Sanchez Admits He Has to Keep Emotions in Check

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by WhiteShoeWillis, Oct 21, 2009.

  1. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    He has to find the happy medium between looking at his wideouts and looking off his intended receivers. It kind of goes both ways, a QB has to stare down his receiver occasionally for looking off a safety to work, or they won't buy the fake.

    Problem is, whenever it seems there is a play that is designed to go to a single receiver, he stares those down and killed drives on Sunday. Not just talking about the INTs, either.
  2. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    another solid opinion....

    This was the point I was trying to drive home after the Buffalo game...while everyone was heading to the nearest bridge to jump off of.

    Sanchez is on a steep learning curve......not every 1st round QB will come out smelling like a rose right off the hop, like Matt Ryan......and besides, Ryan had 3 years of starting experience at BC..

    I know it's asking a lot....but this fanbase needs to turn a blind eye to the majority of Sanchez's mistakes this season. Rome wasn't built in a day. The kid is a student of the game...and has an excellent pedigree in the "hard working" dept.
  3. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Exactly. And while Sanchez certainly looked much worse in the Buffalo game than Ryan and Flacco ever did last season, neither one truly found his groove by this point of the season. Flacco in particular struggled early on last season. I believe he had 1 or 2 TDs through his first 6 games to go with half a dozen INTs. I would never suggest that people not be upset by the rookie's performance against Buffalo, but I have serious issues with the people who wrote him off after that game.
  4. Rhody Phins Fan

    Rhody Phins Fan New Member

    Oct 13, 2009
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    Kind of like with Jets fans about Mark Franchize after the first three games of the season?
  5. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    We were excited about Sanchez. We leave the dick sucking to our rival fans in 'faaaaaagulous' South Beach.
  6. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    pretty much exactly like that. it is easy to get exited about something you have only seen the positives of. a few weeks ago a lot of people thought sanchez is the second coming, now they think he is a bust. getting caught up in the emotions of a performance creates a lot of irrationality.
  7. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Actually, this guy likes to curse me out and now stalks me on the board. You only know the half of it. My own truths... LOL. Yeah, I know I said Sanchez sucks... and he did, and he has. I hope he improves. I've been a Jets fan before most of the posters on this board were born. I've seen it all. I think the Jets are rushing the kid. Pardon my skeptisism.
  8. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    It is just a matter of ironing out the rough edges. I am not worried at all about Sanchez and I am glad he's here. For once, the Jets went out and spent money on a good rookie QB. I guess the last time was Namath and I guess Pennington.

    At any rate, the guy has a good arm, his demeanor seems well suited to being the leader of the offense, and he has fantastic footwork that will only get better. The main thing he has to really work on is not staring down his receivers. Defenses read the QB's eyes like a book, and in the pros they will burn you a lot if you can't break the habbit. I think Sanchez knows he has to do a better job in this area and will in time.

    It is disappointing that we have lost a couple of games presumably to Sanchez's ball handling and INTS, but as a very young rookie we as fans have to expect this. Obviously we don't want it to go on for a long time, but his play in the NO and BUF games should come as no surprise to anyone.

    Sanchez possesses every tool to be good to great in this league. I guess we can't do it, until his next home game, but if he throws his first pick, instead of the crowd contemplating booing everyone in the stands should loudly start cheering, "Let's go Sanchez, Let's go Sanchez." That in itself may help, I don't know, but we can't get down on the guy; not yet anyway.
  9. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Huh? I stalk you? How does that work? I've called you out in a grand total of three threads in my entire time posting here. Twice because you gave up on Sanchez and made unfair insinuations about him, once because you were going waaaaay overboard on Woodhead. In fact, the other time I'm guessing you're talking about, with regards to the Reggie Hodges thread, I stuck up for you and tried to save you from implosion.

    Whether you'd care to admit it or not, I have no problem with you personally. I have a problem with your posts, and ANYONE'S posts, when you're wrong. If you think pointing out where you're wrong and out of line is stalking, then you must be quite the sensitive soul. I might have guessed that, however, by the fact that you refused to admit when you were wrong. You just changed your viewpoint and tried to move along to avoid further criticism.

    Man, I can't even count the number of people I must be stalking on here by your logic.
  10. 101GangGreen101

    101GangGreen101 2018 Thread of the Year Award Winner

    Aug 21, 2008
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    When he gets a full off-season, of watching his game-tapes and watches himself with his ball-handling and decision making it's going to make him that much better, he's a student of the game, he's not afraid of failure, he's definitely not used to losing as evident in his HS/College Career, but he's only going to get better, granted i'm loving this season regardless of what happens cause I like this team a lot, but i'm really looking forward to him learning a lot this summer, the dudes going to be eating, sleeping and shitting football all summer

    Our expectations of Sanchez shouldn't be so high as of now, all I want him really to do is manage the game and sometimes the OC makes him do a little more than asked, Year 2 were going to see a more different more poised Sanchez I just know it
  11. Andy_M

    Andy_M Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2008
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    Fuck Henne.......:rolleyes:

    The day will come when he won't be able to carry Sanchez's dirty jock.....write it down. I have seen many come and go. I know what the great ones have that the pretenders don't. This kid is the real deal. He just needs time.

    Nobody got this wrong......this is the right kid. This kid is for real.
  12. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    ^^^^^I back you up on this.
  13. kevmvp

    kevmvp Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    Is that supposed to be like a good thing?

    Watch your HC on the sideline. The guy runs around like a little girl when the Dolphins score.
  14. JetsYankeesThrylos

    JetsYankeesThrylos Active Member

    Sep 29, 2007
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    Sanchez is great, he just needs to get that bitch ass sad look off his face and stay involved with the game on the sidelines, he needs to become a leader!!
  15. Ted

    Ted Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    He was out the last 2 games genious. I have watched each of his games he played. It's nice to have NFL game access because I watch many games at the click of a mouse. Have you watched any of Stafford's games or do you just base it on blind loyalty?

    And the last time I checked 3 was less then 5.
  16. Ted

    Ted Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    Impressive. Why are you not employed by an NFL team?
  17. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Please try to read more carefully. His entire point in those first two sentences was that Stafford hasn't even played for two straight weeks, hence the sarcastic "Oh yeah, he looked great!"
  18. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    you think he's not a leader?

    ask the offense who leads them on the field. They are beyond impressed with how this kid commands a huddle.

    he has one bad game a 22 years of age. he's doing fine.
  19. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    THis thread is amazing. It's like people forget that this team without Mark Sanchez didn't outright suck down the stretch last year. Our defense was mediocre, our running attack broke down at the end of the year to the point where a third and 2 was a passing down, Coles was dropping passes and Brett Freaking Favre broke down and outright throw balls up for grabs all over the place.

    Sanchez had a bad game last week but there were multiple players who outright sucked last week and the weak before our coaching staff and D blew chunks.

    This team has a long way to go and the one reason to be optimistic about the teams future has been the play of Sanchez.

    We got a gift on draft day, enjoy it!
  20. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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