Rex should resign

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Petrozza, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    you are exactly right! despite all the injuries, the steelers still look like an nfl team and we look like division 3.

    but suckchise gives us the best chance to win (sic) so we are sticking with suckchise. :mad::shit::shit::shit:
  2. mr nyjet

    mr nyjet Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    hand him a clipboard, and start McElroy.:mad:
  3. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    Sanchez is making the same bad decisions he always did. His arm seems to have degraded a bit, like it did last season late, and his receivers are bargain-basement.

    I saw several on-target throws today that did not have the velocity on them that's required. One was almost intercepted (Gates on the left sideline), one was incomplete (Keller in the end zone) and one turned into a completion (Hill up the left seam), none of those throws had the zip Sanchez has shown.

    It's possible that he is taking something off the throws because he doesn't trust the receivers to catch a ball with any mustard on it, however it's more likely that his arm is wearing down again as it did last season.

    The real problem with the Jets at this point is not that we know Sanchez is terrible. The real problem is that there is no way of evaluating him or any of the other players in that offense because the parts don't reach critical mass.

    The Jets have no #1 WR and have not had a real #1 WR since Laveranues Coles sudden decline. They got by with multiple 2a's in 2009 and 2010 but then that broke down in 2011 when they wound up with a 2a and several 2's and 3's.

    The Jets have no #1 RB and have not had a real #1 RB since Thomas Jones left town.

    Not surprisingly in the absence of a #1 WR and a #1 RB the QB looks like a 2 at best. Would he look better if the Jets had more talent around him? Who knows, but we're losing games without them.
  4. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Name me one team that runs it 90% of the time and is a winning team. You won't find one. The blueprint on stopping Tebow is out there and it's no longer a threat.

    A offense with Tebow is just like the Wildcat in the sense that it was successful for awhile and it was very beneficial until hours of tape were compiled on it and now it is irrelevant and out of date. It is not something that will ever be viewed to be very successful in this league again because it is well documented on how to defend it now.

    Why so many feel changing out QBs is going to make us successful all of a sudden boggles my mind. There are so many problems with this team, I'm not sure a full offseason will be enough time to fix all these problems on the roster. I highly doubt it considering our cap space is utterly fucked right now.
    #84 IIMeanDeanII, Nov 23, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2012
  5. al_toon_88

    al_toon_88 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    Should have kept Mangenius. Tannenbaum got the free pass.

    The year ARI made it to the Super Bowl we kicked their ass. And we beat NE in NE. If Favre doesn't rip his shoulder we probably make a run.
  6. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    RGIII runs a bunch of read-option plays for the Redskins but that's just one part of the overall gameplan for them and he is a very accurate QB to begin with.

    The problem with trying to do anything with Tebow is that he is a very inaccurate QB and so anything you try to do with him is going to be low productivity with the occasional bomb that connects if the WR doesn't drop the pass.

    In the 1960's Tebow would have had a shot at developing a unique style in what was still a wildly divergent environment for NFL offenses. Now he is dealing with the reality that if there is not a good reason to play him outside the read-option then there is no good reason to play him at all.

    Would he be good for the read-option plays? Probably decent. Would that all get shut down and force him to run more standard plays if the offense wasn't more varied than just read-option? Definitely.
  7. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    Tanny should lose first. He has horribly mismanaged the draft free agency and the roster.
  8. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    There were a few posters that would always get their blood pressure up when some posters would point out that this beating of the chest...allowing dumb players to say whatever they wanted...creating bulletin points for the opponents...the incredible disrespect for other teams because WE MADE IT TO THE AFC CHAMPIONSHIP TWICE IN A ROW...was just a few posters trying to be negative.

    What has happened to this team has happened in the NBA...the teams that think they can act like complete radicals and do something that has never been done...act like a bunch of fucking punks with a head coach who feels it very necessary to tell the league that he is a defensive genius..that he will win a Superbowl in 3 years...that we are the best team that plays in that building etc..etc..etc.

    When you act like a fucking clown you eventually are rewarded like a fucking clown.

    That wouldn't be bad if you had an owner who was smart enough to go into your office the first year and say " are doing a great job but just put a lid on it because this shit always comes back to bite you"..but no..our owner not only allowed it..he himself became a media whore that told his GM to give Sanchez and extension but go out and get the biggest overrated media whore player, Tebow, and bring him here too.

    Lets get more media whores...yeah..Holmes...and even more media whores...Scott (lets not forget...Scott at one time was the medias favorite quote).

    So hopefully..when all this is least you have a GM who is level headed and keeps this fucking circus in check..because the coach cant..and now the owner cant.

    But no. Our GM...from the school of Parcells and BB goes from having a Mangini attitude to loving the spotlight himself..via Hard Knocks. All the while forgetting what his real job bring in smart productive players.

    Its a friggin travesty what has happened to this team and many of us old timers are running out of time.

    I was there tonite and let me tell you..the crowd was ready for this game. My section was on their feet for the first 8 minutes of the game. It was an emotional pregame with all family that lost loved ones to Sandy and it carried over until Sanchez did the unexplainable...throwing that INT. That just deflated the stadium.

    You need to bring in a Parcells type guy that can break the joke franchise label because he did it. This franchise has gone so far backwards as far as respect goes that it will take a major change to even attempt to repair it.

    I walked out of there with my son tonite and I turned to him and said...sorry bud..that really sucked. His response was..laughing...Dont worry dad..its kind of funny now.

