Sanchez and Schottenheimer are a joke.

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by AirStrike, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. NYDeadEye

    NYDeadEye Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    Never avoids the rush? I seriously hoping you're talking about the lack of audibles, because this guy is CONSTANTLY on the run from pass rushers. He's consistently running from pass rushers because our o-line is failing.

    Fire Schotty, if Sanchez still sucks, then I'll buy into the "sanchez sucks" camp.

    Edit: -- him avoiding the rush, like I see him doing CONSTANTLY

    Flame me all you want, this kid shows flashes of brilliance, so for now, I'm blaming the CS.
    #61 NYDeadEye, Nov 14, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2011
  2. JetsYankeesThrylos

    JetsYankeesThrylos Active Member

    Sep 29, 2007
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    You realize if the Jets were getting as much pressure rushing only four as the Patriots were, the Patriots would have scored zero points. It's hard to perform well when that is happening, Sanchez isn't perfect but get a clue, there are bigger problems than Sanchez alone.
  3. The Mak

    The Mak New Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    Look at all these idiots with post counts in the single digits coming out of the woodwork. What a fucking farce.
  4. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    Well said. Sanchez takes way to much heat anytime the Jets lose. Last night He didn't play great but he didn't cost the jets the game either . Play calling sucks combined with everything you mentioned, i dont understand why there so much Anti-Sanchez here. Hes in his 3rd year and getting better.
  5. Sweet P

    Sweet P Banned

    Nov 9, 2011
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    Did you guys notice, as well, that Sanchez and the receivers weren't on the same page most of the night. On many of the overthrows or missed plays Sanchez would have an incredulous look on his face like the receiver had cut the route short or just didn't run the right route. The commentators mentioned as well. Surprising for a game of such magnitude.
  6. jetsfan2

    jetsfan2 Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Didn't play great is a understatement, 1 td 2 picks 64.7 qb rating vs the worst defense in the league and safetys who couldn't cover a highschool team enough said! Bottom line at year 3 do you think he should have been drafted 6th overall and being paid 12 mil a year if you think so then your blind. Stupidest time out Rex ever saw overthrows Keller and lucky he isn't picked and then screams at Keller? Ya way to be a leader you dumb fagot. Blame Shotty all you want if you can't torch the worst defense in the league plagued with secondary issues you suck.
  7. Jetaho

    Jetaho Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    What's your plan then?

    Start Brunnell?

    Trade for Brady?

    Lose all of our games and draft the 3rd or 4th ranked QB in the draft?

    Trade our whole draft to get Luck?

    What's your plan? Give up on Sanchez and then what? What should the team do? Tell us.
  8. jetsfan2

    jetsfan2 Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Im not the fuckn coach am I? I am tired of people for making excuses for Sanchez, guy is being paid and was drafted like he was some big shit he isn't just a average quarterback at best, if we want to win the superbowl he is not our guy. Everything revolves around the quarterback and the defense runs out of steam when your consantly going 3 and out and putting them back on the fuckn field like Sanchez does. The defense is the only reason why the Jets kept the game close thru 3 quarters, if you intercepted the ball and brought the ball back to the 10 and your offense went 3 and out moving the ball 1 yard to the worst defense in the league(settling for a field goal) would that keep you motivated huh? I love how people get on Folk for missing 1 stupid field goal but don't get on Sanchez for sucking half of the games we played so far. We stopped a guy who had 1000 yards thru half the season this year the defense wasn't a problem until the 4th and whos to blame? The offense who kept going 3 and out and fatiguing them. Please tell me how Im wrong please.
    #68 jetsfan2, Nov 14, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2011
  9. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    So what?!? That makes you some kind of football genius, because I wasn't pissed off enough before now to jump on?? Did you pay more?? Did you "call" being a bigger fan?? You give nothing to substantiate an opinion except you spend more time in your mom's basement! The kid blows. He is statistically ALWAYS in the bottom of almost every measurable category, but lot's of deluded fans still want to give him a pass. EVERY QB has passes that should be picked, so that 'if' or 'should have' game doesn't mean anything. The only thing that counts is what DID happen. &; what happened is the Patriots won both games because they have a better QB & I'm sick of it! & I'm entitled to that opinion!!
  10. Jetaho

