why not, if you think you can get more value for him than from him that would be the prudent thing to do.
Oh yeah and here come the trolls. Oh please do tell, you would rather beat the Jets than have a playoff win.
I admit I didn't think he was coming, but that was more for my own sanity and convincing myself we didn't need him. HalleFREAKINlujah !!
I cant sleep im so pumped! Its going to suck waiting all day Sunday watching everyone else play and we have to wait all day Monday until finally 7pm rolls around. Our defense is going to be one of the best ever!
Perhaps he would have held out anyway but it was the Jets that told him what the whole world knew....they wanted to do his contract over. Time to move on..its a business. NFL is like no other sport that these guys play the most brutal of all the big sports and have not much in guarantees unless you are elite...and he is very elite. Very very very elite. Are his agents morons? Yes. Did his agents end up getting him the deal they promised? No. Did they come close? If the number being throw out there right now are accurate..they failed. Lesson learned. As long as he doesnt suffer what some who signed late have...an early season injury....its over.
who gives a fuck, that's why. unless you are also plotting what trades for Sanchez and Shonne Green can get in return as well.