Road Trips

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Green Blood, Jul 8, 2006.

  1. ViLmAfAn5128

    ViLmAfAn5128 Banned

    Dec 28, 2005
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    Football definetly not a TV sport, its... just the atmosphere at the stadium, you get chills down your back everytime you hear that J-E-T-S chant. The homely feeling you get when you sit back in your seat with thousands of fans rooting for the same team as you... the smell of football cleats and the gridiron, the feel of the vibration of fans jumping in excitement to your team, nothing like it, other than sitting on the couch with nothing going on, the fly constantly against your forehead, your nagging spouse asking if she looks fat in this dress, the agony of the neglectment you recieve when you say yes, the constant phone calls you get when the jets get in the redzone, the longing of a cordless phone when the phone is in the next room...

    does that compare.....???
  2. ViLmAfAn5128

    ViLmAfAn5128 Banned

    Dec 28, 2005
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  3. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    HAH, what a world! :lol:
  4. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Are you F'n... Kidding me??!!???

    Jax is the WORST NFL CITY!!!

    Folks, the stadium is like dropping a diamond in a heaping pile of dog crap.
  5. Mario

    Mario Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I am going to Green Bay. I was debating it and then I realized with the NFL format the jets wont play at green bay for another 8 years. If I can get tickets at a decent price I will go to jets at new england game.

    If possible I will try and get to miami if I can get dec 26th off.

    What road games have everyone been to in the past?
    I have seen the jets at miami, philly, oakland, jacksonville, carolina, pitt, indy and new england.
    #25 Mario, Jul 9, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2005
  6. JetsYankees

    JetsYankees New Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Checking into a RT to either New England or Minnesota. Minnesota would make more sense with Christmas Vacation so no classes to worry about on Monday.
  7. mrjet80

    mrjet80 Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2005
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    Damm. Obviously, you don't like Jax. Tell us what you experienced while there - I'm curious. I remember the parking situation sucking, I had to park on a lawn several blocks away.....
  8. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    VF I beg to differ. Having been to my share of Jets games, and watch the games at home, note the following:

    Giants Stadium in a depressing area of NJ v. My viewing room, HD Sat Feed, 53inch widescreen, 7.1 surround sound. WINNER- My room

    Overpriced concession food (non-tailgater) vs. homemade BBQ/Pasta/whatever your fat ass desires. For the beer drinkers who are invited, they don't incur a miserly charge of $8.00 per cup. Chips, dips, wings abound, all consumed in your choice of primo seating. WINNER- My food.

    A rowdy crowd, fiercly dedicated and following every minute of the game. This positive atmosphere is only darkened by the drunks who throw their food, spill beer on others, and pick fights without regard, vs. My house- admittance by invite only, a-holes have been barred for life. WINNER- By a nose, it's the Stadium.

    2 hours going to the stadium, parking @ $15 vs. about 30 seconds from the bedroom to the downstairs area, assuming there isn't any traffic created by a locked baby-gate or piece of stray laundry on the floor. WINNER- Commute within the home.

    Beautiful weather in the summer/fall months, windtunnel effect towards late fall and into the winter- games played in all conditions and you must dress accordingly- rain by the bucket, no problem, the game is still played, vs. 72 degrees and consistently dry. WINNER- My house, as the windows can be opened in the better months so as to get that effect of being outside at the game.

    Dated bathrooms, toilets you dare not sit upon, stadium seats that can barely hold a 100 pound Chinese man, legroom? Fuhgeddabout it! Vs. Lazy boy and a bathroom that hasn't even hit th 2 year-mark yet. Winner- my can, my recliner.

    See, an argument can be made on both sides. For me though, nothing beats a game at home at this point in my life. Granted, with a new WSS stadium, I would probably be on the other side of this debate. No one view in this situation is right, as everyone certainly has unique things they are looking for in a football experience- like Sports Bar Guy- he won't watch at home and hates the stadium commute, heads to the local watering-hole instead.
  9. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    ^The only time I'm tempted to punk out is when the weather's bad. I never get tired of a live game. Besides, nothing beats breaking out in a full body rash in real time.
  10. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    I went to the Jets/ Jags game a few Years back (Vinny injury).

    The stadium was purposely built in a slummy area. Parking on someones dirt is the Norm.

    Outside of the stadium Area though, you can find plenty of nice things to do in Jax but the area of the stadium is not really something to behold.
    The people there are really nice Both @ the stadium and Around JAX.

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