Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    We surely would have beat the Texans with Flacco. That would put us at .500 anyway.
  2. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    id think we'd have beaten pittsburg as well
  3. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    Did you happen to see how Flacco did vs. the Texans with a much better supporting cast on offense?
  4. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Plax was an awful move, yeah he was a good RZ threat, but he was awful between the 20s, how are you going to constantly get into the RZ if your WRs can't even get separation on 3rd and 7? Holmes is trash, I could care less about him being a SB MVP. He hasn't done ANYTHING important since he got the contract. If you remember the Houston game, Mark's big throw to Braylon got us there. Oh you forgot Braylon? He had the best chemistry with Sanchez hands down. He should of been resigned (regardless of injury). Braylon and Sanchez had big play written all over it. I miss that aspect of the offense the most.

    They didn't have bad QB play against the Patriots and Steelers in 2009. Why didn't they beat Pittsburgh?

    You can build a team with an expensive QB. They gave Holmes 50 million, they didn't have to do that at all - they could of split that money and gave it to depth players and Braylon.

    BUT WHY DID WE LOSE THOSE TITLE GAMES? Defense sure as hell didn't get us there against Pittsburgh, that team in all aspects helped us get there. No just defense and special teams. We wouldn't of even gotten to the playoffs that year if not for Mark.

    LOL I'm the biggest Sanchez homer? Yeah, I wanna throw this regime away and start over and be shit for 5 years. Thanks but no Thanks. All I'm saying is if the FO made better decisions, we would of been in a better situation. That doesn't make me a homer to see an investment come to fruition. The fact of the matter is, if your name is not Peyton or Rodgers, your not making this team that much better. This team as a whole is SHIT
  5. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    yes, i also watched the ravens defense give up 34 points and the ravens offensive line allow twice as many pressures as we allowed.

    if flacco had been qb for us that game, the way our defense, special teams, and line played, we would have easily won the game. and considering how flacco lit up pittsburg twice last year, i like his chances over sanchez there as well.

    anyway you slice it up, there isnt one thing flacco doesnt do considerbly better then sanchez
  6. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    My point is that I can't blame one player, not a chance in hell. Our issue is beyond the QB position.

    So let me get this straight, your bringing up a regular season game as opposed to Flacco in the playoffs? Flacco in 4 playoff appearances has only had 1 good game! #s aside he didn't do shit.
  7. NYJets82

    NYJets82 New Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    Um, yeah. I'd rather have Joe Flacco on a plane, train, automobile, preseason game, regular season game, postseason game, or anywhere in between.

    As a rookie, Flacco completed 60% of his passes, averaged 6.94 yards per attempt, and had an 80+ passer rating. Sanchez has never completed 60% of his passes. He's never had an 80+ passer rating. He has never averaged 6.94 yards per attempt. And again -- that was as a rookie. That was his worst statistical season.

    I'm not interested in talking about Sanchez's tiny playoff sample size where he didn't even have to pass for 200 yards to win four playoff games. You're no different than the Tebow fans that try to point to his one great playoff game as evidence that he's a superstar in the making. For what it's worth, Tebow's game against the Steelers blows anything Sanchez or Flacco ever did in the playoffs out of the water. And it doesn't matter at all. Because he's not a good quarterback and it was a tiny sample size.
  8. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    I don't know.

    In terms of responsibility for our mess, I would rate it as such:

    Mark Sanchez

    Big gap between him and the Defensive Pass rush.

    Follow that with the O-line giving up a fair amount of sacks.

    Besides that, we have a competent team. Our running game has steadily improved, for the most part our O-line has given Sanchez time. Our defense is doing enough to help us win games with any other QB. Our defensive pass rush is a problem as QB's have all day.

    But, far and away, Mark Sanchez is the biggest problem we have. I can't believe we have a moron in the Front office who thought it was a remotely good idea to give Sanchez a MASSIVE contract. Stupid.
  9. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    we went from bottom 5 to top 5 in the redzone and he was among the league leaders in rec touchdowns. in no way, shape, or form is scoring mroe touchdowns a bad move.
    i dont know he came up pretty big against new england in the playoffs.

    if all that mattered was 1 game over the course of the season maybe mark would have a shot at being an ok qb. he can certainly manag eplaying at least 1 good game a year. 16+ -- no chance.

    not if that qb is a bottom 5 qb like sanchez is.

    with any other qb we not only would have gotten there, but probably would have had a higher seed and maybe hosted the games we ended up losing
    allorganizations amke some bad draft picks, trades, and have tough decisions to make when ti comes to free agents. the problem is when your QB is terrible, its harder to overcome them
  10. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    You would never allow these as acceptable excuses for Sanchez. Why are other QB's allowed excuses but not Sanchez?
  11. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Funny how many of you all keep harping on how good Sanchez was in 09.

