he never said he was the best defensive coach in football. LOL. but that doesn't stop the media from claiming he said it.
Please Rex, you're defense lost 8 games last year, 7 the year before and 8 the year before that. Take the advise you offered Holmes... STFU.
he just has to realize that he cant even answer questions like that. there is no benefit to answering it. everyone knows. just stop talking so goddamn much. we know you believe in yourself.... we dont even really care at this point.
I've been looking all over and all I get is that Rex, responding to a question from Keyshawn said... What was the question?
Would you really? Because so far, I have seen you give your pathetic high school resume about a dozen times on this anonymous football message board. You don't seem to be a big fan of self-evidence. Your knowledge should show through. But since it doesn't you give your resume. Over and over again. Do you ever get tired of looking like a fucking fool?
I think this is what he is trying to do, if so, fine. But I hope he understands he is a HEAD coach now, and has to excel in all facets of the game. Sometimes I wonder if he grasps this.
This is an embarrassingly weak response even for you. Since you can't defend the ridiculous remarks Rex made, all that's left is to attack the messenger. Weal sauce Abby, weak sauce BTW- I was a HS HC, but I don't recall ever mentioning on this board once let alone a dozen times. So not only is your attack is not only weak, its just not true. Not that being one make my opinions any more valid than anyone else's.
No, he said he would try to help keep the pressure off the team, which means diverting it to himself. Rex sounds like a kid in a candy store when he's talking about the team. You gotta love that.
FIXED.. besides the bad grammar and faulty stats. How did we lose 7 when our record before playoffs was 11-5. Hello? You wanna talk wins? Total Jets record under Rex (inc playoffs) = 32-22. Don't forget Rex had a job before the Jets where his defense was integral in winning a superbowl. Rex is definitely worthy. He built one of the most devastating Ds of all time. Doom and gloomers are friggin funny.
When the messenger is such a worthless douchebag, attacks are warranted. You have touted your qualifications as a football mind on this forum plenty of times, and I was using 'high school' as the level of perceived expertise, since there's no way I could know you coached in HS. But thanks for yet again adding to your endless TGG football resume! Edit: by the way, other than attacking Rex as the messenger, you did absolutely nothing to dispute what he said, so blow it out your ass.
Sorry, I was off by one game. I'm not against Rex, but if you're gonna talk shit about being the best at something, than you had ought to be the best at something. If you're not than STFU about it.
Ah hope U R googling for anti depression pills because when this season ends you will be very depressed & needing them. If you are true FB mavin BTW you should be assessing the team with your head & not your heart :sad:
You don't even do that. You assess the team by reading badly written articles by uninformed people and then posting those articles on TGG.
I love the posts that involve "name another coach who...". They're always so negative. I'm sorry you hate that our coach is an individual. The GREAT coaches in NFL history have been the ones who did things a little differently than everybody else. WALSH, LANDRY, STRAM, CORYELL, PARCELLS, hoodie, SHULA, DITKA, BROWN, LOMBARDI, HALAS, GIBBS, MADDEN, and BUM PHILLIPS are just a few examples of coaches who won because they did things differently than all those mediocre coaches around them. In retrospect we call them innovators. Maybe Rex will be in that league someday. The converse to this is that I'm sure The Rich Kotites, Mike Tices and Dennis Ericksons of the world tried to be innovators, too.