Rex takes shot at Brady while praising Manning

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by rinvesto, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. PatPatriot

    PatPatriot Member

    Sep 15, 2009
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    Like Bill Cowher and many others have said, video taping doesn't mean anything once you step onto the field. Every team did it. I worked for a couple of NFL teams and saw it myself. Hell, Cowher said on the radio that he had people in the stands stealing signals and then matching it up with game tape. The Patriots were stupid enough to do it after the NFL sent the memo out telling everyone to stop and paid the price.

    I don't see Mike Smith, Sean Payton, Mike Tomlin, or any other playoff coach talking like Rex does. What's the point?
  2. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    There's no question that Brady is using that game to fuel his current intensity. What I mean by that is that he assumes nothing anymore other then what he can produce on the field. That's why he keeps saying the 2010 New England Patriots haven't accomplished anything so far this year other then an extra week to rest and home field.

    Doesn't mean he's unstoppable or impossible of making any mistakes but you will likely be getting his best game.
  3. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Well he's got that covered too. On the football field it's making your opponent look bad and having their coach looked lost in the post-game interviews.

    We'll see what happens. God knows fans here will be eating it up if it's Brady and Belichick that have to explain how they lost.
  4. SuperBowl50

    SuperBowl50 Member

    Nov 30, 2009
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    So blatantly breaking rules is winning "the right way"? Get off your high horse already.
  5. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    That is just stupid, does he realize we have to face Brady(the better QB) if we win this game? This guy really loves feet, they are always in his mouth.
  6. benhamean

    benhamean Member

    Dec 8, 2010
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    Ryan Clark says this was ill-advised
  7. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    It's more of a knock on Caldwell than it is Brady, but god Rex really is going overboard a little this week. Like when he was asked about Manning remembering new looks a defense threw at him quickly and how that could be counteracted Rex joked 'well maybe a knock in the head'.
  8. capetide

    capetide Banned

    May 17, 2004
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    And so, all those interceptions where Peyton threw right into coverage this year were due to a computer virus?

    BTW I used to find Rex pretty entertaining but the more Rex talks, the less I like the guy. HWould be nice if he showed alittle class once in a while instead of trying to be a clown.
    #48 capetide, Jan 6, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2011
  9. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Exactly. Brady is just a human.
  10. Donttasemebro

    Donttasemebro Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2008
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    Let's break down rex's comments for the massholes and anyone else thinking he "jabbed" tawmmy brady.

    It is widely accepted that the best 2 QB's in the game are manning and brady. No one (not even a saints fan) is debating that. Brady was mentioned to contrast Manning. Rex is acknowledging that Tawmmy is arguably the best QB in the game but even he gets help breaking down defenses etc. Manning is, to borrow a phrase, a fucking football computer. No QB has been able to make adjustments and rip a team apart on the fly like manning since Jim Kelly in his prime. It's a compliment to both of them you dim witted mouth breathers.

    Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?
    #50 Donttasemebro, Jan 6, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2011
  11. GoPats

    GoPats Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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    Didn't take it as an insult... I actually don't see what the big deal is with Rex's comments. Maybe the "he thinks he does" part, but is someone supposed to get all riled up over THAT? I hope not. Christ, this is football. "Hurt feelings" can be checked at the locker room door.

    In fairness, you'd have to blame the writer and the thread title for suggesting it. I'm sure if he was asked, Ryan would say it wasn't meant as a shot at Brady. That's not his style... I'm pretty sure Rex would just come out and say it, point blank, "Brady's good but I think Manning is better."

    He's in all likelihood 100% correct. You have one of the best defensive minds in the history of the game as your head coach, and if you're that coach's QB, you'll use his experience and knowledge to execute and prepare better. It would be idiotic not to.
  12. strngplyr

    strngplyr Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2010
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    Agree with both. I doubt Rex meant it to insult/fire up Brady. Blame the writer for stating it and everyone else for reading too much into bad journalism. Rex will straight up tell you who he thinks is better if he wants to, when has he ever been cryptic?
  13. TommyJ

    TommyJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    more rex ryan talk that is escalated far too higher than it should be.
    let the media disect it, break it down, analyze it, etc.
    where's the big insult here?
  14. KyleJetfan

    KyleJetfan Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The part of the interview that isnt referenced is that the 2 previous questions involved the two quarter backs. The New York media is a joke. They ask rex questions, then post one to make it look bad. Happens all the time. And btw, even before rex, the NFL world hated us. It is what it is. Rex won 10, took us to the AFC champ game, now won 11 and entered the playoffs. Id say the Jets have been cashing the checks hes writing, even a chowder head can see that.
  15. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    "No question?" How the fuck do you know? Are you his shrink? His rabbi? Wife? Maybe he's really motivated to get one last big score so he can cast off that shrew that dresses him funny and makes him wear hair extensions. "We haven't accomplished anything yet." That is really meaningful stuff, you never hear a pro athlete say anything like that.

    The worst part about having the Patriots in the same division really isn't so much that they are always better than the Jets, its that they have a such a sniveling bunch of idiots as fans who not only pretend they are part of the team and are responsible for its success, but that Tom and Bill are close family members whose deepest hopes, dreams and aspirations have been shared among confidants.

    Say something meaningful or STFU.
  16. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    People are so ridiculous about Rex. He's accomplished a tremendous amount as our HC in his short tenure (especially when compared to Jets past coaches) and people act like his talking is causing us to lose games. God forbid he ever has a losing season.
  17. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    I don't think Brady is insulted to be honest. I don't think he cares that much but if it motivates him to be that much better against the Jets you only have your coach to blame. Players will use this stuff if it helps them although it's hard to imagine Brady wouldn't be focused either way.

    Which is why a lot of coaches and players don't say this kind of stuff whether it's how they feel or even it's true. So while Rex Ryan is an incredibly entertaining football coach and personality, it may come back to bite in the ass someday. He's still a good coach but he likes to be the joker too.

    Compare that to Belichick who says diddly-squat and infuriates reporters with his non-information and who goes out of his way to compliment the other teams regardless of how crappy they are and whether he actually believes it in the least.

    Rex Ryan is absolutely, positively more fun but he always seems to say something.
  18. grumpynyjetsfaninME

    Dec 29, 2010
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    why does brady hate the Jets? if it wasnt for Ellis and Lewis that late Sunday afternoon brady would be selling life insurance to blind people right now.. drew would still be the QB. just goes to show brady is a dummy.
  19. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Just my opinion but he's been much more intense this year. I don't think I'm the only one who's noticed that. He really does seem more driven and I think the SuperBowl loss is one motivator.

    You're right. Same old Tom Brady. He's no different from the kid that won in 2001 or even 2007. I'm just saying a lot of people have noticed the difference in Brady. It's not a big secret.
  20. PatPatriot

    PatPatriot Member

    Sep 15, 2009
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    Us? Do you play for the Jets?

    Rex has set the bar at Super Bowl or bust. Going to the playoffs isn't good enough. You say you are the best team in the league and then proceed to go into the playoffs as a worse seed than the year before. Then, he says that his team is still the best. It's quite cute that he still thinks that, but until he wins the ring that he's promised everyone his boasting is little more than mindless blustering. His father did the same thing so we shouldn't be surprised.

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