Resigning Fitz

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Thewatchfuleye, Feb 9, 2016.

  1. TwoHeadedMonster

    TwoHeadedMonster Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    I blame everyone who didn't give GeNo what he obviously needed from the start-- two or three guys who were legitimate threats to take every shovel pass to the house from anywhere on the field. How could any QB be expected to succeed in the league without weapons like that?
  2. BacktoQueens

    BacktoQueens Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    i absolutely loved the Revis signing, and still do.
    got him off the Pats, and immediately improved our biggest weakness. our corners couldn't cover a book in 2014.

    If we didn't have Revis right now, I'd be worried about Williams and Milliner penciled in as the projected starters.

    if his play stars dropping rapidly, we can move on after this season or next.
    was excellent move.
  3. Will

    Will Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2015
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    One thing to think on when reading this in conjunction with the next post is that - as I have said multiple times - even if Geno starts and plays well we will be back here next year as he will be in a similar position to Fitz due to some crazy contact the Texans signed Ostweiler to based on a half season of production. And on that point Elway refused to bid for Ostweiler but even with a gaping hole at the QB position they choose Sanchez over Fitz - can you imagine if Mac did that here???? We do need a second veteran QB on the roster whether Fitz or another

    If Fitz is so confident in himself let him sign the deal come to camp and win the job and make us pay him the incentives in the deal. If I tell my boss I have no other offers but want a level of pay he is not willing to pay what kind of moron am I to hold off and walk away with nothing - what level if IQ is that - per some reports on principle Fitz would prefer $2 million ala Hoyer to be a back up with a minimal chance at another big pay day next year - zilch to sit and become Mr Irrelevant or just take the money the Jets are offering. Choose your door Fitz and get on with it - or see if your market in the CFL is any better.

    This entire discussion is whether we prefer Bad Geno/Good Geno over Bad Fitz/Good Fitz - and there is no one (not even the FO/CS) who know which is better at this point. Only way we will EVER find out is if Fitz signs the current deal and then CS let Geno try and show he has learned and take it all from Fitz - PLAIN & SIMPLE.
    RuJFan and NCJetsfan like this.
  4. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    If we had just signed cro and skrine i would have been ok. New regime makes 2 good signings and will work the 3rd spot out with youth. Good idea. Revis, to me was a bonus. I liked it, didn't love it. I worried about getting someone young developed but looks like williams will be ok.
  5. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    I continue to be mystified why folks who are not professional athletes--starting NFL QBs no less-- insist on drawing employment and salary analogies to their own jobs.

    There are thousands of people who could do your job and my job and just about everyone on this board who has an employer.

    Professional sports is not real life.

    Ralebird, NY Jets68 and NYJetsO12 like this.
  6. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Yep Same Old Jets ...Fanbase. Let's tank the season and make it unwatchable just to spite Fitzpatrick and not pay him the going rate for a competent quarterback. People have actually convinced themselves that Geno Smith can win football games which is completely delusional.

    But I think the root of the problem is people just don't believe Fitzpatrick is a good quarterback and patently refuse to even entertain the notion that he simply hasn't been in the right situation before. Be that as it may, you can't deny the team respects and plays hard for him. He's shown he can lead the team and make the them competitive and worth watching.

    Women's Lacrosse > No-Fitzpatrick-Jets
    NYJetsO12 likes this.
  7. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Pay Fitz ...Yes absolutely unless you want to see Geno this Fall lol....For the Genobots I wish them a good time

    We are a win now team and Fitz is the ignition

    Harrison to me was a bigger loss than Ivory altho Ive yet to see what Forte can do...another player at the end of his career and no young RBs in the picture

    Drafting Lynch round 1 is just a personal opinion. I don't really see much of a difference here cause we spent a sec round on C Hackenburg as our post Fitz QB...Fitz is not "locked up" as is still a free agent and imo the most important player...unless you think Smith is which is laughable

