Congrats on the weight loss, I only asked because my friends Mother was huge. She never tried anything and had one of the surgery's, don't remember which. She lost a bunch of weight just like you said, she ate he way out. For a little while you could've have used her arm skin to tarp Yankee Stadium when it rains.
They tell you to go on a liquid diet for 1 week before the surgery to help shrink your liver (makes for more room to maneuver during the arthroscopic surgery) Then a week after you can't eat solid food either. I think I lost 20+ pounds in those 2 weeks too. BTW, it was an outpatient surgery. Rex probably didn't spend a night in the hospital. I went in at 5am, and I was on my way home by noon. I felt so good that before we went home, my wife and I went shopping at Home Depot. They gave me pain killers but I didn't use them. I did use tons of gas-x strips. Your abdomen fills up with air. Gross. Rex will be happy.
rex says he lost about 30lbs so far _
I'm concerned about this. What if Rex's awesomeness is contained in his stomach fat? What if every pound of fat he loses is a pound of awesomeness gone? If the Jets suck this season I'm hunting down his surgeon.
The one thing about the lapband is that it's not entirely permanent. A friend's mother, morbidly obese at around 5'4, but 300 lbs, had the band installed about 4 years ago. Gradually, she lost the weight. I noticed that she went from the drink/shake thing, to very small portions of eggs, etc. Then the hamburgers were allowed, first 1/4 of a patty, then she 'upped' it from there. Before you know it, you were looking at a full burger with fries, soda etc. She's now a fat mess again. Maybe her band was "loose" or gave as time went on, but it strikes me that after this surgery, you have to be just as vigilant in watching what you eat.
Rex will always be Rex no matter if he's fat or thin. I think he'll be happier that he doesn't have to worry about health problems than if he's "fat and jolly."
I don't know about that. I've seen people lose weight before and it's trasnformational - first it's no burgers or fries, then it's no beer, then it's going to the gym, and before you know it they're 160lbs of nothing and running marathons every weekend. No-one ever saw a skinny party dude. Losing too much weight will make him serious and worthy. Stay fat, Rex!
I hope Rex just isn't sloppy fatz anymore, more of a hard solid fatz. The fatz will still be there but it can't be all jiggly fat it has to be good clean and stiff fat.