I've seen dogs humping peoples legs demonstrate better tackling abilities than Kerry Rhodes. I wouldn't complain if we had traded him for a couple of Cardinals water boys.
The one thing that sucks (for me, at least) is that in '06 I asked my wife for a jersey for Christmas and she asked who I'd want and I said either get me a Rhodes or a Mangold jersey, that it didn't really matter. I wish she would have got me the Mangold jersey, to say the least. I gave my John Abraham jersey to Goodwill, I just may burn this one in my backyard. What a piece of spam. Drafted you, signed you to a very rich extension and got your prancing ass to the AFC Championship Game. Fucking gigantic ungrateful bag of douche. All I can think about is three things. Wes Welker owning him at Foxboro like Mike Francessa owns a cheap buffet. Him "trying" to return Carson Palmer's fumble in the last regular season game at the Meadowlands. He ran about as fast as Andy Rooney. And, of course, him "posing" after his sack of Rivers in the playoffs. Get the ball, dickhead!!!
Is anyone really surprised that he didn't 1) do the mature thing and take the high road or 2) keep his fat yap shut? I knew it was coming. I kept looking at my watch, actually.
The two plays you mention really stand out. I don't know how the hell he got ran down so quickly for someone who is supposed to have speed. Either he wasn't hustling all the way or his speed isn't all it's cracked up to be, neither of which is a good thing. It's possible he slipped, but it didn't look that way. And celebrating about the fumble was just annoying as hell. He probably wasn't getting the ball anyway, but he was far too concerned about showing that #25 made the play. Remember, every time he made a play, however few and far between they were, he would run 25 yards down the field just to remind you it was him.
He didn't slip at all, just slow as hell. As far as Welker is concerned, I'm not putting Welker's great day all on him, but (you'll remember), Welker caught a pass, middle of the field and Rhodes had a chance to destroy him or at the very least, try to put a helmet on the ball. He did neither, (he should have blasted him, IMO), tried to arm tackle him, and got dragged about another 5 or 6 yards. That play set a tone for how the afternoon was going to go. That was loss 6, if I'm not mistaken, and that's when we really hit rock bottom.
Exactly my thoughts, and when he made the more often mistake, he would do the "wasn't my fault" look.
The Jaguars game was another example of his douchebagness (is that a word?) After the game Leonhard was too classy to say "hey, Rhodes was too busy having his head up his ass, couldn't hear the adjustment in thed formation before the play and got burnt by a 260-pound TE." No Leonhard owned up to the play and took the blame saying it was his fault for Rhodes not hearing him. Rhodes, OTOH, threw Leonhard under the bus in so many words. The play was on you, asshole. Fuck you.
Good Riddance Kerry. Now I just hope we pick up a young talent in the draft to potentially fill his spot, or a free agent on the cheap, with a starter skill set.
Though I have to say, this cracked me up, and I'm not making this up. Lorenzo21 @kerryrhodes What are you gonna do when StevenJackson is running at you? A. Fake pull a hamstring. B. Throw a shoulder. C. Whiff on the play about 3 hours ago via UberTwitter in reply to kerryrhodes kerryrhodes @Lorenzo21 all of the above lol about 2 hours ago via web in reply to Lorenzo21
[YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCS6Lkzz5yg[/YOUTUBE] 2:20 Look at the way he's running, he wasn't running hard at all. After the game people asked him about Leonhard "giving him the business" about being caught by a white dude. I can only imagine what Leonhard actually said "How about you actually fucking run, shithead!" comes to mind
D. Get run over, and Jackson trips over Rhodes, making the Rams short of a 1st down, to which Kerry will do a rendition of the macarena
he kept looking behind him, rather than just running down the field as fast as he could. he's a waste of life.
Hey Kerry, tell all of us why you screwed up in the 4th quarter of the Jaguars game after Sanchez led a TD drive. You weren't paying attention to Leonhard's signal to step back and make the tackle at the right place on the field. YOU SUCK RHODES! You helped the team lose that game.
He could have just said..."my vagina got sore when they didn't massage my ego"... That pretty much would have said it all. Exactly...if he did what they wanted...shut the fuck up and learned the defense from the guys that played in it, he may have known where to be. But no...its not about playing within the system...its about the fact that Kerry Rhodes on the field is a playmaker.
http://twitter.com/kerryrhodes Hey at least he's honest with this question as well:grin: How bad did Michael Kay blow this guy in this interview?
That's because Michael Kay's a BB guy, not football. Just about every time he said he thought the Jets made a bad move (trading Rhodes), he followed it closely with "you're a great guy". Kay either just didn't know how awful Rhodes was, or simply didn't comprehend the negative effect he had on the defense.
I was a big fan of this guy and even found myself defending him at times...my patience with him grew thin last year and I couldn't find one reason why he shouldn't have been benched. The sad thing is he has the ability to be a Pro Bowl Safety, if we could have combined his ability with Eric Smith's work ethic he would be one of the premier safety's in the league and still playing for a SB contending team. Instead he's taking shots at the coaching staff like they didn't know what they were doing. I wonder what his excuse was as to why he sucked in Mangini's last year.