Sanchez and Schottenheimer are a joke.

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by AirStrike, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    Well first off; I think the question is an excellent one. You must work for either the Replican National Cmttee or the Democratic National Cmttee; because both sides love to use the same tactic every time the other screams that their "guy" s*cks. However; I think the point is well taken. Tell me what you propose as opposed to screaming filth, anyone can do that.

    Ok. First off; you can't do anything this year. Brunell is not the answer, you are not going to "get" anyone. So, in the words of most NFL coaches, you are what you are; which is to say, we have what we have... Sanchez. For this year our only salvation (If we are keeping our eyes on the ultimate prize) is to hope we get lucky, catch lightening in a bottle, & the Chize plays above his pay grade. That's it.

    Long term; I totally disagree that bringning in an alternative sets you back 3 - 5 years! If you go after that option in the draft, I would tend to agree. I believe you coule move Sanchez (Someone will perceive value for him) & look for value on the market. I am not sure of availability, but if you give me a little time it might be fun to reserch upcoming availability...
  2. portfolio1

    portfolio1 New Member

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Sanchez OK but nothing special...

    The O is not faulty because of play calling.
    (1) It has some holes in the O line which makes it harder to live off the running game. Note how badly they played when they had one player out (Mangold).
    (2) RBs are not bad at all but not world class. That makes it harder to live off the running game. THere are just too many backs better than Greene. LT is still pretty good as a 3rd down back but not special. No one else there special.
    (3) WRs are decent and big play makers but not all world. Too many drops and too many plays not open. Not bad just not special
    (4) Sanchez, like so much else about Jets O, is OK but not special. His strength, and it is a good one, is that he usually plays best when games are on the line and especially in big games. Another nice aspect about him is that he does not NEED to be the talk of the town. But he has not to date ever been a QB that is able to have a monster game or just a game where he carries a team in spite of its weaknesses.

    None of this means Shott is good or bad. But the Jets have a flawed offense. It can have very good games but it is not able to regularly dominate on the ground nor can it regularly dominate in the air.

    This O - as it is NOW - needs someone better then Sanchez. He is just not an accurate QB nor an especially smart one. That doesn't mean he never throws accurate passes, just that he throws too many inaccurate ones; it doesnt mean he will never get better than he is, which is middle of the league talent (check out his ratings these three years for example). But it is unlikely he will ever be a top 10 QB.

    For him to be effective he NEEDS better players than himself around him. Either upgrade the rest of the talent or get a different QB.

    As far as Shott, with an O that can neither dominate passing nor running he has to try to figure out who they have to be against the teaem they are playing. That is why they tried to pass against the Patriots. But the O line could not protect well enough and the receivers could not get open often enough/fast enough and ultimately Sanchez just doesnt read the D fast enough nor throw enough accurate balls.

    I would not start with Shott... maybe he should go. But I think it is Sanchez. He is not bad, just nothing special. Not a Superbowl level talent. To win a SB he needs to be on a special offense.
  3. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    portfolio... All good points. BUT; because this is your first post you troll, I invalidate your reasoning by the power invested in me by the Federation of Cool Guys Here Beofre me, you lurking misfit!
  4. jetsfan2

    jetsfan2 Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Bottom line to all Sanchez defenders is Sanchez worth 12 mil a year(of our cap space) and a 1st round 6th pick? If your answer is yes you don't watch the games I do and know nothing about football. If Sanchez was making 12 mil and performing like 12 mil it would cover up the turds on our team like Mulligan and Eric Smith, if we were paying min wage to a mediocre quarterback performing like Mark Sanchez then we could use the 12 mil to get better players to replace Eric Smith and Mulligan don't you think?
    #84 jetsfan2, Nov 14, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2011
  5. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    A Jets fans IQ usually drops about 5 points for every 100 posts they have on TGG.
  6. portfolio1

    portfolio1 New Member

    Nov 14, 2011
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    If I made all good points why would you have a problem with what I said??????
  7. portfolio1

    portfolio1 New Member

    Nov 14, 2011
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    ouchy has this right. Sanchez is not as valuable as his draft slot or the cash. He is OK. OK? Nothing bad... Just not special.
  8. The Mak

    The Mak New Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    Hop off my dick and hop off the bandwagon, fucko. You're not wanted.
  9. papapump

    papapump Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    Shotty sucks! Why are you throwing the ball all night? Run the damn ball, tire them out, then pass. Sanchez still needs to learn to put a little touch on his short passes. As far as the defense goes, when you keep them on the field they get tired. Throw in our lack of a pass rusher for good measure.

    I am not ready to throw it in with Sanchez, but Shotty must go.
  10. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    portfolio - It was sarcasm (see earlier parts of thread). I appreciated your points.

    [/QUOTE]Hop off my dick and hop off the bandwagon, fucko. You're not wanted.
  11. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    portfolio - It was sarcasm (see earlier parts of thread). I appreciated your points.

    [/QUOTE]Hop off my dick and hop off the bandwagon, fucko. You're not wanted.
  12. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Schotty was having a nice stretch but last night's playcalling was diarhea. We were getting 5 to 7 yards up the gut on first down and we would go shotgun on 2nd down, empty backfield no less so there's no threat of the run. Inexcusably bad.
  13. The Mak

    The Mak New Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    Look at these clowns, they can't even post properly. These people are the same breed of internet schmucks that post comments on
  14. Jetaho

    Jetaho Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    Thanks. So you favor signing a veteran FA over drafting another QB? I don't see how that gets us a Super Bowl or how that gets us a top 5 QB. To me, it's just a Band Aid.
  15. jetsfan2

    jetsfan2 Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Can anyone in their right mind say Mark sanchez is earning his 14.75 mil this year please anyone? Imagine how much better that 14.75 mil could have been spent, definately would have replaced Mulligan and Eric Smith with 14.75 mil. That is disgusting 14.75 mil for a qb who has a 64.7 rating vs the worst defense in the league and who has a 2 cent head.
  16. Mambo9

    Mambo9 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    A joke? No. A bad fit? Yeah!
  17. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    As opposed to your Harvard educated posts. So far you have dazzled me with your intellect. Give me a day to figure out the tools on this board, so I can show everyone how I use you tool!
  18. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Sanchez threw for over 300 yds and a td and also scored a td. He had a bad night but as usual the lunatic fan base is wildly overreacting. he is our starting QB and he is good enough to win as he has already proven. The season is not over. There is alot of football left to play. We have Denver on Thursday.
  19. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    I do as a knee jerk reaction to my feelings over Sanchez' play. However; give me a day to come up with a likely scenario. I would be more than happy to extend the point.

    The short of it is, any upgrade from Sanchez is better than what we have. & why not; I just don't ever see a SB w/ him at the helm. Although Baltimore won with Dilfer... :shit:
  20. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Best first post ever!!!!

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