Revis trade thread (Update: Revis to Bucs for '13 1st and cond. '14 4th)

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Br4d, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    Revis absolutely cannot risk going into the season without a new multi-year contract, whether it is with the Jets or pushing for a trade and re-signing with his new team.

    will the market for CB's rebound? maybe, but unless Revis returns to form 100% he will not get top dollar like he is the top CB in the league just because he was before his injury. his contract will be based on his play next season. and if the CB market does not rebound, or declines, now he will be negotiating his next contract in a bad CB market and his declined play.

    Revis absolutely cannot take that risk. he needs a new contract now based on the speculation that his play will be the same as prior to the injury. I think the Jets are the team most likely to take that risk based on the current salary range for top CB's. and if no team does trade for him, that eliminates any leverage Revis will have, because his only chance to get a new contract before the season that is based on the speculation that his play will remain the same as prior to the injury is with the Jets. he will have no choice but to work with the Jets for a new and fair contract.
  2. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Revis is not taking a discount. His past behavior will indicate that he has a number in his head that he thinks he is worth, be it $15 million or less a year, and he will NOT sign for less. That is his MO. Whatever that number, you can bet it is more than the Jets are willing to pay or should pay and more than a CB is worth, no matter how good the CB is. Revis wants to paid QB money to play CB and that is not worth it, no matter how good he may be, if he is still that good after the injury.

    I think he will either be traded before the draft or turn down any contract offer from the Jets that does not pay him his sense of what he should be paid. Then he will enter FA next year where he can negotiate with 32 teams and find a team willing to over pay him and the Jets get nothing.

    That is why I want to see him traded for a #1 this year or next plus another pick. He's not worth the money he wants or the perpetual headaches he causes every summer.
  3. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    there is a huge difference between the concept of a discount and Revis wanting to get paid a specific amount that is based on current existing salaries that are relevant.

    Revis' history is to seek a maximum contract that is comparable to current deals. if current deals are now less, the only continuation of that practice is that his expectation will be modified accordingly. there is nothing in Revis' history to claim he demands a salary that is arbitrary and not comparable to other current deals.

    Revis is not stupid.
  4. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Regarding your previous post, the one i previously responded to, I tend to agree with the points you made about the "why Revis and not someone else?' part, with a significant exception. What the pov was that you were disagreeing with also included the point that Revis has earned his salary, while the others (and I would exempt Mangold here from that list) have not and are not. His argument was not so much "from this list why do we think we can get the most for Revis?" as it was "why are we trading a guy who earns his money without trying to sign him to an extension?"

    You are obviously right that from that list Revis would draw the most value, but I dont think that is the only point.

    And in any event for the reasons you mention it makes less sense to trade Revis than some here thought were going to be the factors that would make a trade adviseable. I hear of no talk of anyone giving up two first round picks for him, for example. Or for that matter do I hear anything concrete coming out recently that Revis will insist on $16 mil, or even more, to do an extension.

    I have felt all along that hte Jets are best positioned to sign him to an extension, and should. The wild card remains, however, in the unfortunate personage and role of Woodrow Johnson. Unfortunately, that could be a factor. Is likely to be the main factor, so I fear.
  5. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    I don't think it's that absolute at all... He can certainly play with his contract this year and seek a contract later on. He doesn't need a new contract right now as badly as you are trying to paint it.

    Sure - It's a mild risk to play right now on this contract, but it's a risk I bet he's willing to take. It's betting on himself. If he comes back from the injury playing great football than he's only increased his chances of getting a big contract. Especially since he will be able to play the whole field.

    I also don't at all think the speculation is that he will be the same player after the injury. The Jets and other (limited - trade partners) organizations may think that he might, but they aren't going to think that "out loud" in their negotiations with Revis. That's something thats handicapping him right now - not helping him. It makes more business sense for him to prove it and get what he's worth based on the whole market.

    The Jets/other teams don't have Revis by the balls and he doesn't have them by the balls.. it's a relative stalemate at the moment.

