Sanchez just sucks... just sucks. (all Sanchez complaints here)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Oct 9, 2012.

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  1. RobertTheJr

    RobertTheJr Member

    Dec 2, 2009
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    Hahaha, you are hilarious. I actually chuckled reading this.

    I thought you would be happy, since Sanchez has been benched.
  2. Frenbar

    Frenbar Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    I'm thrilled actually, very much looking forward to seeing Mcelroy play on Sunday. Either he will do well and we will have a potential starting QB or he will pull a Sanchez and we will know we don't have one on the roster.
  3. lakersmetsjets49ers

    Feb 12, 2011
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    I agree completely, its not just jets fans though, every team has fans who can play armchair quarterback or equate being a gm to playing fantasy football.

    Regardless of the sport, and regardless of the team, you don't make decisions strictly to appeal to the fanbase if your trying to win. It's a ton of trades and signings in all sports that were deemed unpopular and terrible by a teams fanbase that turned out to be great moves. In general, no team should give in to fan pressure. Bench Sanchez because he played like shit, not because your worried about the fans getting upset.

    That said if a competent offensive coordinator like norv turner or mike Martz were to come in, I don't see nothing wrong with having an open qb competition for whoever plays the best to earn the job. If it happened to be Sanchez by outplaying mcelroy and whoever else and the fans don't like it then to bad but no organization should let fan reaction pressure them into making decisions
  4. MexicanJet

    MexicanJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2010
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    He has sucked this year. SUCKED. But for those of you who say he can't play in the NFL and don't think that the Jets ruined him, or helped in his demise watch this and remember, he has done it.
  5. macbk

    macbk Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Two years ago, though. Since then, he has regressed. Unacceptable.

    That was an awesome fucking moment though, can't lie. But awesome fucking moments like that don't matter anymore when you regress two years after and don't make any strides to improve.
  6. MexicanJet

    MexicanJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2010
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    I'm not disagreeing, but the utter hate and disdain for a guy who has done it before is unneeded. To say he can't play in the NFL? Really?
  7. lakersmetsjets49ers

    Feb 12, 2011
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    That I agree with. Its either one extreme or the other for the most part on here though.

    Some people label him in the Ryan leaf, Jamarcus Russell category and completely downplay his role on those 09 and 10 teams in the playoffs which is absurd.

    At the same time some people overvalue his role and make every excuse in the book for him which is equally absurd.
  8. major33

    major33 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2004
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    He made some great passes on that drive. But that was confident Mark Sanchez going against the 32nd ranked pass defense. Today's Mark Sanchez going against the 32nd ranked pass defense would see him throw for 0 TD's and 4 int's. But you posting this video really doesn't tell us anything about Sanchez because good QB's make those types of passes on a regular basis. I guess Rex bought into these extremely rare moments of greatness from Sanchez. Then again, it was against the 32nd ranked pass defense.
  9. RobertTheJr

    RobertTheJr Member

    Dec 2, 2009
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    Either you have it or you don't. Mark has shown he has it, as seen in the youtube video above. It takes something to successfully orchestrate play after play with 49 seconds to go for the victory.

    What is more absurd? To say he has never had it and has been complete dog shit his entire career, or to see him play like that (there are more games) and say he hasn't been developed correctly and to give up on him would be potentially disastrous?

    If he in YEAR TWO could orchestrate that drive, and now in 2012 can't throw a 2 yard pass - there is some deeper explanation. This is what I argue for - not for Mark Sanchez, but the ability he has shown as a young quarter back. I don't give 2 turds about Sanchez, but I want this team to have a QB and I am willing to tough it out with a guy who I think has shown grit and potential. This year has been a disaster of monumental proportions.

    This team has invested in him. He has never been statistically relevant. Few QB's are over the span of their entire career.

