he should have just said creepy ass n*****s, then everyone would have just laughed it off as not racist at all.
So the Eagles have a QB controversy and a racist WR...$5* says we are called a circus by the media tomorrow because and anonymous source says we ran out of diet pepsi in the vending machines in Cortland. *not a real bet.
David Ball is going to make that team. He broke Jerry Rice's reception record at UNH when Chip Kelly was the OC. Had a cup of coffee with the Jets. Been invited to camp.
Riley Cooper just got himself Paula Deened. Yet, the architect of Freddys fashion mart, and the man that ruined Stephen Pagones life, is a symbol of public virtue, a presidential candidate, and a TV star.
Meh. The paula deen situation was so stupid compared to this. She said it 30 years ago when it was used much more prevalent especially down south. Not that that makes it right, it's just how it was. Cooper is fucked and should probably be cut imo. Paula shouldn't have been fired.
The only reason hes sorry is because he got caught. At this point it doesnt really matter. Defensive players around the league "can't wait" to KO him on the field. And then there's this video, again from ESPN. At least someone from ESPN has balls. Called Goodell out for his BS...again. [YOUTUBE]hf90hOTmtZU[/YOUTUBE]
I like Michael Wilbon; in fact, I like him more than Jason Whitlock, whose article I posted earlier, but Wilbon couldn't be more wrong on this matter. Cooper did not embarrass the league with his comment, he embarrassed himself. He did not break the law, or commit an act that paints the league in a bad light. nobody is going around today saying the league is full of white racists simply because Cooper ran his redneck mouth. there was nothing more for the league to do once the Eagles suspended him, and for Wilbon to claim this issue is bigger than it is and Goodel not doing something reflects poorly on him is complete and utter bullshit and typical race baiting.
Heres the thing. If a team is going to hold itself as principled, yes..they should cut him. Edwards gets a DUI, the Jets run him out of town. Smoketonio wakes and bakes, the Steelers run him out of town, the Jets grab him. Raplelisberger, however remains in Shittsburgh. In NE, it takes a murder rap to get cut. There is no principle in the NFL, except can he help us win, or be replaced.
Jason Whitlock was a guest on the Dan LeBetard radio show down here in S. Florida yesterday. He said, basically, the same things as in this article. He did add, though, the bigger problem in race descrimination in America is systemic. Situations like the much larger percentage of African Americans in prison for things like weed and such. The abuse of laws on the books such as "stand your ground" here in Florida. Personally, I have been on the same page as him for years. The problems are much bigger and deeper than some kid who said something, admittedly, very stupid.
For those of us that have grown up on hip hop, n***a is a word that has had a profound influence on us. And it has a positive connotation in the hip hop world. It's like calling somebody your homey or buddy. I see that word as vastly different from the ER version that was originally used as a slur to infer inferiority. Some people act like they are exactly the same, but they aren't. Cooper did use the wrong version of the word. When I was listening to SAS on the radio he acted like there was no difference between the words and said that black folk shouldn't use it either. And he's the one that has a video remix out there of him saying it!!! Dude's a hypocrite beyond belief. On his show he takes 1 call per hour because he only waits for calls that kiss his ass or set up his points.
Systemic, is a leftist excuse argument, Foisted on college kids by tenured morons. What is happening to Cooper, is also systemic. White guy says ni@@er, loses millions. Black guy records ni@@er, males millions. Its either a word thats fit for public use, or its not.(i would argue not) Cooper is getting Deened.
Systemic is a leftist excuse argument? Really? Any chance that it's "leftist" because the left are the ones who traditionally stand up for the rights of minorities and the poor? The same minorities and poor who represent a very disproportionate presence in the US prison system? Also, there's a difference between a white guy saying ni@@er and a black guy saying ni@@a. I agree that it is a word that should not be used, but clearly there is a difference.
He should be cut immediately. Not because of what he said, which was fucking stupid, but from a football standpoint he isn't nearly good enough to be worth the trouble in the locker room. As it was at camp he was running drills and standing on the sidelines alone. Just cut the dumb hick and let him go play in Canada.
the left didn't give a shit about minorities and the poor until they realized their votes were important. don't confuse that with standing up for them. but that is another topic. as to your final point, if the white guy means it the same way as the black guy, where is the problem? either the meaning and intention is what is important, and allows its use, or its meaning and intention is irrelevant and it should never be used. to say otherwise is to simply continue the victim mentality the race baiters want you to believe blacks should have that condemns any white person for using the same word.