    If anything, trade partners* have the Jets by the balls because they can just say they are worried about his injury and might just as well take a wait and see approach until they can sign him up in Free Agency....
  6. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Thats roght. And in this market woth no takers, 8 million makes him by far the highest paid corner under the new CBA.

    The Jets have him by the balls.
  7. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    You're assumption is that he WILL get hurt, or that he WON'T be the same player. That's a little bit of a stretch.

    What if he comes back at the great level that he's played his whole career? He isn't injury prone- it was a freak knee injury. I think it's more likely that he'll play at this level like every other year without the freak knee injury.

    Then he's 29- best corner in the game, free agent. In a league where their aren't ANY corners like him available.

    The Jets don't have him by the balls at all. You just laid out the worst case, yet unlikely, scenario for Darrelle Revis. Wishful thinking?
  8. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Yeah, he will risk playing out at 6 mil wirh 40 or 50 on the tabke, in a tanking market.,,,,

    8 mil per is his ceiling, and to go further....if he plays out at six, and the Jets tell him..lwe are no longer interested..,every GM in the NFL going to low ball him.

    No one has the Jets by the balls here....,revis is 28. Even forcing him to play out at 6 and getting a justifiable. Were not talking about a guy on thesecond deal. Get real. This is a guy on the back end of his career coming of a major knee injury.
  9. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    No. See above.

    My wish is that he comes to his senses and stays.

    But the fact is at 28, hes on the backside of his career. He can play for 6, and risk injury...Lucas made that point about Keller. Apparently the jefs offered him a multi year deal, but he turned it down and took the cash hoping to improve his worth next year (ps...he should fire his agents now.)

    The supply and demand factor does not go away. Every corner this year signed for about 5m or less. The game has changed with the rookie cap, and Al Davis' demise.

    Revis is at his maximum worth, right now...

    Look at it intelligently.

    He goes back onthe field.makes one great play.

    Teams stop throwing at him.

    They arent going at Cro who is healthy, so they go insode on wilson, lankster whoever..

    Come 2014..revis hasnt shown much, and hes almost 30.

    His maximum return is now.
  10. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    How is his maximum return right now? That statement is ludicrious!

    He's coming off an injury and can only negotiate with one team (that apparently doesnt want to negotiate)... How is that situation more favorable to him than being the top free agent, coming off of a pro bowl season???

    You mention the supply and demand factor - but how does that hurt Revis? He IS the ONLY supply in that situation. This year the market for corners and free agents was down - but those corners aren't even in the same LEAGUE as Revis, and it was a weak market for free agents. If he hits the market, after a good season he's the biggest free agent in years... keller and these guys you mention are nowhere even close to his abilities.

    The free agent market didn't just become crippling to the players because of one bad year. Just last season Mario Williams got a huge deal. Mike Wallace was the top player this year he still he got a very large deal. You think Mike Wallace is a better player than Darrelle Revis??Hell No.

    With the salary cap floor kickin in soon it's going to help him too. These cheap teams are going to have to spend $$, might as well spend it on a great player like Revis. His situation is fine. The only thing the Asomough signing to SF did, was hurt the Jets because they have one less trading partner now.
  11. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    obviously it is not absolute, and he can take the risk of playing without a contract. the question is whether the history of player and agent behavior validates the position that players prefer taking the risk of playing out the final year of contract or signing a new contract before that year to ensure long-term money?

    the risk of injury in football is too great to take the risk of playing out the final year and hoping you can maximize your value by having access to every team to negotiate with.

    yes, if he plays as great coming off injury as he did before then he has less to lose. but that is uncertain. we can speculate Revis is so confident that he will that he is willing to take that risk, but that doesn't invalidate my argument which is based on the obvious risk of doing so.

    so, what we have left is what seems the most likely and most reasonable course of action that Revis would take -- the risk of declined play and pay, or maximizing his pay right now based on the speculation that his play will not decline. if it is the latter, the Jets have the upper hand.
  12. soh_vet

    soh_vet Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    I'm in the trade him crowd, unless he's down with 5yr - 45M. It'll be harder for him to holdout post 30yo unless the CB market goes through roof. But for those yapping about "why would you trade him for unknowns, unproven draft picks, etc?". Why aren't other GM's throwing their apparently worthless unknown, unproven picks to the Jets for an apparent "known" (great!) commodity? If you think draft picks aren't equal to or worse than Revis, then why aren't teams tossing them like hotcakes at the Jets? And don't hand me any injury BS. If that's the case, then the Jets should definitely NOT overpay his ass.
  13. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Mike Wallace???? Youre joking right...,conesensus was he got OVER PAID.

