1. Be in your seat in time for player introductions 2. BE LOUD when the cheating douches have the ball 3. BE QUIET when the Jets have the ball (when signals are being called) this is actually a primer for a certain Jet mascot with a firehat who leads his cheers at mostly all the wrong times because the TV camera guy tells him to do so
there are just those games where there is a certain buzz where you feel, as a fan, that you're part of a mission. the big ones obviously in recent memory are- 98 vs jags, 02 vs pack and colts 06 vs raiders, 09 vs bengals... I don't include the last two home pats games in this because, though they were awesome, they were too early in the year to feel epic. this game has that buzz and jets fans know what to do... its gonna be a fucking madhouse.
they need to bring back the opposing team lineups.... that was almost more enjoyable than the jets chant.. Number 12 Tom Brady.... SUCKS! Number 83 wes Welker.... SUCKS! that was hands down the best part of the game.... wish they brought it back
Just got my ticket - YES!! I didn't exactly have the extra cash to throw at it but fuck it, how the hell could I miss out on this one? I know I'll be doing my part from up in the nosebleeds - screaming my fuckin lungs out. I just hope I don't need to use my voice on Monday...
I prefer giving the entire pile of douchebags a warm Jet Life Stadium welcome when they come out of the tunnel plus, the cheating douchebags more or less ended things when they ran out as a "team' and didn't participate in individual introductions as directed by Mumbles the Sociopath, their leader
ill be there fired up! looking forward to a good tailgate fallowed by a great game...haven't been this excited for a game in while!
(203a) i will be loud as usual!! I WANT some Brady Sucks chants going...it would be great to get that echoing throughout the stadium on defense as well.