there was a discussion the two had. i don't know the details, but i'm willing to bet some of those details weighed in on this decision. Additionally, "going out and drinking" doesn't really fit the bill of what happened here. if you go to a corporate event, get drunk and make some advances towards some of your coworkers, regardless of in jest or not, if they were to take offense; would you not take shit for that in the office? sure, i see what you're saying, this has the potential to open the door for "i was out at a club and [insert starting football player's name here] sexually assaulted/raped/rimjobbed me" = bant. but this didn't happen to ben last year. do you think since this isn't the first time this accusation has happened doesn't have somethign to do with htis? personally, based off what i've read, he made poor judgments and was assisted in those poor judgements. that is the issue here methinks. its not simply going out and getting drunk.
of course it isn't just going out and getting drunk, and of course it isn't the first time this happened. but if he is being suspended for anything even remotely comparable to what he is being accused of, which is what is precipitating this suspension, that behavior warrants far greater than a 6 game suspension, and a refusal to do such reveals the NFL really isn't interested in the behavior at hand and the suspension is just weak PR. and if te NFL is suspending him for what he is accused of since they require legal grounds to believe it occurred, I'd love for them to get up and say sexually assaulting a woman only warrants a 6 game suspension and see how that flies over with the public. but if the accusations aren't true, what did he do do that is deserving of a 6 game suspension? is the league really saying attempting to score chicks can get you suspended if a girl rebuff's your advances? that's a silly precedent to set.
.^. It sounds like some really nasty shit went down between him and some college chick. There was obvious consent, so they couldn't prosecute after the chick complained when she sobered up.
cause the cops investigating the incident stated specifically that they don't prosecute morals, they prosecute crimes
you obviously know more about the incident than I do, I wasn't there, I only repeated what I saw in the interview
i guess i just don't think it was "obvious consent". the tampering with evidence is what the bar owner should be charged with... but really it was a stab at the police. for the record i'm not trying to come off confrontational here. just talking about an issue many have an opinion on.
what exactly are you missing that I am saying? I am not saying that is all he did. what part of that is hard to understand? I am raising the question of the all the possibilities of what may have occurred. and you ask why I am snide with you? because you seem to be having trouble following very simple points. or are dishonestly interpreting them to justify being contrary.
I used obvious consent only based on what the detective said. It sounded like there was something there, but it would be hard to prosecute.
that sounds to me like you're asking if something trivial is worth a suspension... which implies you think he did somethign trivial. you say i'm not following simply points, but you're not following the simple points i've asked you. if you behave inappropriate at work, are you not held liable? well when one makes millions a year, work extends beyond the typical 9-5. he is held to a higher standard.... as such needs to behave accordingly. i can be just as curt and say you're ignorant for not understanding that, instead i'm replying to you in the form of discussion, which HOLY SHIT is what a forum is about. furthermore, if someone coming out of college has a problem with the precedent that Goodell is setting, they can forego the million dollar salary and fall back on their degree. and really, that is all there is too it.
Well I also think that Goodell wanted to avoid any "double standards". I have been reading and hearing that there have been quite a few NFL observers watching this to see if there was a double standard. hahahah guess not. This is largely a pr move. If ben really did what he is being accused of and there is an inkling he did or if charges had been levied his suspension could have and should have been much longer.
nfl video about this issue: Jason LaCanfora basically alludes to what MiamiPuck just stated about double standards. Additionally, and i didn't know this, is that the suspension can be extended or reduced based on Ben's progress in his rehab - for lack of a better word.
it's called context, and the only way you can say I believe that is what he did is to completely ignore the first part of my post where I ask equally about him committing what he is accused of. either Goddel believes he did it, didn't do it, or somewhere inbetween, but the only way the suspension is meaningful is to state which of those it is. nobody is questioning his behavior, clearly it is fucked...if what he is accused of is true. but if her accusations are completely false, how can you logically assert he did not meet the standards? that's the point, any discussion of the suspension requires the knowledge of what behavior he committed that is actually being deemed detrimental.
i re-edited my earlier post... i underlined parts that are in context of this discussion. so, there's the sexual issues and the folowing: which, apparently violates the personal conduct policy of the NFL. i can't help but wonder what someone was doing drinking with people 10 years his junior. but that's another discussion.
that alone is worth more than a 6 game suspension. shameful on the NFL's part even if that is the sole reason for the suspension.
I don't think Manning is bad, I don't think he's as good as Brady. That's a HUGE difference. manning is a great QB, a lock HOFer but he's not Tom Brady. Pitt didn't carry Ben, it wasn't a coincidence that Pitt finally broke through and started winning SBs again after they got Ben. Ben was a huge part of their 2 SB titles. he was awful in that 1st SB but he played great in the AFC playoffs and w/o him they don't make it and 2 years ago he led an all-time great drive w/ one of the all time great passes to win the SB.