Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. Velocityvirus

    Velocityvirus New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Sanchez isn't that bad? Right now he's statistically the worst QB in the nfl.
  2. Frenbar

    Frenbar Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Your hypocrisy and nonsense is laughable.

    On the one hand, you say that it's a hopeless situation, and that's why Sanchez cannot succeed. If that's the case, why not try Tebow? What are you afraid of? You have admitted that Sanchez cannot succeed. At the very worst, Tebow would go in, and, like Sanchez, not succeed. Some of us are not ready to flush the rest of the season down the toilet because Mark Sanchez is such utter garbage that it's clear to even his most ardent supporters that he will accomplish nothing this year except further embarrassment.

    The real issue is that Sanchez sycophants (and Mike T, who gave him a ridiculous contract extension), don't want to see Tebow get a chance, because if he comes in and succeeds, you are exposed for the fools that you are.

    Real Jet fans want the team to win. If a guy sucks, and is worthless, it's time to move on. He got his millions, don't feel sorry for him, and please stop making the excuses, they are pathetic.
  3. BleedgreenIII

    BleedgreenIII Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    I still haven’t seen a post that explains why Sanchez has a 48% completion rate,’ he sucks’ doesn’t count...I’m not interested in assessing Sanchez’s career or otherwise...we have already seen what he is about...and it’s safe to say even for him this 48% completion rate is bewildering...

    IMO it’s the absence of Keller that’s causing it...I think Keller is the only receiver he developed a rapport with, Holmes has never been the type of receiver with a steady average of catches per game, he was very erratic playing only ‘Santonio Holmes ball’ once every six games or so...I doubt if their has ever been a QB with such a fall in % completion rate at any point in their careers for 3+ games unless they were injured (& Sanchez is not hurt)....I don’t buy the no receivers to throw it line of thinking...

    A thought that crossed my mind was with Sanchez is if you look at his career upto this point & general demeanour you are always left wondering WTF is this guy all celebrities, always giving the media what they want, never seems assertive about anything (e.g. his beef with Holmes),you can’t tell when he his hot or cold (throws three lousy passes mixed with a great one in-between & vice versa)...then you have the Tebow trade...I seriously doubt any other starting QB would handle Tebow being behind them better than Mark has...

    Maybe Sanchez is just one of those guys who just go with the problems no worries, I have made my millions & may or may not be in this league forever, big deal, I can’t wait to date ehh Jennifer she married?...maybe he is the reincarnation of Jeff Spicoli as our QB...he Loves Tebow so much he thinks if he matches his completion % they will be tight forever...
  4. MiamiDolphin

    MiamiDolphin Active Member

    Oct 26, 2011
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    Brian Hartline
    Davone Bess
    Anthony Armstrong
    Rishard Matthews
    Marion Moore

    and yet Tannehill is throwing 57% to Sanchez's 48%.
  5. Wolf Brother

    Wolf Brother Banned

    May 10, 2012
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    The Jets are doing Mark Sanchez a disservice by not coming clean with him and by not holding him to the same standard that other players on the team and in the league are measured. They traded for Tim Tebow which is an acknowledgement that Sanchez was not bringing enough to the table. But rather than make it clear, the Jets have danced around the issues of Mark's inability to mature since the trade. Putting Tebow at other positions has been a disaster. It has been much more negative than positive. But that was to be expected; those other positions are not something he's experienced at.

    Before this season Mark Sanchez (even before Tebow arrived) was a 55% completion QB. That's with a majority of his throws as Checkdowns. When Sanchez is behind center, does he audible out of bad plays or adjust to the defensive looks pre-snap? The answer is a resounding no. He also doesn't go through his progressions once the ball is snapped. He makes one read, if its covered, he gets spooked and flails around. If he doesn't get sacked by that time, he's dumping the pass to the Checkdown or short of the sticks. What you're seeing is a player that was thrust into the starting role when he needed to sit for a few years. As a result, all the flaws of his game have been exposed. The first two years in the league, he was more of a game manager and also an unknown to defensive coordinators. Now, he's become predictable to a fault.

    You can tell that players on the team around him know that he's "untouchable" as far as criticism. Rex & Tanneubam have done everything in their power to cuddle him. Its always someone else on the team that's at fault. Wayne Hunter, Shottenheimer, Holmes, the Offensive Line, Shonne Green, LT, and the list goes on and on. All of a sudden, Tebow's here to "help" Mark Sanchez. Really? How?

    One receiver got hurt. Santonio Holmes. Injuries are a part of the game. Every team loses key players. But come on. At what point are you just coming up with excuses for the guy?

    Mark is great when the defense gives him a short field to work with. But a lot of QBs do just as well with a short field to work with. Its everything else that's the problem: moving the ball down the field without the defense making it easy.

    Obviously, Rex was gonna stick with Mark Sanchez no matter what, which is admirable. But at some point you have to be realistic about what the player can do and what it means for the team. Players on other teams don't have any respect for the guy. They know he has a diaper on and carries a pacifier.