    Jetaho Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    I'm not asking you to be the coach. I just want you to tell us what you think should happen once we take Sanchez out to the woodshed and lop his head off.
  11. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    jetsfan2 = Thank you! You know maybe some of these older posters should shut down their CPUs for awhile & get out of Moms basement. Take in a game live & watch a real QB; come back & join the conversation from a position called reality!
  12. The Jutty

    The Jutty Banned

    Oct 4, 2009
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    You only show up after a loss. It's one of the worst things about losing.
  13. Jetaho

    Jetaho Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    Sanchez sucks. I get it. What's your plan?
  14. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    I think "Screetch" makes a good point. I have seen three of his posts now, & they keep asking the poster the same question - What would you do? Is that the basic premise Jetaho. You want someone who thinks Sanchez sucks what their enlightened opinion is??
  15. jets_fan_in_fishtown

    jets_fan_in_fishtown Active Member

    Mar 6, 2009
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    so you've been lurking until now but the loss got you so upset you decided to leave your mom's basement to complain about it? oh ok
  16. Sweet P

    Sweet P Banned

    Nov 9, 2011
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    I guess " The Mak" was born with a 500 post count. Pointless comment. But then again I guess that's how you got to 800 posts. Stay on track " The Mak"....try to focus.
  17. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    What you call lurking, I call reading. Becoming informed. Yes; I decided to chime in today. Did I break some kind of law, moral code? Were you never a first time poster, so what's your point. Tell me your Star Trek special permission sign & I'll use it next time!
  18. jetsfan2

    jetsfan2 Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    When Sanchez sucks don't blame him, blame Shotty, defense, safetys, kicker, even Revis. Shotty is throwing interceptions, gunning 3 yard passes behind the receiver(whos not even a receiver), can't avoid 1 fuckn rush, going down like a bitch every time he is rushed if not just fumbling the ball to the other team like a bitch, calling a timeout which your coach calls the dumbest thing he ever saw, constantly overthrowing his receivers, overthrowing Keller by a mile then motivating him by screaming at him. Ya its everyones fault but Sanchez's. Maybe we should take out Mangold for 1 game again and see how bad Sanchez really is without a good offensive line. Being paid like Tom Brady and playing like Matt Moore if not worse if thats acceptable to you then fuck you. Call me troll all you want but I love our defense, offensive line, special teams, Sanchez is the only turd I have a problem with besides Eric smith Mulligan etc. But expectations of them is low unlike the turd called Sanchez. Sanchez is supposed to be our leader and one of the best players on our team(or so he was drafted and is being paid like one) but he is mediocre-average at best who made the biggest bonehead play of the game yesterday. Am I the only one who sees this as a problem? also to those who say whats your plan? Our gm should be taking care of this this offseason not me don't you think? Sanchez had 3 years to prove himself time to cut him this offseason(save money) and move on, if we sign a average qb in free agency it will only be a upgrade. However the Jets hate to admit failure(see gholtson) and I bet this turd is holding us back from a superbowl until he finally proves he is mediocre. Ravens rushed Sanchez every play because they knew he couldn't throw it downfield, if they did that to Brady or Peyton they would eat him alive and have 500 passing yards against them. Even when he did have time he overthrew every receiver and didn't come close to them cause he was rattled as he is mentally weak(like a little schoolgirl). He has talent but not mentally a football player and that is fine in college but when you get to the Nfl level your screwed. This is why Sanchez, Tebow, Flacco, etc will have short careers in the Nfl. Time to start booing Sanchez every play and showing Jets ownership we don't want him as our Qb. Maybe that will get him to practice more instead of chasing 17 year old girls. I don't understand how fans constantly defend him, if he was playing for the Eagles fans would have a riot by now.
    #78 jetsfan2, Nov 14, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2011
  19. Jetaho

    Jetaho Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    I do. We can scream "Sanchez sucks!" from the rooftops all day long, but what's our alternative? Let's assume that Tanny and Rex and Woody all agree that Sanchez sucks and has to go. Then what? Is that alternative better? Will we be a better team? Would that prevent all of the other mistakes we had last night? Would that take us to the Super Bowl?

    Going a different direction at QB sets us back 3-5 years, and there is no guarantee we will find that next Brady, Rodgers, or Brees. In fact, people like you will probably just keep screaming "______ sucks!" year after year after year.
  20. TommyGreen

    TommyGreen Trolls

    Sep 8, 2002
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