Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    he was brutal last year, that has never been debated.

    The problem is average fans look at stats and see black and white, they don't understand what Mark had to deal w/ last year. show me a successful QB w/ similar talent around him?
  2. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    I'm very happy to see that a few above average fans have jumped on the Pro-Sancho wagon, but saddened to see that many are still failing to grasp the "bad is good" philosophy.

    But let's get one thing out of the way first.

    Other teams aren't interested in Sanchez for a very simple reason. They don't have the personnel to run this type of offense. Sanchez can't do it alone. It is a team game after all.

    Now, to really understand the WCO™ (worst case offense) the average fan needs to understand that what may seem like a bad play can actually be a good play if one remembers to factor in the worst case scenario.

    On the 2nd & 8, throwing an interception was not only ok, it was the play to make. Mark Sanchez knew it. Look how he had to buy time in order to let the second defender get downfield and make the catch. There was a very good chance the other back would have been cut off from the ball by our receiver.

    Remember, our defense can't hold a lead, so if we had scored there they really would have been under pressure. That int. accomplished numerous things...

    -it kept us out of a short yardage situation where we would have been tempted to run. Mark, while able to fully grasp the WCO™ (worse case offense), he sometimes has trouble remembering which way to pivot on hand-offs (i.e. butt-fumble).

    -it puts the defense back on the field. Since it's our strongest unit statistically, it's to our advantage to have them out there. This is another example of turnovers being good.

    -it lulls the opposing team into a false sense of superiority. Sure, we may lose the game, but this allows us to sneak up on 'em later. It nearly worked to perfection in '09/'10...

    I know it's confusing. All revolutionary ideas are at first. Average fans thought that Bill Walsh was insane when he introduced the other WCO with the 49ers. Imagine what he could have accomplished with Mark Sanchez as his quarterback!

    If you're still having trouble understanding all this, watch the video below.
    It perfectly encapsulates the modus operandi of the NY Jets.

  3. WW85


    Nov 10, 2003
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    Let's get beyond the name calling and insults...I know you'll all know better.

    Thanks for everyone's cooperation.
  4. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    No matter how you slice it, that interception was not a good punt. If he did a Hail Mary at his own 2 yard line, then I might think of it as that.

    However, Sanchez had two options before throwing it deep. Had he picked any of those options we either have a managable third down or a touchdown. We get a field goal, our defense may or may not stop NE. Same goes for if we get a touchdown. That's the whole thing about football. You put points on the board while stopping the opponent from getting theirs. A turnover does not put points on the board. Average and below average fans have a basic understanding of this. Why don't you have that understanding, nyjunc?

    And for that matter, what job is this that you can blow working hours posting on here...?
  5. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    In all fairness, he accomplished as much with Steve Young,who at the same point in his career accomplished less than Sanchez, in fact..even Tampon Bay decided he wasnt worth keeping.

    Right Coach, Right Player.

    Same case with Interceptaverde.

    So, unless you are making the case that Schitty, and Sparano are...really good coaches, the argument stands that Sanchez has, in fact flashed more talent, then the men he 's reported to, and its worth kicking the tires under Marty.

    Now, boomer and Simms have both pointed out that no QB could have been successful last year.

    And Dilfer this year said, MM is the right coach...

    We could be wrong, and maybe you guys do have greater insight than those guys.

    Though the whole calendar math June 1 thing, makes me think otherwise.

    Oh, and P.S.

    Right now...he is still the best QB on the roster....

    If we had real would be 400 pages of what does it take to get our guy on track.

    Instead, we gate hate, and denial. We win...its a team thing. we lose, Its Sanchez.

    Schotty sucks, (discounting that he sucked with Penny and Favre) its Sanchez, because Bradford had :)rofl2:) a 'career year' ...which is to say a year slightly better than Sanchez.

    Sparano..i notice you guys dont bring him up much, he still an OC?
    #7905 Hobbes3259, May 6, 2013
    Last edited: May 6, 2013
  6. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    #1: don't worry about what I do for a living, if I wanted you to know I'd publicize it.

    #2: I have never celebrated the TO, I simply stated a fact. It turned out to be as effective as a great punt(how many punts do we pin the opponent at the 2?). That's not why we lost the game, we had a lead in the final minute and blew it.
  7. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Cmon guys, you all know Junc is right here. He's always been right too. I mean Im trying my best to stop being an "average fan", and actually see the light that is the Sanchez is good argument.

