Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. It pains me to say that I've sort of come to the same conclussion. I do not think Sanchez is the answer to the organization's franchise QB drought..but his contract, the lack of available upgrades & his prior history of winning sort of rule the hand.

    Jets don't need to have a top 5 offense to win.Their defense is good enough that the offense just needs to be functional, avoid turnovers & win the field position battle.

    It's time to play to Sanchez's strengths. The returning WR corps maybe the best he's thrown to since being here. It's time to ditch to the ground & pound.Get some mobile O-linemen who can give him a clean pocket & an RB option who can be a legit check down option.
  2. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    barring some kind of miracle trade scenario the jets are going to have try and help mark as much as possible. that doesnt mean ignoring the position and not trying to bring in the best available options, but as far as anyone can tell, mark sanchez will be a jet next season.

    i agree that some new coaches will help him out a great deal. he has been with cavanagh his entire career and has regressed. mark is clearly not buying whatever it is cav is selling. i really think at this point we need an oc or qb coach whos credentials command respect, not their personalities. get someone with proven success and have him break mark down and build him back up. he needs some boot camp style treatment from someone that he will trust knows what they are doing.

    he also needs to see a psychologist and work past the mental shit. but i dont see any other realistic options. we arent going to land a qb that will come in and automatically make this offense top 5, so no matter who we bring in at that position, they are going to need some help.
  3. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Seriously, tell us all these tools that you see in Sanchez. Your premise is based on everyone else on the team having fault and that is why Sanchez cannot succeed.

    That is diverting the attention away from looking at Sanchez's inability to throw the ball accurately on a consistent basis. This is one of Sanchez's major flaws.

    Another one is his inability to move in the pocket and keep his head up to find an open receiver. If I wanted to take the time I could show you great QB's like Peyton and Brady and how they handle pocket pressure. They get pressured just like Sanchez does yet they somehow manage to make the correct reads and throws in those situations. Sanchez does not. If you look at decent to good QB's in the league like Andy Dalton they handle the pressure very well. Sanchez does not.

    I could go on and on about his lack of read progressions, his lack of touch on his passes, his locking in and telegraphing his throws which lead to multiple AWFUL turnovers this year, not to mention his leading the league in turnovers over the last two years. Yes, he has more turnovers than any other player in the NFL over that timespan, 50. The bulk of that blame has to go on Sanchez.

    The point of this is, he cannot be saved as a Jet. Furthermore why would you want a guy that even at his best, would barely be one of the top 15 QB's in this league? And that would be if he is playing at his best which is not the case right now.

    It sound like some on here just want to say that he's salvageable for their own personal agenda. Not you but some for sure.

    He is, and will always be, a mediocre to poor starting QB in this league. Wherever he goes after the Jets he will struggle mightily because of all the reasons listed above.

    As fans we should want more from the Jets franchise. We shouldn't just want a QB who can go from awful to mediocre. That does the franchise no good. It actually sets the club back trying to invest anymore time in him.

    You could bring in Bill Walsh and he wouldn't be able to save Mark Sanchez. The reason being is not the rest of the guys on the offense. It's because the kid just isn't a good QB at this level. No knock on him personally, it's just a fact about his performance.
  4. NoodleArm

    NoodleArm Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    This is the general problem with Sanchez:


    I don't know if there's a way to fix that. Pitchers go through slumps, but the nature of the game lets them walk a few batters. As all of us know, there's absolutely no margin for error in football and there's no way that we can continue to let Sancho work it out (unless we want another season like this). I think that he's done in NY and I wish him well, but I'm no genius so what do I know.
  5. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Accuracy is a two way street here. First the big thing about his accuracy problems have always been that he doesn’t play in a dink and dunk style offense; so he will not have a high completion percentage. The next big issue is what I’ve mentioned a few times already regarding not trusting his receivers. He is so tentative because he does not have confidence his receivers are going to run the correct route or get separation. Then finally his fundamentals need work. You cannot throw accurately if you are not stepping towards your target or “in rhythm”. There are things that he needs to work on no doubt about it.

