Larry Csonka Csonka was caught on a 1972 cover of Sports Illustrated discreetly flipping the bird. Check the grin on his face. Priceless. So STFU Fin fans..
Of course it's not a big deal he flipped somebody off, but the New York media makes every little thing a big deal - that's why you don't get yourself in these situations in the first place. They salivate over the chance to create 'a stir' like this, real story be damned. They might actually tell the whole story 3 paragraphs into the article (haven't seen today's paper, so you tell me). This has been twisted into something embarrassing for the organization. If it wasn't, they would not have asked Rex to publicly apologize. The NFL doesn't care about being fair or the whole story of a situation, they care about saving face. Rex provoked the fans by making that announcement - he started it. He should have assumed he'd piss off the drunk Dolphin fans. It was a lapse in judgment to do that over the PA system. It was another lapse in judgment to flip the bird, knowing that everything always gets blown out of proportion. Some random dude flipping off a cabby is totally different than going to a public event as a representative of the Jets, boasting to opposing fans they will lose twice over the loudspeakers, and then after a crazy fan takes exception, flipping him the bird - even if he deserves it you have to ignore the guy. To pretend those situations are the same is fallacious. Do we love it? Of course, but we're obviously biased. That doesn't mean he should be doing it. When you are a public figure, you are held to a higher standard. Regardless of whether or not he's on vacation, as long as he has the job he's the representative of the organization. He has to be himself but he also has to understand he has to keep himself in check.
Did you read the accounts of what happened? Thsi guy was WAAAAAYYYY off the deep end before Rex ever got near a microphone. Security escorted this guy out, and let him back in. That is what you can expect from the sort of crowd that goes to events like this one. Having said that, I think it was a mistake for Ryan to go to such an event in Miami. What good can come from it? Like a player out in a club at 3am. Only bad things happen. I don't have a problem with him flipping the bird as much as I do asking why he was there in the first place. What's next, the WWF?
The NFL is turning into a bunch of sissy crybabies. Well done Rex Ryan, returning the dolphin love while off the job.
So, Rex gets a slap on the wrist and probably a fine. No big deal. The jerks probably had it coming to them any way. It is a good thing ryan didn't touch them. They probably would have sued. P.S. We abslutely will beat them twice in 2010.
Really? The picture and the apology came out within a few hours of each other. Hardly time for it to be twisted into anything.
Just talked to my stepfather. He was there and said that when Rex came out, the ENTIRE place erupted in boos to the point that he couldn't even hear my uncle talking. He also got some pictures with "that guy from the Jets" at the probowl. Revis fucking Christ? Yeah, that guy. Friggin Giants fans...
im sorry, but this guy is the man. by the way, not that it really matters, but that picture of him flipping the bird, looks like its more in fun than in some kind of fit of rage or something. doesnt matter anyway, just the media digging for a story.
How Many Karma Points Did the Flip Cost Rex Ryan? In the midst of all the middle-finger-frenzy there comes a humorous take on the episode. Some website called KarmaSutraNews posted an article about Ryan's latest "outrage."
Bud Adams was at an actual NFL game in an NFL stadium so I can see the fine. $250000 was awfully steep though. Rex wasn't at an NFL function so lay off the guy. It's not like he shot anyone. The "NFL code of conduct" rule is getting out of hand. A fine by the Jets management should suffice. Give the money to a charity.