    How could the guy be a bust? He took the entire team to BACK TO BACK AFCG's. You have to be elite in order to do that.

    For those of you "average fans", you gotta watch the actual games. I know you may think you are watching the games, but you really arent. You have to have this sort of 6th sense in order to actually understand whats happening in reality. Clearly Junc has it, and has mastered it. I can only hope to one day achieve such authority on the matter.

    I mean just from my recent enlightenment, I can clearly see that a some instances in which Mark looked bad, it wasnt actually on Mark and he did an outstanding job on those plays.

    Ill break some down-

    Buttfumble- little do you "average fans" know, but this was a designed QB run. Sanchez was supposed to run into Moore's ass. He executed it flawlessly. If any blame has to be put on someone, its clearly Sparano for his play design, or the injuries to the WR position. Clearly having Gates, Gilyard and Rueland in caused this to happen.

    Triple pump fake in Seattle- Mark really knows how to pump fake well. He does it so well, that he can do it 3 times, and still complete a pass (even if its to Richard Sherman). Mark went through his reads flawlessly. He saw Hill in the back of the endzone open, but from Mark's 6th sense, he knew Hill would drop it. He pumped faked 3 times in order to allow Jeremy Kerley to get open. Real fans clearly see that this was great execution and ultimately ended poorly because of the lack of talent around him.

    Interception vs NE- Right here, you really get to see Mark's phenomenal arm strength. You also get to see his great pump fake again. He is just great at manipulating defenders. Hill really screws this one up. I mean if it were Megatron, the pass would have be completed (to McCourty, but thats besides the point). Hill didnt come back to the ball enough, and how can you expect Mark to throw the ball 90 yards down field. I mean he already threw it 80 yards, so asking for 10 more is a little much. He shouldnt have passed to Greene either, because Mark knew that if he threw it to Greene, he would have gotten hurt. Mark also has the 6th sense, which makes him such a great QB.

    In order to really understand the game of football, I advise you guys to go back and try to really develop your 6th sense. Its the key to not being an average fan.
  8. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    here comes another one trying to deflect from the facts. There was a time on this board not too long ago where we could have some intelligent football discussions. Unfortunately those days appear to be gone.
  9. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    I guess those days are gone because of some posters still living in the past...
  10. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    more than likely it's happened thanks to posters who don't truly understand the game of football, posters that cannot think for themselves and need rankings and "experts" to tell them how to think.
  11. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    fans are dissatisfied with what seems to be a common problem that even in addition to other failing factors is a detriment to their favorite teams success.

    lackluster sets of weapons and play calling can only be blamed so much for a guy who's problems seem so fundamentally on him.

    he isn't/wasn't the only problem, but after 4 personally mediocre seasons where he apparently needed to be aided by multiple separate factors to work as a cohesive cog in a well run engine the thought that comes to mind is perhaps instead of trying to make mediocre work we should dump mediocre and move on to something better situated to succeed.

    its not like piling on a rookie, 3 years ago and I'd defend the hell out of a player getting what he's getting.

    but its been long enough, and we've seen enough. like Tebow he played clutch a few times, and he had playoff success, but also like him he has a lot to compensate for and isn't reliable enough to keep as a franchise man.(less to compensate for, he's better than tim, but still)

    hes consistently in the bottom in terms of stats and while some of those aren't as telling as they seem, the fact that this is all consistent is telling of a larger reality.

    We shouldn't have to work this damn hard to make a Quarterback effective. Support is needed but it may well be for a lackluster product in the end. MM will only fix so much, and while I'll be ecstatic if he has a tremendous season it doesn't look likely.

    We don't consider Sanchez good because he hasn't been, we're not bad fans for being dissatisfied or wanting a new one, nor are we ignorant because we don't see potential upside or only focus on the negative, which we only do because its been the norm for him more so than his success. We've been burned by a QB with poor technique and decision making, so we'll react negatively.

    we aren't ignorant, we're just facing whats in front of us.
  12. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    1) Late read in the RZ. Didn't read the defense. Took a RZ trip to 0 points. Terrible mistake, typical of his 2012 and end of 2011 year.

    2) Should spiked it to Tony Richardson to his right. Weak armed it completely for whatever reason. Terrible decision.