    And for the record, Tom Brady couldn't have run this offense. It is the talent, the play calls, the shuffling of personnel that are subpar in talent... it is more than Sanchez - though he has never stood up to the challenge. He has crumbled pretty embarrassingly.
    #4569 RobertTheJr, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2012
  10. Frenbar

    Frenbar Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Every quarterback on the NFL level has the ability to show flashes of being good, or they would never have made it to the NFL. Having the ability to look good 20% of the time doesn't mean you are a talented QB, it doesn't mean you have grit, and it doesn't mean you have potential, which Sanchez proved.

    I go back to the Patriots game, when the reports emerged that Sanchez had been out drinking the night before the game until 7 am. A guy who is making $20 million dollars and has performed like utter dog shit all year, out all night drinking the night before arguably the most important game in the season, and his career? If you were making $20 million dollars a year, and you had the most important presentation of your life before an audience of millions, and you had performed like utter dog shit all year, and this was your biggest and best chance to prove you weren't useless, would you be out drinking all night before the presentation? You think if Peyton Manning had played like utter dog shit all year and was the primary reason his team wasn't going to make the playoffs, he would be out all night drinking the night before the biggest game of the year?

    To people like you, it's never his fault. It's the receivers, it's the blocking, it's the coaches, people are just racists if they thing Sanchez is utter dog shit. You say people can't judge him by his stats, they can't judge him by his wins and losses. You say people can't judge him by the record number of turnovers or inaccurate throws, they just don't understand the real Mark Sanchez.

    We understand. We can smell the pile of dog shit that is Mark Sanchez from all over the tri-state area. Wake up and smell the dog shit.
  11. lakersmetsjets49ers

    Feb 12, 2011
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    I'll compare mark Sanchez's situation to Alex smith on the 49ers before harbaugh came and before harbaugh Alex smith was a worse qb then mark Sanchez and didn't have any playoff success.

    In terms of fan opinion, the crowds at candlestick in 09 and especially 2010 were just as bad as the crowds towards Sanchez at jets home games this season. I was at the Sunday night game against Philly where after a 4th quarter fumble, the "we want carr" chants and stuff directed towards Alex smith made it seem like 70,000 vs 1

    From day 1 Alex smith was mismanaged, thrown into a terrible team his rookie year that stunk on both sides of the ball, he shoulda sat that season, he had 2 of the worst coaches back to back, mike Nolan and mike singletary. Aside from norv turner in 06 who did a good job with him, a different offensive coordinator every year, with the worst being jimmy raye who's play calling was regularly predictable.

    Aside from that, the team was impressed by game manager Shaun hill whose game managing abilities against crappy opponents late in the 08 season earned him the starting job in 09, I could kinda see something similar happening with McElroy these last 2 games.

    Before harbaugh took over, Alex smith was thought of in San Francisco the same way Sanchez is thought of by jets fans when in reality, both franchises failed to develop their young qb's and put them in the best situation. For as bad as Sanchez has been, I attribute a good chunk of that to the jets trainwreck of handling things from 2011 on.

    There defenitely is more to Sanchez regressing then what meets the eye.
  12. 46Defense

    46Defense New Member

    Dec 2, 2012
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    Knock it OFF!
  13. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    In retrospect it's easy to see almost all of Sanchez contributions as secondary. His performance in 2009 in the playoffs was in a very sheltered context in which he was asked just not to lose games. His late game heroics and come from behind wins in 2010 were all against bad defenses. His big season last year in terms of TD's was with a group of talent that had been assembled to do well in the red zone and the coaching in that area was excellent due to the consultancy of Tom Moore.

    However all of that being true the win against the Pats in the playoffs in 2010 was something that I cannot envision another recent Jets QB pulling off. The Patriots controlled the clock in that game and they had the lion's share of the plays. The reason the Jets won the game was that after an early hiccup when they got in scoring position they scored and they didn't give the Patriots turnovers and good field position.

    Tom Brady started drives on his own 16, 21, 20, 27, 20, 45, 25, 20, 20, 18, 43 and 41. The 3 short fields he got were all on kick or punt returns, not turnovers.