    List what the corners got....

    Look, theres nothing wrong with being a Revis homer..,I am too. Id love to see him stay.

    But..theres no market today over 8 for a CB.

    Next year will be the same.

    Supply and demand is not a theory. Its a law.

    And the simple fact is SF with multiple picks could have had him, and passed. Tampon Bay remains to be seen.

    But 6 this year versus 8 over 5...take a man with a prettybif set of balls to make a bet like that.

    Remember, he will be in the slot twice against NE, where those scumbags could get a free shot at him.

    P.s. Mike Wallace puts points on the board. A CB is a wideout that cant catch..,.
    #1473 Hobbes3259, Apr 3, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2013
  14. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Yes, that one went over your head Hobbes. Of course Wallace got over paid... that's exactly what I'm saying. Revis could look at that and say he can be over paid too.
    AKA nobody has him by the balls.

    You also missed my point with the supply and demand too. But whatever.

    There is a market for corners over 8, there just hasn't been a player to establish that market this year. Revis will get over 8M per, Sherman will when it's his turn to be paid, probably that kid in Arizona as well.... none were free agents THIS year - that's all. And Revis is the best of the 3.

    SF's signing of Aso doesn't mean they didn't want Revis - maybe they didn't like what the Jets were asking for. They only signed Aso for 1 year. Maybe they plan to check Revis out when he's a free agent so they don't have to deal with the Jets...which was another point I made.
  15. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Revis wants double that^, if he can prove he can cover 2 receivers at the same time pay the man.
  16. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Wake me when it happens. doesnt matter unless Revis os going to play for 6 and leave 40 on the table.

    Ps smartguy... sherman will not be a free agent for several years but dont let facts get kn your way.

    Hes a 2 year player, and hes not 29.
    #1476 Hobbes3259, Apr 3, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2013
  17. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Not sure we have him by the balls. He might play out this season if he believes he can perform. It is safer for him to get locked up long term, but if his goal is big money he might take the risk of playing out this year and hoping one team overpays for him.

    Yep I'm with you now. The price is coming down and there is nothing indicating that will be the price. THere is no indication a team is going to overpay to trade for him, time to really work out that extension.

    I am apprehensive of Woody like you mentioned but I'm not sure he can be that silly seeing the market dropping. I think 10-12 might be overpaying Revis, but if you are going to overpay someone that's a reasonable price for Revis IMO
  18. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    "Pop, I'm with you now."

    Sorry, couldn't help the Godfather reference.

    And ftr I know Michael didn't say that line in THAT scene, but...

    As for Revis, yeah, with only TB apparently in the running and playing coy, the Jets should do what they can to sign a reasonable extension with Revis and call it a day.
  19. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    If we can get Revis on a long term deal for $9mil or less a season I say we do it. If it's getting into the $10+ mil a season then it's starting to get kind of silly, even for the best CB in the game, assuming he even returns to that form.
  20. johnnysd

    johnnysd Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    The mistake people seem to be making is associating Revis with any level of reasonableness. This is a guy who wanted to hold out again last year, but decided to not risk the Jets actually enforcing the contract.

    If we resigned him it would need to be plastered with hold out protection language.

    Revis has a number and regardless of what happens to the CB market it does not matter to him. His measuring stick is top defensive player in his mind.

    Revis will never sign a market value contract with the Jets. He may sign one eventually with another team in free agency but not with the Jets because he believes someone will pay him the $100 million he wants

    I am shocked he is not traded yet. The Jets have no choice really in the matter thanks to Tannenloser and Revis millitant advisors.

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