Ryan's Success Depends on Favre Retiring

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Joe Willie White Shoes, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. greenwhite&nogold

    greenwhite&nogold New Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Very objective view... It's nice to see, instead of the black and white perspectives of "this player sucks" and "this player is awesome" which changes from week to week.
  2. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    The last four seasons Favre totally crapped the bed in December. It's clear he is not capable of making it through an entire season.

    While the defense sucked at the end of the year, part of the reason the defense sucked was that Favre was turning it over 2-3 times every week. The defense never had time to get rested and the opposition consistently had good field position. I believe part of the reason Mangini playes so scared the last five weeks was because of the interception machine. How do you overcome a qb turning it over 3 times a week?

    The worst thing that can happen for this organization is for Favre to come back. If he comes back he will ruin our chance to sign any free agents this off season. He will set us back another year for developing a qb. The coaching/front office needs to pick a qb whether thats Clemens, Ratliff, Ainge or a draft pick and let them play 20-30 games. We have no idea if Clemens can play. We have no idea if Ratliff can play. I wish they would have let one of them play this year we would be in a much better situation.
  3. greenwhite&nogold

    greenwhite&nogold New Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Favre played some good games and some bad games, which were directly proportionate to how the whole team was playing. One player doens't make the team successful. I vote that if Favre wants to come back, that we give him one more year. There are better QBs out there (more in their prime), but none that we could get. If Favre's injury heals and he has a full season to learn the playbook, I predict we'll see better things on the field. In 2007 Favre had a great year. If the rest of the team comes together, I don't think you all will be booing Favre come week 12 in 2009 when the Jets are 9-3. In fact, you all will have changed your minds and be fully supporting him. Funny how fickle we are.
  4. greenwhite&nogold

    greenwhite&nogold New Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    The last four years Favre has crapped the bed! That's a huge generalization. In fact that's ludicrous. I'm sorry but I've watched every game he's played in since 92 and he did not crap the bed in Dec 2007. He had an average game in Jan 2008 in the NFC championship in which the whole team crapped the bed. Stop making up shit.
  5. tom spicer

    tom spicer New Member

    Dec 31, 2008
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    Joe Willie White Shoes you are wrong Flacco & Ryan were hand the playbook the day they were drafted which was in April we got Favre Aug. 21st so they were learning the plays for 4 months before Favre was. Chad had Henne the Miami O coordinator as his guy for the Jets when he 1st got into the league so he only needed a refresher of an O he already knew.
  6. CleanFernandez

    CleanFernandez New Member

    Apr 27, 2008
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    Maybe the jets will finally start running the ball with Tj and leon instead of getting favres stats up.
  7. tom spicer

    tom spicer New Member

    Dec 31, 2008
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    Joe Willie White Shoes plus you said he had 1 good year in the last 5 years the last 5 are 2004 thru 2008. 2004 4,000 yards 30 td's 17 int's 2007 4,175 yards 28 td's 15 int's that is 2 GREAT YEARS NOT GOOD GREAT! This year we are 8 & 3 we were the class of the AFC all the so called experts were talking Super Bowl even thou or D could not stop the pass we were winning by stopping the run & great O we lsot down the strech cause Mangini & Sutton stink Favre had a torn bicep tendon that he tried to play thru without him we are 4 & 12
  8. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    December 2008 53.3 rating, 5.79 ypa, 2 td/8 picks
    December 2007 85.5 rating, 7.74 ypa, 6 td/5 picks
    December 2006 62.2 rating, 5.96 ypa, 4 td/8 picks
    December 2005 49.6 rating, 5.37 ypa, 0 td/9 picks

    I'm not making up shit. Look at the stats they speak for themselves. In 2007 his December stats were decent but nothing special. The other 3 years Favre played as badly as any qb could possibly play. In his last four Decembers he has 12 TDS and 30 PICKS. 12 TOUCHDOWNS AND 30 INTERCEPTIONS.

  9. firemanedjr

    firemanedjr Active Member

    May 16, 2008
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    Jesus Christ, you've got to be such a pessimist? Clemens was the guy this entire freaking board had a boner for during the preseason a couple years back, and he out-performed Chad Pennington two years back with an awful supporting cast. He had his moments, and I think he's got what it takes to be an NFL starter. How can you possibly say he sucks?
  10. greenwhite&nogold

    greenwhite&nogold New Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    where did you get those stats? I'm not going to bother pulling all four years, but here are NFL.com's 2007 stats for Dec games. His average QB rating ((115.5+80.6+40.2+143.8)/4) is 95.025, not 85.5. Let's be real here... it is you OPINION and your opinion only. Statistics can be and are contorted to say whatever you want them to say.