    I see what you mean about the “inability to move in the pocket”. It’s something else he needs to work on but I don’t think it’s something that is he needs a lot of work on however. Peyton and Brady dump the ball of a lot of times when they feel pressure (occasionally Peyton will hit one deep). Who is Sanchez dumping the ball off to? Greene is not a great pass catcher and a lot of time he is being swallowed up by the pass rush that our OL is failing to block. Andy Dalton has the 2nd best WR in the NFL to throw to. I think the Jets have not done a good job getting Sanchez to move out of the pocket (which is a strength of his).

    Locking in on his receivers is a big problem. With proper coaching this can be corrected. I know the QB will get the blame for the INT’s, but I have a hard time putting them all on him. He has an OL that has played poorly the last year and a half to two years, he has had mediocre receivers (including Plax and Mason) the last two years that haven’t gotten separation. And even though Holmes is a good WR, he was not getting separation either when he was healthy.

    I don’t think we have a choice but to bring Sanchez back next year. I would definitely support using a high draft pick on a guy like Landry Jones or Aaron Murray.

    I do want more from the Jets. I believe Sanchez can be saved. It’ll take a lot of work and proper coaching, but I believe it can be done. We NEED to invest in top tier coaching, we need to surround him with some talented weapons and we need to improve the OL.

    We’ve seen what Sanchez can do in clutch situations. We’ve seen Sanchez as a kid on the rise. A mismanaged roster and mismanaged coaching have set him back. And maybe it’s true that he didn’t take his job seriously in years 1-3, but I do think he’s committed to being a better player now. For this to work the Jets are going to have to seriously commit to giving him every opportunity to succeed next year (proper coaching and improved weapons). We MUST draft a QB high in the draft this year and prepare for Sanchez to not work out, but financially and due to not having any other options I think Sanchez will be back next year.
  6. NoodleArm

    NoodleArm Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I really think that you captured the Jets' situation very well. More than likely, they'll have Sanchez but, like SF two years ago, they've got got to be prepared with the successor ready to go. Hopefully, we'll get to watch some better football on O.
  7. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    how about you follow along with the topic...

    we werent talking about success, which sanchez hasnt had any of anyway. we were talking about specific situations and his consistent inability to throw the ball where it needs to be thrown. i dont give a fuck if you have big fucking bird running the route if he is running across the field and the qb throws the ball a half yard behind him its a bad throw...

    or did the guy speed up mid route to make sanchez look bad, stop being silly in your infatuation. that butt fumble was all gilyards fault, rheuland too, i think rheuland told mark how much he liked him in the huddle and thats why mark forgot the play... those bastard backup players always undermining the star qb!
  8. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    sanchez really wasnt that good in his hey day. unless we want to take the nyjunc path and disregard statistics and all.

    he has never shown the ability to carry the team, he was coddled and protected from day 1 and still turned the ball over consistently. so this hey day you guys keep calling upon is just a figment of your imagination.
  9. DemoIsland

    DemoIsland Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Agree to some degree. I agree we do not need to have a top offense, but we do need to be above average, top 5 in some aspect of the offensive game, whether it be passing or running.

    With a QB like Sanchez, we need to be very good in the run game. We also need good weapons. Do I think Sanchez' career can be salvaged? Depends on what the JETS FO does in terms of putting personnel around him. Alex Smith was a bust. The Niners built a great defense around him, put together a good offensive line and drafted 2 talented receivers in Vernon Davis and Crabtree. Alex Smith job was never to win them games himself, if he did, it was a plus. His job was to simply not turn the ball over. That is what we need to do with Sanchez if he is to stay. Now, will this type of concept win Super Bowls? It did before they turn the game into flag football. Whose to say if it will work now. Teams who win Super Bowls today are teams who can make the big plays in the passing game.
  10. Trip McNealy

    Trip McNealy Member

    Sep 23, 2008
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    Alex Smith was never this bad though either.

