Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    If you don't count the int, yeah right, pro rate that, 4 ints in 4 quarters
  2. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Except on a very similar play in the playoffs last season Peyton did throw a pick. How about Brady in the SuperBowl heaving up the saftey? What about Favre throwing one up for grabs against the eagles in the playoffs?

    There goes that analysis.

    Mark goes 5-5 on a TD drive and half this board thinks they are NFL coaches and can analyze throws that were completed for long gains and criticize (Amazing). Sanchez cannot win with that crowd just admit that Sanchez can do no right.

    The pick six that is understandable the "almost" pick was all on Winslow.
  3. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Where are you getting the bold from? It was a bad throw. Mark saw him and missed him then Winslow hit the guy to prevent him from holding onto Mark's pass.

    And everybody appreciates the 5-5 drive, the problem is we have seen that drive from him plenty of times before and it's never that drive over and over again. Instead it usually gets paired with a terrible decision like the pick 6.

    The second playoff game vs the Colts, bad first half leading the Jets offense to 0 points. Throws were high, and threw away a potential 3 points before halfitme. Second half, hits Tone and Braylon on big throws and leads to points.

    The 1st Pat game this year, goes 9/11 in the 4th quarter to help the team make a comeback, throws away points and an open checkdown receiver in a first half forcing a late throw to Hill. Gets sacked and fumbles the ball in a must hold onto the ball scenario to lose the game.

    Then Pittsburgh playoff game. Second half, leads two TD drives to help a comeback run. One drive stalls at the 2 yard line after taking 7-8 minutes because of missed passes. He also gave up 7 points (which I still hold to this day was an incomplete pass) to Pitt in the 1st half.

    Then when Sanchez plays bad, it gets even worse. The Denver game, gives away 7 points to the opposing team that had 0 momentum. The only points for that team up to that point in the game was off of great field position.

    The TEN game, throwing the ball up for grabs in a one possession game in the 4th quarter not on 4th down.

    The 1st Buffalo game. Game starts off with a one handed interception to the BUF defense. Comes back and plays great the rest of the game, thankfully that INT didn't come back to haunt us.

    We could go on an on, but that's why people aren't excited about one drive, because it was paired with a drive we have seen way too often. Something we can't afford from the QB position

    To keep on going, Sanchez did look better, more decisive, and more in control then we have seen him the last year and half. But we also saw the same placement and decision making problems we saw the last year and half. I don't one preseason game is enough to say SAnchez is destined to suck all year, but this one preseason game is definitely not enough to say Sanchez will cut down on the mistakes and we will only get the 5/5 Sanchez. This was a typical Sanchez game we saw, inconsistent QB play and seeing him making nice, crisp throws on drive and terrible decisions on another drive. If those terrible decisions start to come down or go away, then we are talking. Then we have made some serious progress

    And yes this was an improvement from last year, because there was actually some good paired with the bad. As someone said in this thread or another, we want a QB who can dynamically improve the offensive system he is in, not a QB who looks better because of the system he is in. Basically going from last year Sanchez to recent Alex Smith would be a nice upgrade. We need more of an upgrade for Sanchez to be worth keeping though than just a game manager.
    #14023 displacedfan, Aug 11, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2013
  4. rico college

    rico college Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    Sancho looked like the worse QB in the league as he always does. After the butt fumble , any pick six, no matter if he comes back or not, is unacceptable.

    F Sancho.....
  5. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    Looks like you can't analyze throws either. Your #1 argument on this board is to discount people's opinion on the basis that they a)haven't "watched the tape" or b) they aren't a coach.

    Remind me what your credentials are. Seems all you have to offer is "nuh-uh"

    People are allowed to break down plays and give insight without being a coach. You offering a counter-point would be a good start to being taken seriously.
    #14025 BeastBeach, Aug 11, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2013
  6. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Dude, did you see the play? He threw the ball where he EXPECTED the receiver to be.

    If he was staring down the receiver, he would have spiked the ball, and got the holding call.

    He tried ro make the play and avoid the hit, while NOT SEEING the receiver...which is worse IMHO.
  7. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Just like morons are allowed to break down posts, without ever offering useful analysis.

    Its a free country, but you seem to critique far more posts, than you do plays.
  8. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    You're a tool. He posted a 99.8 passer rating. Yeah, looked like the worst QB in the league,
  9. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    There is no intelligent argument to make against a dumb one. 5-5 ending in a TD is a good drive. Arguing with someone who is nit picking throws that went for long gainers is pretty ridiculous so I will not do it. There was very little adjustment needed for any of the throws on the drive including a beautiful touchdown pass.

    This is the last time I will respond to a dolphins that is bound and determined to make sure everybody knows Sanchez sucks.

    That is what this has gotten oh no Sanchez did something well can't let that go because he is the worst QB ever there is no argument to that.

    The pick sure fair game same old Sanchez on the pick fair game. Like I have said multiple times the picks coming with big plays I can live with. What I cant is the fumbles and non confident Sanchez.

    HE threw the pick game back and played well. That is what I want to see from Sanchez. If the picks start to mount up like the last few games last sure I am concerned but if he keeps the picks similar to the first half the season last year no issue.
  10. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    So isn't the fact that he threw a pick on the first drive and almost threw another one concerning to you? That his decision making still led him to make some short, easy throws catchable for the opposing team?

    That's the worrisome part. If he spiked the ball on the INT or even launched it out of bounds, I probably would have ran around my room celebrating like he threw a TD. Instead I saw 0 progress with a problem that has plagued him since probably the middle of the 2011 season?

