hate to agree with the op, but he may be right, just plain ugly the past 2 weeks when we could control our own destiny. Not looking forward to what the Dolphins may do to the Jets next week.
The Sanchez hate on here is insane, too many bigger problems then Sanchez, you guys have to be trolling.
I got to watch the second half and it wasn't pretty by any stretch.The playcalling was "exotic" in that every time the Jets started having success running the ball, Schotty went airborne. I just don't understand it most days and even though I'm not a OC, it still seems strange that a guy can throw the ball damn near 60 times and still not break 300 yds. Rex I'm sure will simply say it wasn't anyone's fault but his and then pile on the usual rhetoric just like Sanchez will do. Business as usual, nothing changes.. Next up: Miami. Jets finish 8-8.
Holy shit. This team is so bad we can't even agree on which unit sucks worse. What a fucking embarrassing performance. Rex will give his typical hound dog presser. Sanchez will take a shower and bang some supermodel. We, the fans, get to gargle with the bitter bile of expectations not met. Tell me how it's not SOJ. C'mon...let's hear about the steady improvement our talented qb is making. Let's hear about how it's Hunters fault. Buncha assclowns we are for even trying to believe in this team as it stands. They ain't worth the time spent watching them. They should rename it Giants Stadium again. Fuck...I'm sick to my stomach.
1) Schotty must go. 2) offensive line overhaul. (Moore, Slauson and Hunter gone). 3) another running back 4) trade Holmes, part ways with plax 5) get Edwards, Kerley is fine (hold onto the damn ball though) 6) safety 7) ilb depth olb depth 8) trade cro, start wilson 9) Rex gets a pass