    3) No play except throw it. In the pocket, 3 defenders on him. Probably take the sack back not much for him to do there. Don't blame him entirely for that. Still stupid decision but his decisions were limited, not like before where he had options to take a sack, throw it away, etc and he still threw a pick.

    4) That's the right play. Take the safety, don't give up the TD. Again limited options there, so that's the right play.

    Problem is that there are very few highlights from 2011-2012 to add onto that clip. That's the problem. He was useful to the team 2 years ago, now so, a question mark at best.

    This still ignores the stupid mistakes he made regardless of who was his OL, WR, and RB. This also ignores the fact that our WR, OL, RB situation are going to be up in the air next year too, so if he starts next year, he's going to have to learn how to deal with it and now make stupid mistakes trying to force throws he can't make. If you aren't talented to win, you have to protect the ball, make smart decisions, and get points whenever possible. Sanchez did the opposite last year.
  13. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    definitely not as many in '11 and even less in '12 but he's proven he can do it, it's the job of the Jets to get him back going in the right direction.

    He needs to accept his share of the blame, my point all along is not to excuse him but to realize it wasn't just him. Sure he made some bone headed mistakes but playing w/ the healthy talent he had he fell into some awful habits.

    My hope is they can rehabilitate him, I am fully aware this may not happen but I'm hoping he at least gets the chance though w/ the drafting of Smith it may be in the best interests to move on w/o him. we'll see.
  14. BeastBeach

    BeastBeach Banned

    Feb 21, 2012
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    In that zona clip, again, he has a checkdown wide open in front of him
  15. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    How do you know they need "experts" to think for them? How do you know they even listen to/watch the so called experts? It seems that just because they disagree with you, that they arent as informed as you and their opinions are based off of simply stats and other's opinions. You dont know what they think.

    You are generalizing everyone who disagree's with you as someone who's unknowledgeable and easily influenced by others' opinions.

    It seems as though this is the only topic you choose to discuss. Id say 90% of your activity is in this thread. Its clear that your intentions are not to discuss "real football", if this is the majority of you attention.

    And yes, stats do tell part of the story. Have you ever noticed how generally good stat players are the better players on better teams? Better stats mean that they contribute positively to their team, and since QB is the most important position in all of sports, those positive contributions are directly compared to the teams record. Bad stats generally correlate to a bad team, which is why teams that are generally at the top of the draft need QBs, and teams at the end of the draft do not. Unless you have a great defense, OL, run game and ST's, its hard to mask a poor QB.
  16. TonyMaC

    TonyMaC Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2013
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    that sounds... sensible.

    I'd rather Geno take it and Mark be good enough to trade (he really should be someplace else) or be a backup when DG is gone but sure thats realistic.
  17. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    Let's not forget that our defense wouldn't have nearly as many opportunities to pad their stats without Sanchez.

    Above average fans look beyond the numbers.

    If Sancho wasn't getting it done, we wouldn't have drafted defensive players in the first round.

    We won't rest till we're ranked dead last in offense and have the #1 defense.
  18. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Work this hard? Thats the entire point.

    The team hasnt done shot to support him, nesides bringing in veteran retreads at WR, and swapping them out each year.

    No blue chip RB. No 1st Rd WR to grow with. Nothing.

    Drafting Hill is as close as theyve come.

    #7918 Hobbes3259, May 6, 2013
    Last edited: May 6, 2013
  19. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    It's pretty obvious reading the posts.

    I have always said stats tell PART of the story but folks like you just post blind stats w/o context. Those don't tell us the whole story.

    Mark didn't have bad #s in '10 & '11 but supposedly he sucked then too, he was awful last year and had awful #s BUT his #1 receiver was Jeremy Kerley, Chaz Schilens started many games, he had Cumberland and Reuland as his TE, Clyde Gates got a ton of PT. It's easy to blame it on one player but those who understand the game understand it's not just that player.

    we are seeing other teams acquire talent for their young QBs year after year and the last 2 years we have brought in:

    an old WR that was out of football by 2012
    an old WR that was fresh out of prison and hadn't played in 3 years
    a raw rookie WR

    that's it. mark deserves his share of the blame but to blame it all on him isn't being fair.
  20. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    The point remains the Jets did the right thing. Sanchez in all likely hood will get a chance to prove himself and rebound with a good OC. I would hope the fans would support him.

    If he blows it we move on we have Garrard and hopefully a quality rookie.
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