Rex's Plan WILL work

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by rex2009, Mar 31, 2012.

  1. instaGATOR

    instaGATOR Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Paper Thin you claim (with no supporting facts, just YOUR very suspect Opinion!

    The SEC has won 6 Consecutive BCS-NC's, those are played in 1 vs 2 games, not the 'mythical' kind of bowls.
    They did that with 4 DIFFERENT teams, not with one power-house against 2 wannabees plus the 7 dwarfs.

    How many consecutive mNC's did the LAC 10 ever win in their long history?
    And by how many different teams?
    Plus the SEC has won 8 of the first 14 BCS-NC's. :eek:hmy:
    FACT: You BS is WAY more than just paper thin, it's hip-boot deep.....:rofl2:

    Little Girl debating tactics, never answers the DIRECT questions, instead he attempts to change the debate.
    Well and good, I'll just go ahead and HAMMER your next idiot ploy....

    Matthew Stafford Rookie 2009:
    Passing - 201 of 377 for 2,267 yds, 6.0 ypa, 53.3% 13 TD's to 20 Ints, .65 to 1 Ratio, PER 61.0

    Tebow ---- 167 of 353 for 2,383 yds, 6.8 ypa, 47.3%, 17 TD's to 9 Ints, 1.9 to 1 Ratio, PER 75.1
    Not what you claimed, but you're correct in that Matt is no Tebow as an NFL QB.

    Matt's Rushing - 4 for 11 yds, 2.8 ypc, 1 TD. :rofl2:

    First 16 NFL Starts: (just for fun)

    RB Emmitt Smith - 241 for 937 yds, 11 TD's, 3.9 ypc, 58.6 yds/gm (NFL HoF x-Gator RB)
    QB Tim Tebow --- 165 for 887 yds, 12 TD's, 5.4 ypc, 53.6 yds/gm

    Tim (57) broke Emmitt's (36) UF Rushing TD record, and H.Walkers (49) SEC Rushing TD record. :beer:

    But of course those SEC Records are NO indication of what a player can do at the NFL level.... :breakdance:

    That's besides being better initially (1st 16 starts) than Elway or Peyton as a Passing NFL QB.
    Those are >NFL QB< comparisons, not college where Tim won the 1st Ever Soph Heisman Trophy.

    The so-called Tebots have a lot more correct facts to support their opinions,
    than the Anti-Tebowers have to support their constant hate and/or lies.


    Charlie Ward was WR sized and he played in the Almost Competitive Conference in a 'fast break' criminole offense
    at FSWho, not in the SEC.
    And Charlie was always better suited as a PG in B-Ball than as a QB in football, no one was surprised he chose the NBA.
    #121 instaGATOR, Apr 14, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2012
  2. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Just a few things. The BCS is a joke, everyone knows that. We have no idea how the SEC compares to other conferences. I remember Utah smacking around an Alabama team from the fabled SEC 4-5 years ago. We have no idea. I believe the SEC is better, but not as much as you say. Would you say the SEC is the best basketball conference this year since Kentucky won, no. The argument about the champions being from there is ridiculous. It's confirmation bias (I think thats the term) by the voters and coaches poll. Oh and coaches messing up polls for their own agendas.

    Why are you comparing Tebow's rushing stats to a running back? That makes no logical sense. You want to say Tebow is a good runner, sure. It means nothing to how he throws the football. You also pick rushing records to prove a point when the debate going on is about a QB not a RB. Also, Smith and Walker went to college for 3 years compared to Tebow's 4, don't forget that.

    Why are you brining up he was better than Peyton/Elway in his first 16 starts? That also has no relevance. If you want to say he can turn into a good QB, sure he has the potential like every NFL player. What are the chances he turns into one, who knows, but using random players doesn't prove anything.

    Sorry, the people who flocked here just to praise Tebow have selective facts and never once put any blame on him. They outnumber the straight Tebow haters who don't have logical reasons for their hate. Most of the posters fall into the middle where they go back and forth using relevant stats and scenarios surrounding the Broncos teams.
  3. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    heheheh, we could have a really nice fight about how dominant the SEC is in both football and basketball :)

    It does make sense when you think about it. It's there as a comparison to help a person quantify and judge the value added by Tebow's running ability.

    As for the debate about RB/QB, sorry, where is it written in stone that they only way a QB can add value at his position is by passing ?

    Actually, it does have relevance. Those who say that Tebow will never be a good NFL QB point at the stats from his first 16 starts and say "See, look at those stats! He sucks and those stats show that he isn't an NFL QB".

    So, those who support Tebow point out that his stats through his first 16 games are comparable to, or even better than, the stats of some very good QBs through their first 16 games.

    As you said, it doesn't prove that he WILL be a good QB, but it certainly dispels the notion that the stats prove that he can't be.

    Most Tebow supporters that I know have no problem placing "blame" on Tebow. You and others just don't like what goes along with that.

    For example, I can readily say that Tim Tebow holds the ball for too long and that leads to sacks.

    I can go further and say that one of the reasons he holds on to the ball for too long is that he has difficulty reading defenses and going through his progressions.

    See, I'd bet that you would agree with that. But here's the thing. I'd then follow up by pointing out that the kid has ONLY HAD 16 starts in the NFL, and that YOUNG QBs OFTEN have difficulty reading NFL defenses and going through their progressions. It's not as if Tebow is unique in this regard.

    Now, if you want a more exhaustive list of Tebow's problems or shortcomings, I'm sure that a number of us will be happy to discuss them with you.
  4. instaGATOR

    instaGATOR Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    While the BCS is not an actual D-1 Playoff with however many teams, it does put the #1 and #2 Ranked teams against each other.
    The old 'mytical' NC's relied completely on the polls that you carp about.

