I am beginning to see the light. Why make the Jets a target before the season even begins? He had some stupid comments about Boyd,too.
Please explain how he coaches like a pussy and goes into a shell when things get tough. The rest of the stuff about him talking in the media is irrelevant.
Rex is one of the best coaches in this league - sure he has his flaws, but every coach in the NFL has flaws. He gets the most out of his players and the players would die for this man. Until the players quit on Rex Ryan, then he should remain our coach for the foreseeable future.
y'all act like the team doesn't try their hardest to play up to rex's expectations of them. none of you were saying this in our AFCC years. Y'all loved it, had to. Not rex fault thats his swag thats how he operates. He's a fan just as much as he is a coach of this team. Better than having some militant ass coach that the team doesn't like like Mike Singletary was. Rex is a fan favorite (besides on this board and ESPN)
Wait people are upset at that comment? If I remember correctly, that comment came after the host asked him what he predicts/expects from the season. He wants a team people don't want to play, how absurd of him to want that. Oh and a comment in May is going to motivate people players in September to beat us? Yeah this comment is not going to make a difference in how our opponents play us in September onwards. It's funny how bulletin board material is only ever reference post game from the winning team right? Bulletin board material is like the "nobody believes in us" motivational tactic that every coach tries to use. When you win, all the players say that pushed them further and made them play better and win. If they lose, nobody ever mentions that. If a team wanted to, and they can, they can find a slight in anything and everything the media says, other team does, other fans, etc to create extra motivation. A statement Rex says in May isn't going to change the outcome of the game in September onwards.
I'm LMAO at your homerism. It was really outstanding IMHO! If RR is as good as U posted then why have we not won a SB since he has been our HC. BTW when was the last time the NYJs won a SB within YOUR time on this earth my guess to that question is NEVER/EVER
None, zero, zippo cause every team in the NFL thinks they can beat any other team in the NFL on any given Sunday. MHO it is RR way to deflect or make us fans forgot that he has NEVER won a SB & been a total LOSER in his 5 years as HC with us.
Heh well that's my point. After the game the Patriots didn't say "Well the bulletin board material from Plax just wasn't enough motivation for us". If they won I bet some player would have mentioned it as motivation. It's the perfect way to rub in your victory. I mean what's more bulletin board material than this? http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/f...-brady-calls-patriots-qb-ass-article-1.153669 Clearly that pushed the Patriots over the edge and really let them beat us down again...
Dude. I blew up? Lol I just disagree civilly and explained why. You told me STFU. Took our Lord's name in vain and personally insulted me. You're a lowlife POS, and shouldn't even have the privilege of posting on a fan site.
Nothing wrong with what Rex said there. He didnt guruantee anything. He just basically said there going to play a type of football that the fans will love to see.
The Rex hate out there is about 75% Tebow-related. I know there are some critics on the board who just don't like Rex's style and didn't before the Tebow fiasco but the noise level went WAY up after Tebow arrived and was treated like a spare wheel by the Jets.
He didn't spoil the brand. The Broncos and the Jets and the Patriots spoiled the brand. Those are the 3 franchises that took a look at Tebow and decided he wasn't an NFL QB. John Elway, John Fox, Rex Ryan, Bill Belichik. That's 4 people who know a lot about football who decided that Tim Tebow wasn't what you were looking for in an NFL QB. It's hard to see how anybody could have seen a successful NFL QB there given the extensive exposure that Tebow actually got at the position.
Oh, look it here. You're vag seems to get pretty tight when someone calls you out. You need to get a life. You just called me POS. Was that something our Lord would do?! Root for the Panthers or something you crab in the barrel ass fool. And again, 2300 posts since December? Do you have a life, son? You're telling people whether they can post on here or not, whether they have the privelage. Take your self-righteous attitude to somewhere else.