Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    They arent starting though... They hardly play. Im not sure how your reading comprehension is, so Ill say this again "Rueland is a blocking TE, he has 10 receptions. Gilliard was on the team for like 3 weeks. Gates is the only one that has seen any kind of significant action in the passing game, yet has only caught 16 passes." If you want to consider that starting, then go ahead... Whatever makes you comfortable.

    Also, I dont know how well you know this sport, but it doesnt take the talent around a QB to see that Sanchez is extremely fundamentally flawed.
  2. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Yes but barely higher than Sanchez.

    Till he got the right coach.

    An honest answer from Gannon would be " I sat on the bench for several year, then played for several more before I got it...Sanchez is even younger than I was"

    But Gannon is a douchebag. He was in the league and on his fourth team, before he became a productive player.
  3. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Of corse he is.
    That's not the point.

    The team was constructed to have Holmes at the Z, Keller at the Y, and the rookie Hill at the X, with Kerley in the slot.

    Holmes went down immediately.

    Keller and Hill, played how many games out of 32?

    Kerley went from the slot to the Z.

    Who is the Y in this equation? Cumberland came on late, but he was not the "y".

    And at the X, we're talking Gilyard and Gates until Edwards shows up.

    Reading comprehension.....?

    Try ESPN

    Yeah... QB is your problem this year.
    #4723 Hobbes3259, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2012
  4. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Gates has never been above WR 4. When Holmes went down it was Kerley, Hill, Schillens. Right when Hill went down they brought in Edwards. Rueland has never been more than a blocking TE. You think by just naming these names you are making a point... Meanwhile you are just trying to come up with excuses.

    Yes, the receiving core is shit and has no depth (lies square on Tanny's shoulders), but Sanchez has been shit all season long, especially from a fundamental standpoint.

    I will not argue that injuries hurt the offense, but Sanchez is a huge part of the problem here despite who he's throwing to. By naming these players, you aren't really giving justification for Sanchez's horrible play, because his problems stem far beyond that of who's around him.

    Try watching the games.

    Sanchez is fundamentally flawed. Im not sure how else to put it. Its quite simple actually.
  5. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I said he was, but you are the one not watching the games.

    Schillens as roughly 40 targets to Gates 35.

    And Schillens was brought into camp.

    The X is the guy that stretches your field, when he sucks....and your Z is replaced by your slot guy when the offense was set up to key off the Z (Holmes).... You cannot make a rational argument that the QB is the issue, when you've got A rookie,Schillens,and Gates at the X.

    And your best offensive player...lis already gone.

    That defies reason.

    Ps. The Jets signed Edwards, after Hill injured his knee. But he only played in 11 games due to Hammy issues, and had roughly as many targets as Schillens.
    #4725 Hobbes3259, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2012
  6. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Its easy to make a rational argument that QB is an issue. Its not THE only issue, but it sure as hell is one of them. God, how thick is your skull that you cant realize that your precious Sanchez is a major problem??? Why is it so hard to think that there could be multiple reasons for why this offense is truly hard to watch?

    Your rational for him being benched is that they are "saving him" so he doesnt get hurt... I will no longer be responding to your incompetence, because it truly is a waste of time. If you honestly believe that Sanchez is on the bench so that the Jets protect their future investment, then you are truly mistaken. He's on the bench because he sucks. Its as simple as that. He does not give us the best chance to win (you know, because of all his turnovers- which have you explained why he is triple pumping to the receiver he is going to throw to? Let me guess, its the receivers fault?).

    How about him being benched during the Cardinals game? Im sure they were really protecting his ass there...

  7. 94Abraham

    94Abraham Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    Theres no reasoning with half of these idiotic Sanchez fans on this board. They use the receiver excuse this year but when he had a healthy Holmes and Edwards and Keller he was still a bottom of the league QB. You're wasting your time with them. Just hope they all go cheer for the next CFL team Mark plays on because no one in their right mind is dumb enough sign that piece of trash....
  8. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Then why don't you explain how "not having any weapons" led Sanchez to throw the INT in the Seattle game when he had 2 WIDE OPEN receivers ? When he pumped fake twice to Kerley and then, when it was too late, threw to him and was picked off ?

    What part of that play are you going to try and blame on lack of weapons ?
  9. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    In order of preference, I'd expect a QB to try and throw the ball away if he's pressured and no one is open. IF he can't do that, then take the sack while protecting the ball.

    Of course, somewhere in there is escape/avoid the pressure, again, while protecting the ball.