    Its getting pathetic. This is suppose to be a professional football team. Right now, the Jets seem like a team run by the quarterback's daddy.
  6. NJJ_Jersey_Jets

    NJJ_Jersey_Jets Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2011
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    It's funny how the Sanchez haters and Tebow lovers laugh when people bring up the drops and shitty WR core excuse for Sanchez but use it for Tebow
  7. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    It could be something entirely different. Sanchez could very well suck and still be the best QB on the roster. It could be that 2 and 3 with 2 division wins and losses against some pretty good teams doesn't mean the season is over.

    It might just be that you are panicking and don't have the balls to hang in there and see if the ship can be righted after a slew of injuries to key players coupled with a new O?

    Wanting your best players on the field including the QB no matter how bad he may be when the season is far from over isn't a dumb position or a give up. Sometimes being a fan means having the balls to stick it out and see what develops.
  8. MurrellMartin

    MurrellMartin Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Also statistically the worst QB in the NFL since 1999, from Weeks 1-5.

    The first QB since '99 to have four consecutive games of 30+ pass attempts and a completion percentage at/below 50 in every single one.
    #148 MurrellMartin, Oct 10, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2012
  9. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    I am one of the guys who came over here following Tebow, but I think this post raises a legitimate point, so I will try to answer as objectively as I can.

    Sanchez is suffering largely from the same issues that Tebow was struggling with last year with one exception. The problems Mark faces are

    1) He isn't the most consistently accurate guy even under the best circumstance(same could be said about Tebow)

    2) to a large extent receiver inexperience due to injuries is leading to wrong routes

    3) lots of QB's numbers dip after a coaching change

    4) While there haven't been a particularly high amount of drops, I don't think you have a receiver that can catch the balls that could be caught, not just the ones that should be caught....if that makes sense

    5) Injuries have mixed up the receiving lineup eliminating any chemistry that was developed in the offseason

    6) He is attempting a higher # of passes downfield than in the past, that is why % is down but YPA is up

    the only item that is different than what Tebow faced last year is I think Mark protection from the line is way better that Denver had last year. I think the blame overall for the numbers can be spread around, but I for one think completion% is a largely overblown statistic. Keep an eye on YPA and passer rating. His YPA is better than you would expect for a low completion% and his passer rating is deflated due to ints off tips, I expect those 2 numbers to trend up over the next few games even if completion% stays pretty much the same
  10. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    difference being Tebow receivers actually dropped more than the league average last year, Sanchez is currently below league average for drops

    inexperience at WR is a valid point, but from a Tebow lovers perspective that excuse has been mocked and dismissed by the haters so why should Sanchez get to use it. If you believe that Tebow's number were to a point the result of his WR than it is also an excuse to some extent for Sanchez, but if it is good for one but not the other it is hypocritical
    #150 catfish, Oct 10, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2012
  11. NJJ_Jersey_Jets

    NJJ_Jersey_Jets Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2011
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    It's funny because Sanchez's completion % this year is STILL better than Tebow's last year
  12. Red Menace

    Red Menace Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    So you are NOT a Jets fan? Seriously?
  13. MURDR

    MURDR Banned

    Sep 18, 2011
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    I don't want Tebow starting. I don't want Sanchez starting. Either give McElroy a shot or sign a FA.
  14. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    There is nothing bewildering about it. The highest he has ever had in is career is 56%. This is just Sanchez being Sanchez and this time everybody is watching.
  15. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    how do the rest of the numbers stack up? because if you know anything at all about football you would realize that completion% has a very low correlation to actually winning football games,mostly because it is highly dependent on several variables(pass selection etc).

    That aside you realize you are happy that a 4th year starter is completing 2% more passes than a guy with 16 starts that you think isn't NFL quality.

    With the numbers as they stand if you say Tebow sucks you must concede that Sanchez also sucks, if Sanchez gets a pass then so should Tebow...can't have it both ways
  16. catfish

    catfish New Member

    Mar 31, 2012
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    I was trying to explain why Sanchez should be given a pass, no I am not a jets fan, but I do want them to be successful and I do not want Tebow to start this year
  17. dr.velociraptor

    dr.velociraptor Tired of BS

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Sanchez has already failed and it has nothing to do with us.
  18. davecrazy

    davecrazy Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Meanwhile Eli Manning is making a bunch of rookies and special teamers look like a dangerous WR corps.

    But of course it's the receivers fault, not the QBs.
  19. Skicats

    Skicats Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    IMO, There are many factors why the numbers are bad so far. A new offense, with revolving door WR's, no Keller, lack of a good running game, not very good pass protection, a relatively high number of dropped passes or tips leading to INT's,and some poor decisions by Sanchez. I seriously doubt that Tebow does any better, and probably worse, with what we have right now. I still believe that Sanchez can win, but there needs to be improvements in these other areas for it to happen.
  20. HoffaLiesBeneath

    HoffaLiesBeneath New Member

    Sep 30, 2012
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    I think the Tebow hate is mostly political. Especially being in NY full of left-wingers.

    For that reason I would even take McElroy as starter right now.
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