    On on hand, he bounced back which is great and had a 5/5 drive. On the other hand, overall the offense netted 0 points and instead of a 7-3 game, it was a 7-10 game.
  11. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Of course I saw the play. He was looking to his left in that direction and the defender saw him doing that and moved slightly to his right when he saw Sanchez starting to release the ball. Out of the corner of his eye (and to his right), Sanchez had seen the freight train coming and decided "fuck it." Another stupid, low-percentage play.

    The rest was history as the throw was also low enough to jump up and grab and then run it in for 6. But my point is, we can't be playing anymore "fuck it" ball, especially that deep in their territory. Completely unacceptable anymore. We just can't have it.

    So keep on defending him and hassling posters by calling them Dude and insinuating they didn't see the play and that you're the only one who did and the only one qualified to comment on it. The bottom line is, this guy isn't defendable, so it's more difficult than ever to be in your position. I'd be upset too if I ran out of legitimate excuses for piss-poor performance.
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Is it possible for you to defend Sanchez without resorting to the name-calling?

    I say this only because your arguments would be more respected and appear to have more merit (even though they don't) were you to stop with the childishness and just stick to the argument.
  13. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Here is what happened on the Winslow play...

    Winslow is supposed to force the LDE outside the hashmark on the play action...the DE, is too much for him, so he gets perfect position...

    So, Sanchez had to float the ball over the LDE(like he tried to do over Ziggy)

    Winslow doesnt step inside, for the throw, so its about a foot from where he expects it to be....But he tips the ball up...oops.

    If the LDE isnt there Winslow snatches the ball, and goes right by the charging safety, becaues hes turning outside.

    It would have never been a pick six, howar,Mangold,and Nacho all have angles on the fuy, so the pick six is an exaggeration. Howard is abot to block the LB in anticipation of the catch being made, and mangoldd is behind the lineman turning up field.

    So, to recap, this is another play, where he tried to force a ball he should have eaten, or run with.(which, as anyone paying attention knows, they tried to coach out of him)

    And a tiny bit of lack of synchronicty with a new player.

    By week 3 both guys move toward the sideline, and Winslow goes long.

    Sanchez actually manges in thos case to get the ball just over the end, with no extra air, but...they are off by a foot.

    If he rolls out,(and Winslow accomodates) after the block, its a big gain.

    But...let me wrap this up by asking...its one of 3 incompletions...arent you guys a little overboard on 10/13?

    Sometimes you just have to tip your cap to the other guy the DE, won the day.
    #14033 Hobbes3259, Aug 11, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2013
  14. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I think it's overboard after seeing last game to think it means Sanchez is the worst QB ever.

    I think it's reasonable to see some promise but still be extremely worried because of the high risk, bad decisions of 2 of those incompletions.

    If the 3 incompletions were just normal, ball batted down, ball too low, and a drop or something, there would be less worry. But 2 of them were just straight bad decisions, one of them, not even sure what Sanchez thought he saw or why he even threw.

    There were promising things it Sanhcez's play, there were discouraging things in Sanchez's play. If this was his second year, I would be much more encouraged than discourage. This is is fifth year, so I'm more resigned to the fact that this bad habit Sanchez has, is not going away.
  15. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    It's getting to the point where you can't defend this guy any other way but to hurl insults. Seriously, your points would be better received and even maybe partially agreed with if you made it appear that your arguments have merit and don't need to be augmented with stuff like "morons' and tools" when you meet opposition.
  16. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    BeastBeach is your daddy when it comes to football analysis. You can't break down football. As witnessed by the last time I addressed you.

    You have done an excellent job in your campaign of convincing people you know nothing about this game. Waste your time trying to convince those who are still unswayed.

    Yet this Dolphins fan knows more about your team than you do. I watch every AFC East game and my football analysis takes a front seat to my rooting interest.

    I pray to god #6 is your starter this year. Deep down, I know you aren't feeling the same. One of us is honest with themselves. I don't need to convince anybody.
  17. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Dude, is a friendly term. no hassle.

    My point was you and Bway both got it wrong.

    He wasnt worried about Ziggy, it was the free runner.

    And there is NO WAY IN HELL, he was staring down tue receiver...because that guy got tackled.

    How is pointing out that you two are seeing things, while saying, he s a moron for throwing to a guy that wasnt there defending him.

    It was a stupid play.check my posts...youll find the adjectives moronic, bonhead etc.

    But IF HE WAS STARING TBo down, he would have spiked the ball.

    His problem on the play, was not seeing the receiver.

    (low enough? It was nine feet high, go see LTJFs screen cap. Ziggys armpit, is at the top of Bricks helmet.its a close quarters touch pass, and Ziggy made a nice grab, on a piss poor decision)

    In fact, its the same throw to Winslow on the other sde.
    #14037 Hobbes3259, Aug 11, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2013
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    In a nutshell, this is why this thread is lighting up.
  19. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I want to make sure I correct one sentiment that I keep reading on this board. These players do not CARE it's a preseason game...neither do the coaches. They are the most competitive human beings in their field and they want to WIN!!!

    "It's only Preseason" and "no one cares" are media and fan creations. No one wants to go into the season 0-4 in me...they want the 4 and 0. They want to everything...every single day! Don't kid yourself or believe otherwise...
  20. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    You're next post containig actual football analysis, will be your first.:rofl:

    You, major in post critique.

    Open question, does Bitch Beach breakdown, posts..,or football

    You be the judge.

    Simple question..lhow many pages do you have to troll back, on the troll, to find football analysis?

    As for actual football..Maybe you really are a Jets fan, because #6 is better than Tannehill.
    #14040 Hobbes3259, Aug 11, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2013
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