    What I can't excuse or tolerate is a QB deciding that he wants to avoid pressure, so instead, he decides to throw the ball into triple coverage.

    As for sacks, you know what happens when you get sacked on 1st down ? You are left with 3 more downs to try and move the chains. When you get sacked on 2nd down, you still have 2 more down to try and move the chains. When sacked on third down, you still have 1 down left to punt the ball and change the field position for the other team.

    Do I like it when the QB gets sacked ? Nope. But I'd much prefer that he takes a sack and holds onto the ball, than throwing what could be a back breaking interception.

    With McElroy specifically, people naturally have a different set of expectations than they do with Sanchez. It's just like with most people in their day to day jobs, you expect more from someone with "experience" than you do from someone else who's on their first week in a new job.

    People are happy/content with McElroy because he didn't commit boneheaded mistakes.
  10. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Sanchez isn't a great quarterback when he's confident and all is going well, but he had no confidence this season, either in himself or in his receivers.

    I feel a lot of his mistakes came from not throwing before receivers are open and anticipating. He doesn't trust his receivers to make the right cuts. He waits until receivers are open, then throws the ball, and by that point, the defenders can make a play on the ball.
  11. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    He's definitely late on a lot of throws. What's perplexing to me is his inability to make simple screens and check downs. He also misses wide open receivers. His mechanics are awful.

    There's really nothing that he does well any longer. If he stays a Jet, I hope he uses the off season to rebuild his game from the ground up.
  12. azhar80

    azhar80 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    Your second paragraph is basically what Braylon said also.
  13. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    anyone watching the receivers understands why he doesn't trust them.
  14. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    It's SOOOO Fucking obvious that Sanchez did not trust his receivers to be where they were supposed to be.
  15. lakersmetsjets49ers

    Feb 12, 2011
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    I barely realized this thread is 237 pages lmao

    Between now and happens this offseason I'm sure the next 50 pages will go as follows

    People defending Sanchez, pointing out flawed o line and receivers

    People calling them Sanchez loyalists or fan boys and saying Sanchez sucks

    The people defending Sanchez calling the people saying he sucks Sanchez haters

    Some people viewing him from a middle ground point of view, he's part of the problem but not the whole problem

    Mixed in with some fire sporano, and Tanny and bring in norv turner talk.

    All this will be rehashed over and over again for the next few months.
  16. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    What am I wrong about? Was I somehow mistaken and Sanchez was surrounded by superb talented weapons?
  17. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    He must work on his footwork (I made a comment about that awhile back) there's no doubt about it. And he has some things he must work on (arm strength not being one of them however). But it's so obvious that having sub-par players around him who he could not trust affected him. If you are not positive your receiver is running the right route or that he can get separation it's going to slow your decision making process. He looked so much better throwing to Braylon at the beginning of the Titans game, but he was so mentally fucked that when he threw that first INT he self-destructed / panicked.

    I don't know if he can ever come back from this. But I know that if he can be surrounded by better receivers - who he can trust, then there is a chance he can come back from this.

    Either way, we're financially tied with him and this QB market isn't really going to give us a better option.
  18. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    he was not a bottom of the league passer when he had Keller, Edwards and HOlmes. He led the Jets to many come from behind wins and was a big reason we won 11 games in 2010. The Jets should have continued to build on that, but instead started tearing it down by letting Edwards and Cotchery go and bringing in Plax (who couldn't get any separation) and Mason who was traded mid-season. I will always say that this thing would have been different if the Jets kept Edwards instead of Holmes.
  19. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    He's going to need a lot of work this off-season. Hopefully we bring in a QB minded OC this offseason and we get him in early to begin re-working Sanchez. He can be saved, but it'll take a lot of work. I don't see us as having any other option.
  20. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    i just think its hilarious that a person claiming that braylon was a weapon for mark sanchez this year told somebody to 'actually watch the games'....

    or claiming that guys like gates reuland and gillyard werent a major part of the offense this season...

    mark has lost the jets a ton of games this year and last year, but hes also won quite a few more. that is all hearsay. when looking at marks play, you can see two obvious flaws. decision making and mechanics. the thing is, those are mental and not physical problems. mark needs to see a psychologist and get his shit together. if he can shake the troubles of the last 2 seasons and stop being so damn nervous two things will happen. his footwork will clean up, leading to more accurate throws, and he wont be constantly second guessing himself. he needs to get back into playing the game rather than worrying about how well he is actually playing.

    either way, mark didnt start to play poorly this season until after holmes went down. he became shit after the loss in foxboro. i dont think he ever fully recovered from fumbling that one away.
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