I tried to post this on my friend's Facebook page, he is a huge Dolphins fan and can't stand Rex Ryan. It wouldn't let me post it because it said it has been reported by users as abusive. Damn those Dolphin fans r sensitive...
rex is truly the greatest. he goes right up there and talks smack right to those bitch ass dolphin fans faces. this got me all fired up. im ready to dominate the day now.
Apparently, Rex flipped the bird at some Dolfans, too. http://miamiherald.typepad.com/dolphins_in_depth/ There's a picture. I can't wait til it comes out.
I want to buy that man a beer, he's something else. He really doesn't care who he says what to, and I don't blame him, with his size and attitude, not many people are going to call him out to his face. Except Crowder of course, too bad he wasn't there, that would've been good...