    That was the most incredible part of the night..yeah there were some Tebow chants but for a franchise with such passionate fans..probably the most passionate fans in the NFL..there was little outrage. Yeah there was some screaming on how they suck but for the most part? people just walked to their cars..smiling and were pretty chill. Thats how bad it has gotten. Even the fan base is burnt out from all the punches it has taken over the years.

    And this latest punch seem to not even hurt. Eventually when you punch the same spot about a thousand times, I guess it just goes numb.
    #88 jaywayne12, Nov 23, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2012
  9. al_toon_88

    al_toon_88 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    Say what you will about Tebow.

    Check his numbers from last year in Denver. He doesn't turn the ball over nearly as often as Sancho. Incompletions are better than INTs and sack fumbles.

    A high percentage of running plays also keeps the clock moving, which is what you need to have any shot of beating NE. I'm not saying Tebow would win games for us, but I just can't take any more Sancho. It's sickening to watch the same horror movie every week.
    #89 al_toon_88, Nov 23, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2012
  10. luckiestman

    luckiestman New Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    This is a great post. I will never change my allegiance, but this season is the first season that I wish I was a fan of nearly any other franchise. Really, which organizations are more screwy? JAX, KC and OAK? that might be it. I think the Browns with new ownership and a stout defense have more upside than us right now. I watch a team like SF come out and the level of organization they are bringing to the table, man, I am really envious. it is the complete opposite of this bombastic cluster$%^ we have going on.
  11. NYCKNP

    NYCKNP Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Compared to Mangini as HC, Rex is more likeable. However, he has no discipline over his players. Rex should step down as HC.
  12. Jetrik

    Jetrik Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Dude, this team needs to be rebuilt from scratch. Which means we wait about another 5 years to be relevant. Good times.
  13. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    People work their whole lives for jobs like this. I think if he resigns it would be pathetic. I can't see how you would think otherwise. Being fired is different, but to walk away from this job would confirm he should not be doing it. Rex will not do that though.
  14. titan999

    titan999 Active Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    Predictably, this thread can essentially be summarized as "Rex sucks, no the players and Tanny suck, no Rex sucks" etc. There is no doubt that the Jets are an untalented slop-fest, that Tannenbaum has decimated the roster AND put the team in a bad cap situation (both unforgivable), and that Mark Sanchez is an abysmal QB who at least 28 (and possibly every other) NFL teams would not want. While I would like to chalk all of the Jets' problems to these things, and give Ryan a pass, I just can't. Last season, he paid so little attention to the offense that he didn't even realize Holmes was not in the game against Miami, by his own admission. He hired Sparano without even interviewing him or considering any other candidates, particularly egregious because Sparano's teams in Miami were dreadful offensively. And, in last night's game, he left the team dangerously unprepared at backup QB by dressing Tebow (who has two fractured ribs which apparently made it impossible to take any snaps today), and having McElroy inactive. These decisions speak of a person who has no idea how to be an NFL head coach. Rex has only proven that he is a defensive coordinator, and that's all he should ever be.
  15. Aewhistory

    Aewhistory Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2012
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    I disagree. We are regularly seeing players being quoted, both anonymously and by name, calling for Tebow, saying Tebow sucks, and making remarks about the current state of affairs with the team. The fact of the matter is that if he truly "had" this team the players wouldn't be mouthing off, expressing no confidence, and just generally airing the teams dirty laundry to the media. You don't have to say the words "Rex has lost the team" to see that he and his staff don't have the confidence of his players. To me, that means he has lost the team. Is it as bad as last year? No. But frankly, that doesn't matter. Last year was so screwed up that if it was anywhere near that bad he should be fired--this team is looking downright unprofessional right now.
  16. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit. Disagree, he deserves another year. But he's definitely on the hot seat now.

    Nobody takes 5 years to be relevant unless the organization is clueless. This organization may be clueless, but this is the first time since 2007 that the Jets won't matter in the last few weeks of the season (and they still aren't mathematically done).

    Jets need help in a lot of areas, but if they address the right ones with the right players, they can turn it around fairly quickly. Hell, two outside linebackers would go a long way towards making this defense one of the best ones in the NFL again, and then the offense becomes less of a concern.
    #96 Jetfanmack, Nov 23, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2012
  17. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    What's going to change in that year that will suddenly make Rex a good head coach without a stacked band of late-prime veteran players on the field for him?

    I just don't see where another year of Rex fixes anything that is wrong with the Jets right now. it's just another year without a title, with a failing head coach who can't overcome his limitations and who brings significant baggage alongside his contributions.

    We've seen this before. It's Buddy and the Eagles all over again. The best thing that could happen for Rex given another season is that he finds his Randall Cunningham and gets another season or two out of that before he gets fired. That would be like another 4 seasons without a real shot at a championship because we had a defensive coordinator as a head coach.
  18. truthbtold

    truthbtold Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
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    My thoughts exactly. And god forbid we actually finished up with a few wins at the end of the season. They might actually give him the job.
  19. Jetrik

    Jetrik Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    This is the Jets. If you've been waiting since 1969 to win a title, there are a lot of clueless years in there. We can say 'if' all we want, but damn, this is the Jets. Do you think they have a clue?
  20. HarryWarden

    HarryWarden Banned

    Nov 22, 2012
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    Seconded. Tebow can be a mediocre QB with occasional flourishes (See: The Pitt playoff game last year) who sure, won't likely beat teams like NE if the defense can't stop them as seen in the playoffs last year. If the defense is competent as well though, he won't lose the game for you nearly as often as Sanchez is doing it this year with his horrible turnovers at the worst possible times. I frankly don't get why Rex doesn't like Tebow. He fits the whole "Ground and Pound" philosophy perfectly.

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