    Here are the stats:

    Sanchez - first 15 games 2009
    Cmp	Att	Cmp%	Yds	TD	Int	Rate
    196	364	53.8	2444	12	20	63
    Tebow First 15 games 2010-2011
    Cmp	Att	Cmp%	Yds	TD	Int	Rate
    172	362	47.51	2618	17	9	82.52

    Let's see. Lower comp % for Tebow, and fewer completions, but more yards, more passing TDs, fewer INTs and much better passer rating. Oh yeah, this doesn't even factor in Tebow's 600+ yards rushing or his rushing TDs.

    Given the defense and the running game the Jets had, Tebow could have taken the Jets further in 2009 than Sanchez did.

    (BTW: This isn't an argument to "start Tebow". Rather, it's used to refute the notion that Sanchez did all that well in 2009. It's especially appropriate here as most think Tebow was the worst QB in the NFL last year, and isn't actually an NFL QB. What does it say then when his stats for last year were better than Sanchez's stats in 2009 ? What it says is that with a team that was as loaded as the Jets were in 2009, ANY QB could have gotten them where they ended up.)
    #1511 Demosthenes9, Nov 1, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2012
  12. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    I'm not gonna attack Sanchez cus I know this team is pretty shitty around him but at the same time Idk if he's worth defending anymore
  13. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    injury is always an excuse. you can throw touchdowns if you arent on the field.

    not playing > playing horribly
  14. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    What's sad is when you can't even root for your qb to be benched, because you would be in the exact same situation. I think Mark can be a decent starting qb, but he is not a franchise qb. A franchise qb would not play as pathetically as he has. Sure he has shown flashes, but enough is enough.

    At the conclusion of last year I had had it. I wanted Mark gone, and I was all in on bringing Flynn in. When we kept him, I convinced myself that he would improve, despite the limited talent around him, the constant changes around him. I thought maybe I was overreacting. It turns out I was not. He constantly holds on too long, throws into double, and triple coverage, and is year after year top 5 in fumbles. That simply will not win you games. RG3, Vick, and others fumble a bit too, but they are play making qbs who will do more good than harm.

    Having a real qb makes up for plenty other holes on a team. That's the fastest way to being successful. I'm frustrated, because being a fan for over a decade of this team now, I know we'll stick with Mark too long, and am pretty confident Tebow will never be the real answer either. I don't want to be stuck in mediocrity for the next 3-5 years.

    I guess the most realistic option for the team improving, is OL upgrades, chemistry with the QB to WR/TE, or even better play calling. I just wish they'd stop being so stubborn with a mistake everybody can see they made but themselves.
  15. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    But he did play and his numbers were awful. You are going up and down the list of excuses. And Sanchez did play injured last year.
  16. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    he missed like 16 games over that span.

    and beyond that, he played very well his 4th season. sanchez has been horrible this season(just like he has been his entire career).

    either way, my original point is still the same -- smith was good prior to harbough. he got better, but he was still solid before that.

    sanchez is maybe the worst qb in football. a good coach wont change that
  17. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    i disagree, we have no idea what mcelroy is. at the very least, if you want to pass on giving tebow a shot, you need to see what mcelroy can do
  18. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    No. Joe Flacco would be even more frustrating. He's making Sanchez mistakes in his 5th year with much better talent everywhere.

    You are crazy. This is the same Joe Flacco that won playoff games throwing 4/10, 11/22, 9/23. Think about this, the Jets were never good enough to overcome those types of games from Sanchez but the Ravens could do it to make up for Flacco. THink about that. In Flacco's 3rd year, 2010, he had 5 games with a 1:1 TD to INT ratio or worse. His team was 4-1 in those games. Sanchez in his 3rd year, had 8 of those games, his team went 2-6. In games Sanchez threw for multiple TDs, the team went 5-4. In games Flacco threw for multiple TDs, Ravens went 7-2. Yeah, just using facts and stuff like that.

    Flacco has had a better supporting cast than Sanchez and still struggles like Sanchez with 1 more year of experience. There is no way you would like Flacco here when he is SAnchez with higher highs and lower lows.

    Wait wait wait, those are excuses that we can't use for one QB but can use for another one? The offense line played poor isn't on Flacco but it's on Sanchez. Come on man.

    Flacco is a better QB than Sanchez, but not by much and he has had a better defense and better offensive weapons.
  19. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    He hasn't been sacked too many times because we are all calling for his head as he dumps it off. One of the reason he hasn't been sacked is because he is rushing his throws. Again, yes the offensive line looks great when we keep 7 in to block 5 rushers and then have 3 WR against 5 remaining defenders. Then we wonder why everyone is covered, because we can't consistently block. This team is the definition of inconsistent, from Special Teams to defense to offense to Sanchez to Hill to Harris to Wilson to etc.
  20. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    you cant possibly be that big a homer. if you want to support sanchez, fine, but flacco is 10 times the player. sure he has had a good defense, but offensively he hasnt really had better talent then mark. he has, on the other hand, produced a hell of alot better.

    Flacco's worst season, as a rookie, was better then sanchez best season.
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