    Dump our CBs ?? er well no Mac already paid them...jus saying one of them is grossly overpaid and hence that 70 mil contract screwed us going forward....sad but true and here we are struggling to pay people

    "Cave in????" This has been going on since March !!!!!! I suppose TGG wants the FO to wait to the 11th hour before TC starts or even the the start of the reg Season to show Sexton and Fitz who's boss ???? the rest of the league is laughing at us that we can't get this resolved, pathetic.... How long do you desire to have this crap continue..???
  8. King Koopa

    King Koopa Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2003
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    Fitz has a much longer track record of failing in the NFL than does Geno

    I just don't understand how you can say Fitz was never in the right situation 7 or 8 times until now but Geno was in ONE situation as a rookie-2nd year player learning on the job, and then poof that's more chances for him

    Hypocritical much?
  9. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    We have a different situation at QB where the talent is truly limited in my opinion than CB where we have quite a few good players. The only good thing about the DR deal is that in 2017 we can let him go. Please get this thru your head the Revis deal was bad (a mistake) because he was overpaid: Fully guaranteed 39 million. He is in his decline. Mac "got the guy" but at a ridiculous price and Mevi$ has hardly shown an all world level of performance Fitz is declining but he is more of a key player than Revis and won us football games. To pay Fitz it can't be 12 mil in 2016 like his agent wants. In a three year deal I believe we have to pay Fitz 9 mil instead of 6 for years 2 and 3.

    "Slow pay it" is an understatement the way this is going. I see your plan "let whatever comes" Brilliant...
  10. Jetaho

    Jetaho Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    Why would you draft Lynch in round 1 if Fitz is the unquestioned starter, as you suggest? It makes no sense and would be a wasted pick. Just pay Fitz and hope he gives you 3 more years. No need to draft another QB if that's the way you want to go. I consider this a viable strategy since we've never shown an ability to nurture young QBs, but you want to pay Fitz AND take a QB in round 1. Taking Lynch or Hack is a clear sign that Fitz's days are numbered.

    How would we pay for Fitz, Harrison, Ivory, and Mo if we don't dump our overpriced CBs? We can't keep everyone. You bitch about overpaid CBs, and yet you want to keep everyone AND pay Fitz. The NFL doesn't work that way.

    Finally, consider this one fact - FITZ HAS NEVER BEEN TO THE PLAYOFFS IN 11 YEARS. Now tell me that we should pay him. Because Fitz has no demonstrated success on his resume, I'm ready to let him walk and give Geno another chance. That doesn't make me a Genobot. It's a business decision that I believe is in the best interests of the team. It recognizes that Fitz is not a long term answer, gives our young QBs an opportunity to develop, and saves us a boatload of $ that we can spend on Mo. And you never know, Geno could surprise people.
  11. Will

    Will Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2015
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    I get that this is a professional athlete who needs to maximise his earning potential in a small window - analogy was more intended to look at the market for services but it is not the chalk and cheese difference you want to make out. Free Agents who get paid well get signed early after a bidding war or where the team knows others are interested- who other than a franchise tagged player has gotten a mega deal via Free Agency this late in the process - please find examples and let me know as I genuinely cant think of any to this point.

    In business - You are ultimately worth what the market is willing to pay you BOTH in real life or in the glorified and incredibly elevated role of a professional athlete - "potential" starting (bridge) NFL QB no less - who lets not forget in all his time in the NFL has never reached the playoffs and took this long in his illustrious and well traveled career to post a 10 win season.

    Markets are generated when there is competition for the employee's skill set - that is true whether you are an NFL player at any position or just a pleb like me in a basic easy to replace hum drum job (where my employer may now advertise here given the numbers who you state could do my job) - there may be a few 000's difference in amounts for discussion but basic negotiation and principle of leverage remain the same - more people than jobs market depressed (RBs in NFL a perfect example) more jobs than people market bullish and wages spike even in hum drum real world. Is this not the way it works where you are from?

