Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Compared to Sparano and Schottenheimer, he damn sure is.
  2. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Considered for HC jobs...which did he get?

    Nicer? No worries. I wish you could be smarter.

    So, its not an issue, when an offense cant score in the first quarter.

    Or when a 65% passer manages 17 tds, against 16 ints.

    Oh, right...great running game, great defense, right? (jets allowed less than 20 ppg)So the team was carrying pennington too?

    I wish I could be nicer, but the fucking team was carrying Schottenheimer.


    And when I thought you couldnt be more ridiculous, you throw in 2012? really:rofl:

    A non OC OC. The number one wideout misses 12 games. The number two WR a rookie, misses 8, keller misses 8, breaking in Austin Howard, and 2012 is on the QB? Really?

    Now, you are embarassing yourself.
    #11582 Hobbes3259, Jul 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2013
  3. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Hard to hide when it stretches the knee of your pant leg. :wink:
    #11583 Hobbes3259, Jul 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2013
  4. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    We get it...2012 is off the table.

    Because it doesn't serve your purpose.

    But it does point out one big white elephant in the room.

    Rex Ryan. How a head coach could be so short sighted that he would hire Tony Sporano to head up the offense is beyond belief.

    A guy I know and respect, even though he's a Fin fan, told me it was a good hire...that Sparano was a tough disciplinarian and that he'd quell the nonsense surrounding the Jets.

    That sounded plausible. This guy knows football...he actually works for the NFL.

    Sometimes he more you know, the less it is.

    I can't wait to see that guy again.
  5. feldspar

    feldspar Member

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Hobbes, they don't consider people that are doing bad jobs for Head Coaching spots.

    Pennington was still a 65% passer in Schotty's system. He had a decent season that year. Talk more about his INTs that year...but I don't think you can at this moment. They're supposed to prove your bogus point after all, right? Pennington threw some INTs, and that's Schotty's fault...that's what you are saying, right? You've seen nothing of the kind from Pennington before that? If not, you weren't watching. Pennington was NOT a liability to the 2006 Jets. I'd say no.

    Bradford had his best year in 2012 with Schotty too, right? Explain that. I brought up 2012 because, now that Schotty is gone, there is another excuse. I said that. When he does bad next time, we'll blame something else...never Sanchez though. Never give Schottenheimer credit either, even when the team goes to back-to-back Championship games with a pretty green and weak quarterback. Who do you think put Sanchez in favorable situations? Schotty did, along with others.

    Time for Sanchez to earn his spot. period. Can't ride anybody's coattails at this point. Nowhere to hide. Excuses are for losers in a purely competitive sport, aren't they?

    Like I said, it's always somebody else's fault except Sanchez according to you...and it does not add up. You can only blame Schotty for Sanchez's 2011 play, but that's a dumb thing to think. Why not give Schotty some credit for Sanchez's 2009 and 2010 play? Why? For the third time, why? I guess Sanchize was making up for Schotty's ineptitude during those playoff runs? Strictly laughable material.

    yeah, just blame Schotty through some half-assed self-imposed "evidence," and never give him any credit for playing to his team's strengths, actually running that offense to the verge of the Super Bowl twice with Mark Sanchez at don't exactly view Sanchez as a premier QB, do you?

    It ain't about the QB's stats anyway, as your pal will tell you. Schottenheimer actually saw quite a bit of success as the coordinator. You actually don't make any have absolutely NOTHING to base an argument that Sanchez would have seen more success under a different coordinator. You make a devastatingly pathetic argument for that case, but the facts just don't support it.

    Schotty created an improvement in St. Louis last year, too. I expect them to be better than that this year.
    #11585 feldspar, Jul 6, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2013
  6. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    that does bring up a paradox...

    System> QB right? The talent of an OC is more at fault for an offenses problems than a QB. Thats sound enough, and speaks to some truth. Obviously capability to play the position is needed on the part of the player but what good is an able soldier under a bad general?

    but the reason why all Sanchez needs is a good system is because under his reign at QB the jets won in the post season and scored one of the league best amount of TD's in 2011...

    ...under the bad OC? But thats just it, the circumstances were bad before and they are better now and he did well under adversity. Imagine him without that handicap!

    but, wait, doesn't that suggest that the value of the QB is greater than his coordinator? If a QB has the ability to play well with a bad OC... well good for that QB but it kind of puts a hole in the whole System> QB thing.

