Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. DMarsh6

    DMarsh6 Active Member

    Dec 3, 2010
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    I think we all feel this way. I really hope it works. It would be nice for him to pan out and somehow Geno does too, and maybe trade him for a 1st. I can dream right?
  2. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    (a point on which the entire world agrees, BTW.)

    Way to prove Zachs point. :beer:

    (ps do all average QBs finish 2nd in RZ% with minimal decent coaching? 32 scores, is average......interesting. If we could bestow 32 IQ points, you might be average...)
  3. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    and Sparano was an even bigger drop than Schottenheimer. Poor Sanchez.
  4. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    At one point does the player get the blame for their failure?
  5. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    no we dont do that around here. its ALWAYS someone elses fault. there is NEVER any personal responsibility for your actions.

    these are 2 year olds were dealing with, its all about what a shitty job their parents do in raising them. thats the only reason they keep touching the hot stove.
  6. Lehtonen

    Lehtonen New Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    Any other player? Immediately.

    Sanchez? LOL NOPE.

  7. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Yes.Dealing with two year olds that refuse to see rhe obvious. Pennington, miraculously turned into an interception prone QB, with the installation os Schottys system.

    Its called having a control. Pennington was a better QB both before and after playing for the OC, that tutored Sanchez.

    How was Brees 3rd year, with the same guy as a QB coach...right, he was so fraakin good, that the chargers spent a number one pick on Rivers.

    Schottenheimer, is, and has been a proven QB killer. No one saying the Jets need to truly evaluate Sanchez, is absolving him of jack shit. They just realise the obvious factthat is staring them in the face.
  8. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    how did schottenheimer and sparano make him fold up under any kind of pressure? or throw the ball up high into the air into coverage?

    those things are on mark and they are the BIGGEST issues he has. the fact he is inconsistent and has poor accuracy may very well fall in part on the coaching but for fucks sake him being a bitch in the pocket is on him. but you wont even acknowledge that.
  9. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    First year: rookie disaster area, showed flashes, ended well under a scheme that kept his exposure to a minimum.

    Second year: started well under the same heavily protected scheme, second year disaster area from mid-season to near the end with a couple of very bad teams helping him out along the way, ended well when the protective scheme was reintroduced in the playoffs.

    Third year: Jets took the training wheels off from the start but the protection was not adequate and things broke down from there. Ended miserably.

    Fourth year: talent base on offense was heavily degraded by now and Sanchez wasn't close to good enough to make a difference on offense. Back to rookie year disaster area level by December.

    Seriously, if there was a good QB there lurking waiting to come out we'd have seen him by now. The best we can hope for at this point is that Marty M figures out how to protect Sanchez enough that he looks decent. That's our upside this season. It will mean nothing at all to the Jets chances to actually win a Super Bowl at some point.

    Good QB's don't suck for most of the first 4 years of their career. If we resurrected the 1970's Steelers around Sanchez we could win a few rings with him but that's what it would take.
  10. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i agree bradwaysux but the guy needs a new set of balls. he needs to see pressure and react to it, moving, shifting and getting rid of hte ball accurately while under pressure.

    he hasnt done that in 2 years. he hasnt done that since haloti ngata put his facemask in the middle of his back. and that in my eyes is why he has completely failed the past 2 years.

    and it wasnt that he was protected poorly, it was that he was a bitch. how many times did marky mark lay down on the ground when someone would break through the line? every single time, i bet he did it 15 or 20 times last year. i mean he lays the fuck down on the ground all by himself without being hit. and not just once or twice its a regular occurance.
  11. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    That's the script.

    It won't take much to improve on last year. I don't profess to know a lot about the West Coast Offense, and I don't know which variation MM likes to run.
    I do know that the qb has to read the defense quickly and get the ball out quickly as well as accurately ...and the receivers and backs need to run crisp routes and catch in heavy traffic.

    Time will tell if the personnel we have are suited to this system.
  12. Matt4776

    Matt4776 Active Member

    Mar 29, 2010
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    Our OL I feel is suited for a WCO. Mangold and D'Brick are more athletic linemen as as Winters.

    Our WRs (if all healthy) could be decent for a WCO. Holmes and Kerley are excellent WCO threats (when fully healthy) and if Hill puts it together, he'll complement the two well.

    Our TEs still suck.

    Our RBs are TBD. If McKnight, Goodson, and Ivory can make some noise, it'll be a team strength. Powell is dead to me, however.
  13. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    I was more concerned with the football delivery personnel.

    The West Coast offense requires a quarterback who throws extremely accurately, and often blindly, very close to opposing players. In addition, it requires the quarterback to be able to quickly pick the best one of five receivers to throw to, certainly much more quickly than in previously used systems. Often, the quarterback has no time to think about the play and must act robotically, executing the play exactly as instructed by the offensive coordinator, who calls the plays for him.
  14. tbruner12

    tbruner12 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    i didn't prove Zachs point, wtf?
    He believes sancho is sancho because of everything surrounding him, rather than sancho is sancho, because he is what he is. A butt fumble waiting to happen. Our defense got worse after nachos 2nd full year and played conservatively because of his ineptitude, more so than schotty or sparano. Give it up nachos fan club, it wasn't that schotty ruined him, it's that he couldn't do anything to save nacho from himself.
  15. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Do you watch the sport?

    because of where they ask him to throw the fucking ball

    its why Vinny stopped being an INT machine, the first season he was here, and why the exceptionally accurate Pennington turned into one the first season Schotty was here.

    Its not a difficult concept,except for a few of you. The ratio of insode passes/outside passes, and using horizontal passing to set up the run, seems to only be a mystery, to you, and Schotty.

    Fcol, Walsh outlined it, and Brady has been clubbing you over the head with it or a fucking decade, and you still dont grasp the concept?
  16. tbruner12

    tbruner12 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    I hope for the teams sake, the new everything, will somehow allow taco to shine.
    Nacho just doesn't have "It"! I wish he did, but people who really watch the team play, can see that nacho can't lead this team. Falling in love with a player, then making every excuse in the world to defend his below average play, is not beneficial to our team. Way too many negative plays in his career to justify keeping him for the long term. Way too few positive plays, to justify keeping the new Qb on our roster on the bench, while nacho plays below average.
  17. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Hey, Stephen Pennington magically became interception prone, when Schotty got here, then..lreverted to form, when he was no longer running schottys offense.

    Or how, SuckjobSanchez, miraculously became a better passer in the one area pf the offense Moore was brought in to fix.

    It should be as obvious as a punch in the face.

    But're right :rolleyes:
  18. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Thats why youre wrong. nacho has IT. What he doesnt have is play to play consistency.

    Thats the point.
  19. tbruner12

    tbruner12 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    You do realize why schotty chose the play calls he did right?
    Because nacho has ball security issues, isn't accurate, panics when blitzed, and doesn't play like a pro even after year 4!
    Taco cannot play Qb like Brady, and wouldn't grace the field for bill Walsh.
    And you act like you see the game above and beyond everyone else's comprehension level? Wow
  20. tbruner12

    tbruner12 Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Well under your defense theory, Pennington should have regressed under sparano, but guess what? Nacho did that, regressed I mean, while chad won our division playing for a rival when under his magical offense. Furthering the proof that you love the player more than the team. Really got me there, good job! Lol

    The Tom Moore bit is a joke. Your defense of nacho in the redzone, in comparison to his below average play overall is silly! Picking stats that don't tell his whole story as Qb of the NY Jets, typical player lover.
    Keep convincing your self that taco is great, just because you love him and would never let him leave your franchise on Madden, doesn't mean he needs to be "our" Qb in real life. Lol
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