    WK Game Date Opp Result G GS Comp Att Pct Yds Avg TD Int Sck SckY Rate
    14 12/09 OAK W 38-7 1 1 15 23 65.2 266 11.6 2 1 0 0 115.5
    15 12/16 @ STL W 33-14 1 1 19 30 63.3 225 7.5 2 2 0 0 80.6
    16 12/23 @ CHI L 7-35 1 1 17 32 53.1 153 4.8 0 2 1 4 40.2
    17 12/30 DET W 34-13 1 1 9 11 81.8 99 9.0 2 0 0 0 143.8
    TOTAL 16 16 356 535 66.5 4,155 7.8 28 15 15 93 95.7
    #30 greenwhite&nogold, Jan 22, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2009
  11. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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  12. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    I'm going to completely disagree with the OP's idea about Favre. One more year from Favre is not going to kill this team, or Rex Ryan. We're basically on another 3 year cycle now with a new head coach. It will take him at least that long to identify a new QB for this team and get the people he needs to be successful. Favre is a legitimate band-aid in during that time. He'll likely only play one more season and try not to go out on the note that he went out this year on. In fact, if he motivates himself to come back, we may actually have a very good year with Favre. Favre still has the tools to be successful, he's only washed up and done if he believes it.
  13. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    So you would be happy if we have no money to sign anyone but out draft picks? No Ravens players to come here with Rex. We get one more year of Favre until his typical December meltdown. Then Clemens is a free agent and we still have no idea if he can play. Another year without a long term solution.
  14. tomdeb

    tomdeb Well-Known Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    well stated!
  15. Jetzz

    Jetzz Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    WTF are you talking about? Do you think the Ravens are going to be like going to the grocery store or something, cherry picking what you want from them? I'm not sure why so many of you are so obsessed with this raiding the Ravens team idea... maybe Rex will have some sway over a free agent here or there that he'll want to see come our way. I'm sure he and Tanny can work that out. I prefer to leave the cap and our FA transaction grocery list to the professionals. They have done a pretty good job so far.

    And Brett Favre does not have a typical December meltdown. You either are very young, or have just not watched much of Brett's career. Like I said, the only thing holding him back for another year is his own desire. Good chance the guy calls it quits anyway, but in either event, the team will compensate for better or worse.

    And personally, IMO, Clemens has showed us about all he has. I'd feel better about him if we could shop and get something out of him. That is why we will likely need another year with a vet.. might as well be Favre as he knows the offense.
  16. greenwhite&nogold

    greenwhite&nogold New Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Looked at it, don't see where you got Dec for the last four years, doesn't matter. Here's an interesting stat for you off of the link you provided. Historically, he has a higher QB rating in the past 8 games than the first 8 games:

    Games 1-8 173 269 2007 64.3 7.46 79 14 9 5.0 90.2 6 12 2.0 9 0
    Games 9-16 173 271 2081 63.8 7.68 50 16 8 7.0 94.7 10 24 2.4 17 0
  17. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    Whether it's the Ravens or another team the Jets have to address a few holes on defense. They have to get a proven safety next to Rhodes, another corner and a middle linebacker. At least two of these have to come from free agency. Favre is currently on the books for $13 million which puts us over the salary cap. If he retires then Tannenbaum will have plenty of flexility to sign a few guys. If he doesn't then we have no money to spend on anyone.

    As I stated in an earlier post, in Favre's last 4 Decembers he has thrown 12 touchdowns and 30 picks. One can make some assumptions about why this is happening but we don't really know. All you know is that if you bring him back for another year, chances are he will destroy your team in December again.

    No Jets fan has a big enough sample size to make any conclusion about Clemens. The one chance he had to play his offensive line was awful. Does anyone know what Adrien Clarke and Anthony Clement are doing now? The average quaterback needs 25-30 starts in the NFL to really show their potential. It would be a real shame if we drafted a guy in the 2nd round and never gave him that chance.
  18. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    That's great. Look at his splits by month in 2005/2006/2007/2008.
  19. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    I agree with you to a point.
    Your memory is rather short. You obviously don't remember the year Parcells fucked up, and had Rick Mirer, as our backup QB. Look it up. We need a veteran, as insurance.
    Also, you forgot to mention, that while we waste a year with Favre, then developing a young gun(starter pistol?), our big $ FA's like Woody, and Faneca, and other players like Jones, Ellis,will be waaaaay past thier prime, which a few are already. We need to make a run, now.
    This team is very talented at key positions, MLB,RB,S,CB, ST's. I haven't heard anyone mention the impact this staff can have on Lowery's development. I think he's gonna be a star with REX guiding him.

    I want an open competition at QB, between Clemens, and Ratliff, with Leftwich as veteran insurance. Pick up Ray Lewis, if in any way it is possible, to come here, teach this defense how to play in this system, and to be a team leader. Some players are just as valuble when thier off the field, as when they're on . Ray lewis is that type of player. And while he is, i think 34 years old, he still has a year or 2 left in the tank.
    We do this, and get a QB, who doesn't make mistakes, we can have something special.

    The saddest part about this is also, Pennington would have been the perfect QB for us to run our offense. Run dominant, and throw some of the time.
    #39 Jersey Joe 67, Jan 23, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2009
  20. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    Agreed. Basically all of the young defensive players should improve drastically in this defense. Revis, Rhodes, Lowery, Harris and Gholston.

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