    How many times do we have to point out that there is no other offer on the table for Fitz at this time and no other team other than the Broncos has even "kicked the tires" to see if interested - and then they signed Sanchez who was run out of New York so where does that put Fitz????? When you have that type of leverage and a GM who will not bid against himself do you keep doubling down?
    #3851 Will, Jun 7, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
  12. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    If there are NO other offers then the Jets wouldn't be offering him more than the vet minimum. You know, why would they because there is zero market for him.

    Dude you still don't get it. It's not the real world but you keep trying to make irrelevant analogies. You know, where you are from.

    Carry on.

  13. vokab206

    vokab206 Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    This thread is horrible.
  14. RuJFan

    RuJFan Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2012
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    This reminds me of something...
    There is no answer to what came before Big Bang, therefore.. ;)

    Maybe there is a reason why Jets offered more than vet min, but we just don't know what that reason is.
  15. JStokes

    JStokes Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2013
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    He either has naked pictures of Woody with farm animals or...the Jets look at him as their starting bridge QB and will pay him accordingly!

  16. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    Silly discussions.

    Yes, it is true that there is absolutely no market for Fitz, if he does not sign with the Jets he is not playing in the NFL next year.

    The Jets are not offering him the vet minimum because there is absolutely 0% chance that Fitz would sign and play for that.
    Ultimately they would like to have Fitz back as long as it is at a price that they are comfortable with.

    The problem lies in that it there is a point where it is not worth it for Fitz to play, he has made his money and he knows he is not playing to win a championship.
    And there is also a point where the money just doesn't make sense for the Jets to invest in a mediocre at best stop gap QB.

    At this point I am not really sure that they can find a middle ground that makes sense to both parties.
  17. NYJetsO12

    NYJetsO12 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2013
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    Geno will not surprise anyone and the CS knows this

    They want Fitz to start but we need a contract signed. In order to pay him some other player contracts need to be restructured

    If you are a businessman Geno is the cheaper option so why even bother like they have with Fitz? Reason: ya gets what you pay for and Fitz can win games BTW how many playoffs or winning seasons has geno had?

    The Mo deal has not been done for months but saving money by not signing your QB that gave u 31 TD s and went 10-6 to help you fund money for MO is like biting off your nose to spite your face

    I am lobbying for an entertaining 2016 season of Jets football...this discussion is just too much
    Let Woody and the FO blow the QB situation by settling for Smith
    There is always On Demand Movies come this Fall
    #3857 NYJetsO12, Jun 7, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2016
  18. Passepartout

    Passepartout Active Member

    Feb 14, 2004
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    Really it is going from bad to worse. Over in the getting Ryan to camp. Just hope he can get to camp and not delay the hopes of the team trying to get back to the playoffs.
  19. Imagesrdecieving

    Imagesrdecieving Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2006
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    Geno was drafted by the front office to be a starter from day 1 just emphasizes more how bad that FO/CS really was.

    He was a project QB that desperately needed time to adjust to running a pro offense.

    That didn't happen and here we are now. Hackenberg is our future but we need a bridge to get us there.

    Fitz would be the best bridge except for the fact that he is pricing himself out of a starting job.

    That being the case - Geno is perfectly fine to be that bridge. Many fans are completely jaded against Geno and I understand that. But looking at it objectively - Geno is definitely good enough to be a backup. There's a chance that he's good enough to be a journeyman/bridge QB.

    If Fitz stays greedy we're gonna find out.
  20. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    It's not about money right now it's about years. Both sides are happy with the year 1 price, the difference is the Jets want to be able to cut bait after year 1 or 2 and Fitz wants to be locked in for all 3 years. Jets also need to stretch the cap hit and don't want to cut salary somewhere else

    They just need to find a middle ground and get the deal done so everyone can move on
    NYJetsO12 likes this.

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