    In short, If an OC is the most responsible for a QB's failures or limitations, wouldn't they also be more responsible for their success?

    Shotty got Sanchez to play playoff worthy ball. But he was also awful for his development? He got him to play redzone efficient, but its good that he fired that year?

    The system matters more than anything, so how can it be that a system is both effective but not? Is there some other variable?

    Would that show up with Sanchez/ Mornhingweg?
  7. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    the system helped mark the first 2 years because it took the ball out of his hands as much as possible. it limited his exposure as much as possible.

    when the system asked mark sanchez to start making plays on a consistent basis mark sanchez couldnt do it. i cant understand how people dont grasp this.
  8. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    People can't grasp it because the Jets were over-achievers despite Sanchez flaws through December of 2011. It takes a long time for a correction in perception to sink in. It doesn't just flip overnight.

    The buttfumble was a huge event because it sank into the popular consciousness in a way that cut through all the mist that was lingering from 2009 and 2010.

    In the absence of that play we're probably still having the "Sanchez has been very poorly supported" conversation as the basis for argument.
  9. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    exactly, and if he wasn't a 5th overall pick no one would care that he is a game manager. but he is and he is making 8 mil and he can't elevate the team and that is a problem in this league
  10. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    you are probably absolutely correct. it sad that one play changes peoples perception but that is probably exactly what happened. alot of people really did change their opinion this past year and probably many of them changed it on that play, in that debacle of a game.
  11. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    if he wasnt a number 5 who would cost 14 million to go away he would have been on the scrap heap by now. i am positive of that.
  12. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Its like any other partnership, you need the combination.

    For instance, (since everyone, all of a sudden is defending schotty and dancing around Penningtons Int explosion) take Matt Cassel. Won 11 games, put up good numbers in NE.

    Then, he left, and....what happened?

    Theres a reason Favre threw out the playbook when he got here.

    Theres a reason Schotty is no longer a Jet cosch, when he had two years remaining on his contract.

    But hey...its all Sanchez.
  13. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Not hardly.

    Unless you think they were going to turn the team over to Sackelroy.

    Geno was good fortune, but at the time no one had a crystal ball.
  14. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Theres not much to credit in Sanchez play, and he did improve steadily, but not enough in the system.

    The ints, are what everyone points at with Sanchez, and the point is, Schottys system breeds them. Theres no getting wround it that those two years were Pennys worst in terms of INTs.

    And, no Bradford, basically repeated his rookie season last year.

    Sanchez, has not been a premier QB. He is a mismanaged premier talent.

    How could anyone make the case that Sanchez would have been better under a different OC?

    What I said was, given the state of all available facts, Sanchez should get to play under a decent OC before the Jets flush a manor investment.

    I think he will be MARKedly succesful this year.

    Its no surprise that when Moore came in the Jets RedZone play was tremendously improved. On QB 2 coaches, 2 results. 25th in offense, Second in RZ efficiency.

    So, I guess Mark hated Schotty, and sabotaged thenoffense, but when they actually got to the RZ, he liked moore so much better, that his play elevated.

    I guess its a further coincedence that after moore came in Sanchez put up 32 scores.

    I suppose its also a futher coincedence that Sanchez fumbling issue didnt get addressed for 3 years under cavanaugh/schotty, but it was the first point of emphasis, for Marty.

    I guess schotty is such a great coach, the Chargers gave up on Drew Brees.Maybe he just needed a fourth year with Mark. :rofl:
  15. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    He left and... won 10 games and made the pro bowl?
  16. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    take way the cap hit and mark is gone and we are looking at kolb, flynn or a.smith. the fact that the $ wasn't available is the only reason he is on the roster right now. lets not be completely naïve about this
  17. Jeti

    Jeti Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2012
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    When you spend 580 pages arguing whether a guy sucks or not its pretty damn obvious he really sucks
  18. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    This...can one of the mods lock this thread up please? This topic has been beaten to a pulp.
  19. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The thread is here to stop 80% of the other threads in the Jets forum from devolving into Sanchez Sucks threads. It's somewhat effective in doing that. :)
  20. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    ^ Very true. It's useless thread prevention 101.
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