    The Jets ran 24 fewer offensive plays than the Pats because Sanchez lead quick scoring drives for TD's when the Pats gave the Jets short fields to work with via turnovers and bad kicks.

    No mistakes by Sanchez and the Jets and they made the Pats pay for the mistakes that they made. The Jets punted after 5 plays, after 6 plays, after 9 plays, after 5 plays, after 7 plays. They had a single 3 and out all game and that not until 5:15 left in the 4th quarter when they were playing very conservatively (3 runs in a row). That's why the Pats field position was so mediocre for most of the game, the Jets were making some yards before they punted.

    Of all the games Mark Sanchez played that was actually probably the one that means the most. We'll forget that he was a primary reason the Jets won that day because his numbers weren't amazing but he was a primary reason the Jets won that day. No mistakes, no 3-and-outs giving up field position and he made the Pats pay when they put the Jets in position.
  14. I Am The Stig

    I Am The Stig Active Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I still remember that game, it was pretty damn epic that last drive. Credit where credit is due.

    But I love that little stat overlay in the beginning of the video when they pan to Sanchez.

    "Career in 4th quarter (reg season): 2 TDS - 11 INT"

    Yeah sounds about right.
  15. jetiron

    jetiron New Member

    Mar 23, 2004
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    so why did he regress so much? is it because NFL defenses have a pretty good book on him now? and throwing him wrinkles on defense and he isn't learning to adapt? that has to be a legitimate question because it seems like the defense were in the offensive huddle with him and know where he is going with the ball. Just look at his frequent repetitive pathetic throws either into triple coverage, telegraphing it, or just taking the bait on a defensive back giving him some room and timing his throw. You can only go so far blaming teammates and coaches because when your horrific stats are essentially defensive backs highlight reels, week in and week out for the last few years, it becomes pretty apparent to me it is the damn QB himself that suk. Now I don't think his arm strength is a big problem so I just think at this stage he is clearly lacking NFL QB instincts to recognize defenses quickly and to take what the defense offers him on a decisive consistent basis. Now whether that is due to poor game preparation or something else in the cerebral side of things, or both..who knows..bottom line is that it has gone on for too long and the defenses in the league have a book on him now and he hasn't caught up and progress, and it looks like he never will.
  16. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Imo, too much emphasis has been spent psychoanalyzing Muck in trying to figure out how he has declined. But the Jets were able to mask his deficiencies to some extent his first two years, and thereafter opposing D's figured out how to exploit Muck's weaknesses.

    Look at how safeties basically "hide" in their defensive schemes, waiting to break on the ball as Muck gives those all too obvious signals about where and when he's going to throw the ball. The slow windup doesn't help, either.

    It's not all in his head.
  17. jerseyjay14

    jerseyjay14 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2009
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    what has he done before? had a few games here and there where he hasnt looked terrible. that dosnt cut it. when you suck consistently you miss the playoffs consistently. which we should have done 3 of 4 years
  18. otrebor1

    otrebor1 New Member

    Nov 5, 2012
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    All I can ask is......Where the FUCK is that team???????
  19. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    now I am just sad.
  20. NewYorkEveryThing

    Mar 24, 2012
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    Those youtube video's don't show that in 09' and 10'.He basically started from the 40+ yard line every other drive.That is why they changed the kickoff rule.
    Now after they changed the rule and pushed up the kickoff line. He doesn't get that luxury.
    Why do you guy's think our special teams is not as good. My brother who is a giant fan always said .
    "How come this guy sanchez gets the ball on the 40 yd line every other play!"
    I know it's just a little change.
    How would you feel if your drives started on the 35,40,and 45 in 2009 and 2010 and in 2011 they change the kickoff rule to make sure teams like the jets who are very good at
    kickoff's get the ball to start at the 20 to 25 yd line? We also didn't have guy's that run them to the 40+ every other kickoff or punt.
    Sanchez was a product of a great defense,S.T. and running game.
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