    Also, as we've seen over his four year career....Sanchez is incapable of limiting turnovers. Every time he's sacked he fumbles.
  11. 94Abraham

    94Abraham Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    When Sanchez had talent in 2010, he was still a bottom 1/4 of the league QB. Its becoming more and more like the few games he played well in the playoffs were nothing but just a lucky streak or an aberration. With all the flaws he has shown now in 4 years, its not likely these are going to be corrected. These kind of flaws are corrected early on, not in year 5. Thet Jets dont play in a dink and dunk offense but have you seen anyone throw a worse swing or screen pass or get so many passes batted down? 4 years in an still can't protect the ball. I dont think even with the proper coaching, he is all of a sudden going to be stop being a turnover machine. It seems like wishful thinking though. Sanchez is done in NY. He will be booed everytime he takes the field again. The fans have had enough of Sanchez and rightfully so. Its time to give someone else a legit chance. I hope we can bring in another QB in the offseason not named Vince Young...
  12. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    he was a top 10 type QB in 2010, somewhere in the 8-12 range. he was vital to us winning 11 games and making another title game app.
  13. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    according to what? your owned completely incorrect opinion?

    show me some FACTS that show him being a top 10 qb.

    oh wait there arent any, all of those things how him as a BOTTOM 10 qb in the league. who was still being handled with kids gloves.
  14. Swampdonkey

    Swampdonkey Banned

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Still is. Funny how he's made to sit for a home game where fans would of killed him but suddenly a phantom injury gives him a chance to play the last game which happens to be away
  15. ArmandJ

    ArmandJ Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if McElroy DID have a concussion. 10 sacks and one wrestling move would do that to you.
  16. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I agree. McElroy was getting destroyed last week. It's not a stretch.
  17. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    these things dont just pop up on thursday after being ok for the first 3 days. sometimes, sometimes it will not onset until the next morning but i have never heard of it coming on 4 days later. granted im no doctor and really have no idea what i am talking about but i have NO trust in these dipshits running this organization.
  18. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    You say there's all these hints Sanchez has to work, yet he's completed 4 years in the NFL. He's a veteran at this point and I've never heard of a QB with this many problems that has turned it around after 4 years... Please don't say Alex Smith because even with one of the greatest offensive coaches in the NFL, he still couldn't make it past being mediocre (which is why he's on the bench).

    Sanchez isn't our answer to the QB position and any further time wasted on him is just that, a waste of time.

    As for him not having confidence in his receivers, all of the success from rookies beg to differ. Andrew Luck is a perfect example... He's making guys like Donnie Avery, TY Hilton, and Lavon Brazill look like legit weapons. Aside from Reggis Wayne, there is no one on offense including the OL and RBs. He's never worked with them before yet is setting records.

    Even Ryan Tannehill who could be working with worse options than Sanchez is making Brian fricken Hartline look like an NFL receiver.

    RG3 is looking like a probowl QB (actually he is a probowl QB) and his only decent receiver is Garçon who has missed something like 7 games.

    Sanchez has NEVER elevated the play of those around him. That's what franchise QBs do; Sanchez is not one of them, sadly.
  19. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    sorry I don't have #s to back that up, rather than that I use my eyes and I saw him and the pass O rescue our up and down run game and up an ddown D numerous times during the year. Other QBs may have thrown for more yards and TDs but were they at critical times? You can have all the great fantasy QBs, I'll take a Mark Sanchez 2010 season any year, we'd have a chance to win every year if he had those types of seasons more often.

    I feel bad that you don't understand this game yet spend so much time talking about it.
  20. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    Sorry if you actually thought Mark Sanchez EVER had as much talent as RG3. Ryan Tannehill isn't really that good IMO - teams will catch up on him just like they did with Mark Sanchez. Inexperience will get to him eventually, unless the Dolphins do right by Tannehill.
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