    The SEC, by their 6 consecutive BCS-NC's, the last being a 'first ever' game by two teams from the same 'average' conference, shows their strength for anyone not blind/biased.
    What a load of crap claiming 'marginally' better. Not to mention their 8 of the first 14 BCS-NC's. And why did the SEC not win all 14 of them?
    Because in those other 6 BCS-NC games they didn't let an SEC team play for it. That's why I've ALWAYS spoke for a real total PLAYOFF.
    The SEC is 8-0 in BCS-NC games, the only time that an SEC doesn't win it, is when the media-morons and the coaches don't let an SEC team play for it.

    BCS-NC's (these listed W/L records don't include the BCS game results)

    1998 12-0 Tenn 23 to 16 FSU 11-1

    * 2002 13-1 UGA was kept out of the NC game by the poll voters, their only loss was by 6 pts to an 8-5 UF

    2003 12-1 LSU 21 - 14 Okla 12-1 (LSU's only loss was at home to 8-5 UF)

    * 2004 13-0 Auburn was kept out of the NC game by the voters, cheater USC's title revoked, title left vacated.

    2006 12-1 UF 41 - 14 tOSU 11-1 (UF's only loss was @ 11-2 Auburn) tOSU/Heisman Troy Smith
    2007 11-2 LSU 38 - 24 tOSU 11-1 (LSU's 2 losses were to 8-5 UK and 8-5 Ark)
    2008 12-1 UF 24 - 14 Okla 11-1 (UF only loss was to 9-4 Ole Miss) Ok/Heisman Sam Bradford
    2009 13-0 Bama 37 - 21 Tx 12-0, Tx/Heisman Finalist Colt McCoy
    1010 13-0 Aub 22 - 19 Ore (5 of the SEC's 8 wins were by double digits)
    2011 11-1 Bama 21 - 0 LSU 13-0 (in the all SEC rematch, both finished with 1 loss to each other and ranked 1 & 2 in final poll)

    To claim that the SEC is not Head & Shoulders above every other conference is just complete idiocy and/or total rival denial.

    But feel free to review the SEC's overall bowl record against those other conferences too, it will also show you the SEC's top to bottom strength.
    Most SEC teams are pitted against higher ranked team in their bowls, but they still have a winning bowl record, even when the ranking match-ups are stacked against them.

    But of course, in your own 'fair & unbiased' opinion, it's that one-time 13-0 Utah win over 12-2 Bama that disproves ALL of the above, right?

    Of Basketball's last 2 Back-to-Back B-Ball NC's, the SEC has 1 of them and it's not UK, it's UF in 2006-07, the one before that was Coach K's Duke back in 1991-92.
    UK is the only other SEC school with a B-2-B NC. What's UK's total NC's?

    List ALL of the Conferences that have ever had a team hold both football and B-ball NC's in the same season or in the same calendar year.
    (hint: it's a real short list)

    I showed that Tebow was a more 'efficient' runner than HoF E.Smith. (also better than the HoF 'A Train' Mike Alstott was as a rookie)

    Tim only took about 18% of the snaps in his true Fr season at UF, not the 4 full years that you attempted to insinuate.:breakdance:
    And Tim passed the ball way more than he ran it while at UF.
    He still passed up E.Smith's UF Rushing TD record about half way through his Jr season.
    And he passed up H.Walkers SEC Rushing TD record in the 8th game of his Sr season.
    I'd say that's not to bad for a FREAKIN' QB.
    Especially since he also set the SEC's All Time Pass Efficiency Rating at 170.79 while getting those rushing TD records.

    The rushing comparisons were just to 'compliment' the FACT that he was also doing that while being a 'more 'efficient' QB than
    either HoF Elway or P.Manning were to start their NFL careers.

    But I guess that you see no advantage in Tim being that good at BOTH! (17-9 TD/Int + 12-6 TD/LPF = 29 TD's to 15 Turnovers)

    Comparisons to other player is what we have to go by to generate our 'speculations' on how good Tim might become.
    At least I use something of 'tangible value' to compare, instead of just parroting the usual media-moron's biases.

    Defending the anti-Tebow slurs with the Facts/Stats is NOT being a biased Tebot advocator.
    That's just the weak-ass drivel put out by those anti-T's who spout the lies/hate/mis-information incessantly.
    I use and post ALL of Tim's stats, not just the ones that show him in a good light.
    While the haters LIVE on the Pass Completion % Alone like it's the Holy-Grail of being a QB, while they refuse to consider the coaching,
    cold off the bench, lockout, offense, play calling, receiver drops, ets

    I have said repeatedly that I'm FINE with ole San being the starter, just as long as he remains better at the job,
    which is up to the Jet coaches/owner, as it should be.

    Shortly all of this will be behind us, as everyone can judge all of the above considerations when Tim is on the field.
    I have no problem with any 'fair' assessment on any player.

    Now you have yourself a real nice day.... :)
    #124 instaGATOR, Apr 15, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2012
  5. RobertPooner

    RobertPooner Banned

    Mar 23, 2012
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    Completion % is the most important stat for a QB, because Merril Hoge and Mark Schlereth told me so.
  6. instaGATOR

    instaGATOR Banned

    Mar 22, 2012
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    :rofl2: (ZING! - good one)

    Yep, those two 'know-it-alls' are sure thing NFL HoF'ers right there.... :beer:

    TD to Turnover Ratio and W/L records are totally irrelevant in their little QB world. :breakdance:

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