in getting through the playoffs is a one dimensional offense that all it can do is pass and a so so defense with a subpar running game. Gotta balance things out.

    The Patriots are a good way to look at a successful franchise in the salary cap years, they started off as a defensive minded team and switched to being an offensive juggernaut with Brady, now they're focusing more on a running game and starting to rebuild their defense due to Brady's advancing 2-3 years they'll be a top flight defense again with an offense based around the running attack.
  4. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    It's also why you don't have to be very good to make the playoffs in the NFL.
  5. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Very true. For this reason, Walsh's adage particularly rings true:

    "You can get away with a lot on offense, as long as you have a competent QB. You have to have 11 good players to have a good defense."

    Thus, the correct way to build a dynasty is:

    1. Build an offensive system that can elevate the play of the QB. [Patriots come to mind.]

    2. Build solid defense.

    Once the QB is well off the ground in the given good offensive system, it takes but little maintenance work to keep it running. You all know it's the QB's show - so that makes other pieces that much cheaper [other than OL]. And with solid defense, you know you can trust them late in the game.


    I for one think Mornhinweg's involvement signals building powerful offensive system. Now, if Geno can be the QB of the future - that I don't know. Rather, I don't think so. If he shits the bed, Jets will draft a QB early next year, so that's a moot point.

    Well. How important is the system? I'd say, its importance is about of equal magnitude to having HoF caliber QB. If you have a system [or at least a design simple to implement in short period of time] you can use the likes of 6th and 7th round picks to spot a starter in your team. [i.e. Alfred Morris, Redskins, and countless RBs in Broncos' heyday.] Since WCO favors agile, quick and smart OLs, I was hoping to see the Jets get in contact with Alex Gibbs in any way - be it OL coach [heaven forbid - he retired for a reason.] or offensive consultant. It would have made the transition into WCO running games that much easier and smoother.

    As for the defense, again, we all know we cannot have all-stars studded in all three levels, so my preference would be to have a kick-ass DL, and have other two layers feed off from it. I still think Jets need some serious talent influx at second and third line - and I would expect the Jets to address them in the coming draft.

    Also - this, I think is very critical - Jets would do really, REALLY well to find a good LB coach. They now have Brian Van Gorder for that spot - let's see how he handles his responsibilities. He has nothing now, so DeMario Davis's growth is about all he can achieve. [For that, I have to say, he has done piss-poor job.] If that's not enough, let's see how he handles once he has a few stallions in the stable.
    #15985 Zach, Sep 2, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2013
  6. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    This is really it in a nutshell. You can pay a franchise QB at the top of his rate and still put a solid entertaining product on the field. You absolutely cannot pay 5 or 6 defensive stars at the top of their rate on their second contract and still put a good product on the field. You win games by scoring points and the defense, no matter how good, is not going to consistently win for you if you can't score points on offense.

    The value of Rex Ryan is that he can take second-tier defenders and still put a good defense on the field. Not a great defense but a good one. That leaves you room to go spend the money at QB, WR, LT and maybe RB that you need to spend to be competitive year in and year out.

    Rex doesn't know this yet, and he fights like hell to keep his great defensive players, but he's the reason that the Jets defense is good. Darrelle Revis was a strong factor but give Eric Mangini Darrelle Revis and he's not worth half what he was with Rex.
  7. deathstar

    deathstar Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    400 pages...almost 16000 posts...Damn.

    Seriously though, how much more arguing about Sanchez sucking can you folks do?
  8. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    800 pages on tapatalk. lol ridiculous. and about 70% of it is people arguing with Hobbes.
  9. Jets69

    Jets69 Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2013
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    Still has a ways to go before it, surpasses the Schottenheimer thread.
  10. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Did you check my posts?

    I think I belong to the top 20 somewhere, if not 10.

    And I do talk about Sanchez, but I talk about other stuff as well. [Just like the post right above.]
  11. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Schottenheimer is a primary reason for the existence of this thread, among other things.

    Sent from my HTC6990LVW using Tapatalk
  12. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    By "stars" if you mean those 10M/year players, you are absolutely correct. Having 5-6 players of 10M contract is simply unsustainable.

    On offense, similar effect can be had if you have a good QB - since he elevates the performance of the entire offense.

    Thus, you need to assess where the most impact is felt along the defense. In case of Pittsburgh, they thought having good LB corp was the key - and they had the vehicle to get there in Kevin Butler.

    As for the Jets, their future plan should revolve around the DL. All in all, powerful front seven is a must in either case. [Rex was wrong a while ago in this regard - investing heavily on Revis.] With Dunbar in the wing, I expect this defense to dominate the league in due time [as long as he stays here.]

    As for the Jets D in the past, I'd say he had much less than that to work with. He still doesn't have second tier LBs and safeties. He had Eric Smith, who had the speed of slow ILB, playing SS in the box for crying out loud.

    If Jets can spend a few mid round picks [3/4/5] on good LB prospects and S prospects, I expect this defense to take off in 2 years tops, especially with the DL that they have.

    Yes. Again, this is absolutely correct. Revis in Mangini days was less than half the CB he was during Ryan days. Hell, with nearly same personnel, Ryan got #1 out of the team when Mangini barely got #16 production out of same crew.


    Thus, it looks like the other [cornerstones] are in place - David Lee is here, and Marty Mornhinweg is here. Ryan is here, and his defense is here. All that the Jets need is that quality QB prospect. Maybe Geno is just that. Maybe not. I don't know. I am hoping he is, but from what I've seen so far, I am not going to bet my belly lint on that.
  13. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    stop it, the QB did not hold us back. Maybe we win a game or 2 that we lost w/ a new QB but maybe we lose a game or 2 that we won w/ Mark? and when in postseason maybe we only win a game or don't win a game at all.

    The folks trying to pretend like we had elite talent around the QB are kidding themselves, we had good not great talent.
  14. GangGreenFan1984

    GangGreenFan1984 New Member

    Aug 27, 2013
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    He had enough talent around him to do better then he did, is what I think alot of people mean.

    That's how I felt about it, but Gino is starting opening day so here's to hoping for some positive change.
  15. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    we OVERACHIEVED those years, we had no business being in either title game. SD and NE were so much better than us we should have been blown out.
  16. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Booyah, post 16,000!!
  17. greenbeanz

    greenbeanz Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2007
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    so everyones favorite twitter troll incarcerated bob says that sanchez and his agent are looking for mark to be released. says the request was put in over the weekend

    its a very manihs mehta like article with no solid sources, but still its news on nacho so figured it should go here.
  18. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    why are we still talking about this?
  19. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    eventually he will be released whether today, tomorrow, 6 months from now and I hope he goes to an NFC team so he doesn't torment us though we deserve it.
  20. Jay Bizniss

    Jay Bizniss Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    They should work out a trade for a draft pick with Buffalo right now.. Buffalo has no QB's and Sanchez could fill in while EJ gets healthy...
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