That would be hilarious. Who's to say that Woody didn't tell Rex this and gave Rex his approval to appear on the show? We'll just have to see.....
This could be complete garbage or very interesting depending on how Fatty handles this. If Fatty can check his ego, which I'm doubtful of, we can learn alot by what Rex says or doesn't say. He should certainly put Rex on the spot as any good interviewer should. He should let Rex do the talking and ask him pointed questions about what happened and if his approach will change. If he starts shouting Rex down, laughing condescendingly at him, bragging about the Giants, etc this will be garbage. Rex created this mess so he has to lay in it and get himself out of it. He can't start hiding in the bunker. He has to be as upfront and accessible now and in the future as he was previously otherwise he is exposed as a fraud and phony. These are the beginning steps to start reigning in this locker room and start pulling this team together again. He needs to be speaking to his team when he speaks publicly.
I like that Rex isn't afraid to go on with him, especially now when Francesa has the chance to crow, he'll hold his own. Deep down Francesa is a football coach groupie.
Yeah, I don't understand why everyone is so worried about this. Nothing new is going to come out the interview. rex has been on with Mike before so we know what to expect from both the coach and the host. But for the Miami fan at MMA fights and Channing crowder, Rex hasn't engaged in trash talk arguments. He has boasted about the Jets a lot, but not trash talked others - unless you count stating Manning being better than Brady trash talk. Mike will bait rex with his normal anti-Jet/Rex line of thinking. rex will engage and then "coach speak" around it. But Rex will also talk highly of Sparano, will say Holmes and Sanchez will co exist, will not comment on Peyton to the Jets and then end by saying the Jets will bounce back. Nothing to see here....
I think how each guy handles it will be more telling than anything that's said. It's a much bigger deal for Francsea, there are a lot of radio hosts in NY, there are only two NFL head coaches.
Francesa is far fairer with the Jets after they've done lousy then when they're doing well. Ryan will be fine, will be much better then that awful Tannenbaum, who offers nothing. Best part of the interview with him, was when Francesa said,,,"enough of you guys hanging your hat on those AFC two Championship games, you've gotten all you can out of that. You didn't even win those." Tannenbaum had nothing to say.
I really dont like how were giving him the time of day. Id rather see Rex go out and literally go on every single other show out there and straight up ignore Fatcessa
Lines you're bound to hear: "Wit awl due rispekt, coach, yuh nawt tellin us ennythin we doan't awlready know." and, from Rex: "I'm obviously not going to get into....." "We have great respect for....."
Rex: "...and all that stuff." "That's who I am. I'm not gonna change who I am." "I want to win the Superbowl every year, and I honestly believe that we will." "Mark is only on this team because he looks good in the shower."
"Giants are one of....*the*...Elite teams...blahblahblah" More Giants worship by their biggest booster. Can 1:30 come already?