New Hampshire just voted for it.
# Places where oral sex is illegal: Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, Utah, Virginia and Washington D.C. # An erection that shows through a man's clothing is illegal in: Arizona, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Washington D.C. and Wisconsin. # In Georgia those charged and convicted for either oral or anal sex can be sentenced to no less than one year and no more than 20 years imprisonment. # In Missouri sexually deviant behavior between people of the same sex is classified as a class A misdemeanor. # In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania it is against the law to have sex with a truck driver in a tollbooth. (There's every woman's fantasy gone down the drain). # In Nevada it is illegal to have sex without a condom. # In Willowdale, Oregon it is against the law for a husband to talk too dirty in his wife's ear during sex. # In Clinton, Oklahoma it is illegal to masturbate while watching two people have sex in a car. # In Washington State there is a law against having sex with a virgin under any circumstances (including the wedding night!). # In Newcastle, Wyoming it is illegal to have sex in a butcher shop's meat freezer. # In Washington D.C. there is a law against having sex in any position other than face to face. # Animals are not exempt from the law either and here are three of the most ridiculous: # In Kingsville, Texas there is a law against two pigs having sex on Kingsville airport property. # In Fairbanks, Alaska it is illegal for mooses to have sex on the city sidewalks. # Lastly, even liberated California proves to be not quite so liberal for the animals...In Ventura County cats and dogs may not have sex without a permit.
the gay penguin movie should be the next penguin movie. let's see how many open-minded parents take their children to see that.
You could also give a new twist to a classic joke. Mechanic:"It looks like you blew a seal." Penguin: "Oh no, was Jeff."
Sooooo, the Federal Court in Boston just ruled that DOMA was Unconstitutional. Probably something that NEITHER party wanted in the news right now, but perhaps this issue will kick up again. Interesting, anyway.
That sound you just heard was teaparty heads exploding. Gay Marriage? States rights? Consider my popcorn ready
No. it was democrat heads exploding. With a president that sux like an electrolux, a recession, and unemployment, this was the LAST thing they wanted to be talking about heading into November. This also puts Obama in Jeopardy in 2012, because the Justice Dept. is a party to this suit. Can pin this one on Rove...... Martha Coakley bless her little heart.
Same Sex marriage is stupid and no matter how they want to make it a part of civilized culture, it can never be. Why? Because same sex partners have sex not for reproduction, but for their own selfish desires. Having sex because it feels good is not enough. You can do that with anyone if they touch you right.
And they chose to do it with other dudes/chicks. The religious front is now pulling into the station...NO SEX FOR PLEASURE!! NO ENJOYMENT!! GOTO CHURCH!!! GET SODOMIZED BY A PRIEST!! QUIT KISSING THAT BOY!!
So you only have sex when making babies? And you feel that a gay man can turn you on with the right touch? Interesting.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Justice Department HAVE to represent the government anytime ANY federal law is challenged?
You should probably just head over the border to Ohio or New York next time you fancy screwing a truck driver.